Peacekeeping without Accountability - Yale Law School

Peacekeeping without Accountability - Yale Law School

Peacekeeping without Accountability - Yale Law School

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AcknowledgmentsThis report was written by Rosalyn Chan MD,MPH, Tassity Johnson, Charanya Krishnaswami,Samuel Oliker-Friedland, and Celso PerezCarballo, student members of the TransnationalDevelopment Clinic (a part of the Jerome N. FrankLegal Services Organization) and the Global HealthJustice Partnership of the <strong>Yale</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>School</strong> and the<strong>Yale</strong> <strong>School</strong> of Public Health, in collaboration withAssociation Haitienne de Droit de L’Environnment(AHDEN). The project was supervised by ProfessorMuneer Ahmad, Professor Ali Miller, and SeniorSchell Visiting Human Rights Fellow Troy Elder.Professor James Silk also assisted with supervision.Jane Chong, Hyun Gyo (Claire) Chung, and PaigeWilson, also students in the TransnationalDevelopment Clinic, provided research andlogistical support.The final draft of the report incorporatescomments and feedback from discussions withrepresentatives from: AHDEN, Association desUniversitaires Motivés pour une Haiti de Droits(AUMOHD), Bureau des Avocats Internationaux(BAI), U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC),Collectif de Mobilisation Pour Dedommager LesVictimes du Cholera (Kolektif), Direction Nationalede l’Eau Potable et de l’Assainissement (DINEPA),Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF); Partners inHealth (PIH), and the United States Agency forInternational Development (USAID). The authorsalso wish to thank the residents of Méyè, Haiti whowere directly affected by the cholera epidemic forsharing their experiences with the authors duringtheir visit to Méyè.The report has benefited from the close reviewand recommendations of Professor Jean-AndrèVictor of AHDEN and Albert Icksang Ko, MD, MPH,Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at the<strong>Yale</strong> University <strong>School</strong> of Medicine. The authors aregrateful for their time and engagement.The authors would like to thank <strong>Yale</strong> <strong>Law</strong><strong>School</strong> and the Robina Foundation for theirgenerosity in funding this project.Finally, the authors thank the followingorganizations and individuals for sharing their timeand wisdom with the team: Joseph Amon, Directorof Health and Human Rights at Human RightsWatch; Dyliet Jean Baptiste, Attorney at BAI; Jean-Marie Celidor, Attorney at AHDEN; Paul ChristianNamphy, Coordinator at DINEPA; Karl “Tom”Dannenbaum, Research Scholar in <strong>Law</strong> and RobinaFoundation Human Rights Fellow at <strong>Yale</strong> <strong>Law</strong><strong>School</strong>; Melissa Etheart, MD, MPH, Cholera MedicalSpecialist, CDC; Evel Fanfan, Attorney and Presidentof AUMOHD; Jacceus Joseph, Attorney and Authorof La MINUSTAH et le cholera; Olivia Gayraud, Head ofMission in Port-au-Prince at MSF; Yves-Pierre Louisof Kolektif; Alison Lutz, Haiti Program Coordinatorat PIH; Duncan Mclean, Desk Manager at MSF;Nicole Phillips, Attorney at Institute for Justiceand Democracy in Haiti ; Leslie Roberts, MPH,Clinical Professor of Population and Family Healthat the Columbia University Mailman <strong>School</strong> ofPublic Health; Margaret Satterthwaite, Professor ofClinical <strong>Law</strong> at New York University <strong>School</strong> of <strong>Law</strong>;Scott Sheeran, Director of the LLM in InternationalHuman Rights <strong>Law</strong> and Humanitarian <strong>Law</strong> at theUniversity of Essex; Deborah Sontag, InvestigativeReporter at the New York Times; Chris Ward,Housing and Urban Development Advisor at USAID;and Ron Waldman, MD, MPH, Professor of GlobalHealth in the Department of Global Health atGeorge Washington University. The authors are alsograteful for the assistance of Maureen Furtak andCarroll Lucht for helping coordinate travel to Haiti.While the authors are grateful to all of theindividuals and organizations listed above,the conclusions drawn in this report representthe independent analysis of the TransnationalDevelopment Clinic, the Global Justice HealthPartnership, and AHDEN, based solely on theirresearch and fieldwork in Haiti.Iacknowledgments

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