Aontacht - Volume 7 Issue 3

Aontacht - Volume 7 Issue 3

Aontacht - Volume 7 Issue 3


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In our logic instead, everything which is living'really', is based on the present, and Natureis that Present: so, Time is the first grid ofmental security.But Time is unthinkably 'variable': Cyclicalin its continuity as all motion of the knownUniverse, but much closer, in its mutability,to a long dream or to the Other-world of ourmental images, or even to Multiverses of thecurrent physics. Personally, I often have theimpression that what we call synchronicity,sometimes is the signal of an overlappingrealities and of important crossroads betweenparallel worlds in which we have madedifferent choices or...we ‘otherwise’ exist.I think the waves of time flow and flow backand that everything made, every thought,feeds the energy to Exist, in a joyful sense or,unfortunately, the contrary. That Time actsjust like a great ocean...everything moveseverything, from water drop to water drop.'anxiety ' because it is a gateway to anotherreality outside the predictable and knownrules! This reality is always present andavailable for everyone of us but...usually lesscrowded!I believe that in a 'pure' world withoutsuperstructures, human mind has created forthe comfort of a space-time within the limitsof their 'understanding', the All would bemuch more evident and 'universes' would bevisibly overlapping and intertwined. Onelast look to etymology: the word Universe isfrom unus...versus that is collected(multiplicity) in one!Feeling this 'multiplicity' is becoming morecommon, even if we don't understand it.Especially for people with open senses!That is the time that we live in, for example,when we participate together in a ritual:Sacred Space is real but outof the 'matter', it is in anOther-world- sharing by allparticipants and therefore, assuch, 'real'. In those momentsyou live a Time whichcombines the rhythm of thephysical breath with eternity,we move together: we'll havea memory of this reality,related to ourselves or toothers. More real than adream and sometimes evenconnected with a bit of

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