Aontacht - Volume 7 Issue 3

Aontacht - Volume 7 Issue 3

Aontacht - Volume 7 Issue 3


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will enter a deep meditation and leave hisphysical body behind in the village, divingdeep under the water with his astral body.His goal is to locate and placate the goddessSedna. To do this he will comb her long hairuntil it becomes smooth and calm, just like theseas above. This is a very ancient myth fromthe northern cultures and it is a clearillustration of Valiente’s point about the innerworld being reflected in the outer.These concepts and tools are also deeplyembedded in contemporary North Americanculture. Our homes are referred to assanctuaries, meditation is utilized as a tool forpersonal challenges like weight loss andsmoking cessation, visualization techniquesare becoming part of the healing process forsome medical conditions. And then there isTV, personally I think that the Inner Realmsand astral travel are at the heart of thatubiquitous blue box known as The Tardis. Forthose who do not follow Dr. Who, the Tardisis his time machine. On the outside a plainblue British ‘Bobby’s callbox’, on the inside amagnificent and spacious vehicle in which TheDoctor travels through time, and space andacross realms on his adventures. I wonder ifan argument could be made, or perhaps hasbeen made already somewhere, that Dr. Whois actually about a spiritual quest. As for me,I am still on that spiritual quest and thesedays I do most of my traveling by train orautomobile.This (article) came out very differently then itstarted and one of the books I quoted (ABCof Witchcraft) was not even in my possessionuntil a few days ago. I found it at ValueVillage.Dion Fortune’s novels – The Demon Lover(1927), The Winged Bull (1935), The Goat FootGod (1936), The Sea Priestess (1938), MoonMagic (published posthumously in 1956).~Clifton, Chas. “A Goddess Arrives: TheNovels of Dion Fortune and theDevelopment of Gardnerian Witchcraft”originally published Gnosis #9, Fall 1988.Viewed online here~Duncan, Malcom C. Duncan’s MasonicRitual and Monitor, 3 rd edition. New York:Dick and Fitzgerald,1866. View here~Fortune, Dion. Moon Magic. MoonMagic. New York: Samuel Weiser, Inc.,1956. Viewed online at ScribdFortune, Dion. The Winged Bull. London:The Inner Light Publishing Company, 1935.Viewed online at Scribd.~Sumner, Alex. ”The Occult Novels ofDion Fortune.” Journal of the WesternMystery Tradition. No. 0, Vernal Equinox2001. Viewed online here.~Valiente, Doreen. An ABC ofWitchcraft. Custer: Phoenix Publishing Inc.1973/1988 edition<strong>Aontacht</strong> • 58

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