Aontacht - Volume 7 Issue 3

Aontacht - Volume 7 Issue 3

Aontacht - Volume 7 Issue 3


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VisionWhen I gave up Christianity at 15, the morallystrongest of them supported me. They wereconfused about Pagan and Heathen beliefs,but they supported me. My Grandmother, mystep father's mother, said "" she did not care. She is theMatriarch of that branch of the family.When I was 15, I was living with my birthfather who found out that I asked a girl to adance.He found out she was not white.He threw me head first into the kitchencabinets.I touched the back ofmy head and lickedthe blood from myfingers.I got up and I hit him.He called the cops.I was arrested. WhenI asked what I wasbeing arrested for,they hit me with aMaglite.I started to resist.My father said, "Hithim harder, hedeserves it, hismother is not fullblooded white".On the way to a Juvenile Facility, I waspulled out of the back of the police car. Theyrepeatedly hit me with Maglite andnightsticks. They said they were doing itbecause my mother was mixed, I could not bea Christian.My mother is part Cherokee Indian.They beat me so badly, I saw a woman withblue markings.She was tall and strong.Not thin, not a waif. She stood with her headup.She had the build of a warrior, in a way thatwas beautiful. Her hair was dark with redtints. It was like there was blood in her hair.Her skin was pale like it was kissed by theMoon. The markings were like blue warpaint. Some of the markings were obviouslyCeltic, others were Germanic.She told me that if Iembraced the ways ofmy ancestors that Iwould survive.She smelled likehoney, fire, mayweedand blood. Before thispoint, I had neversmelled mayweed.She had a spear in herhand and a roundshield in the other.And…there wasa Bear next to her...Original photage by Druidic Dawn member,

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