NRF - Slovenska vojska

NRF - Slovenska vojska

NRF - Slovenska vojska

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2Srečno <strong>NRF</strong> 16!Kratica <strong>NRF</strong> (NATO Response Forces) označuje Natove odzivne sile, ki so v visoki stopnji pripravljenosti intehnološko napredno opremljene. Sestavljene so iz kopenske, zračne in morske komponente, vključujejotudi enote za specialno delovanje. <strong>NRF</strong> sile štejejo do 25.000 pripadnikov. Zavezništvo jih lahko v zelo kratkemčasu, v 5 dneh, napoti kamorkoli po svetu in so samozadostne na področju operacije do 30 dni. Sileso sposobne izvajati vse vrste operacij, kjerkoli na svetu. Njihove naloge vključujejo tudi evakuacije, interveniranjeob naravnih in drugih nesrečah, protiteroristično delovanje in izvajanje uvodne napotitve obizrednih kriznih intervencijah za pripravo na prihod naslednjih, glavnih sil.V okviru Nata stalno poteka proces posodobitve vojaških sil zaradi večje učinkovitosti, boljše interoperabilnostiin lažje napotitve sil različnih stopenj pripravljenosti na izvajanje nalog. Temelj transformacije ševedno predstavljajo t.i. Praške zaveze in vzpostavitev odzivnih sil (NATO Response Force - <strong>NRF</strong>).Prihodnost Nata je odvisna od uspešnosti uresničevanja celotnega spektra Natovega poslanstva, predvsempa od uspešnosti njegovih vojaških operacij. Te pa so odvisne od napredka transformacije zmogljivostiin hkrati pripravljenosti zaveznic, da obveznosti v zvezi s tem tudi uresničujejo. <strong>NRF</strong> so katalizator zaosredotočanje in pospeševanje napredka vojaških zmogljivosti v Zvezi. Gre predvsem za zelo kompleksnonalogo, ki zahteva odlično usposobljenost pripadnikov in enot.Slovenija prispeva svoje specializirane sile v sestavi Natovih odzivnih sil (<strong>NRF</strong>) že od 4. rotacije naprej, toje od 14. januarja 2005. <strong>Slovenska</strong> vojaka je sprejela obveznost sodelovanja v Natovih reakcijskih silah, kizagotavljajo najkrajši možen reakcijski čas. Sile so v stalni stopnji pripravljenosti za delovanje z odzivnimčasom in omogočajo delovanje v vseh operacijah. Naloga 18. bataljona RKBO je, da zagotovi stalno pripravljenostza delovanje z zelo kratkim odzivnim časom. 18. BJRKBO je do zdaj šestkrat sodeloval v silah <strong>NRF</strong>. Zvsako rotacijo so se pripadniki enote veliko naučili. Sodelovanje v <strong>NRF</strong> je bilo za enoto koristno zaradi primerjavepostopkov in opreme s pripadniki tujih vojsk, usposobljenosti, znanja jezika, spoznavanja drugihkultur itn. Naše izkušnje iz <strong>NRF</strong> so bile vedno pozitivne. Predvsem je <strong>NRF</strong> dal bataljonu možnost, da sodelujein se uveljavlja v mednarodnem okolju, znotraj SV pa mu je zagotovil prednost na področju kadrovskegapopolnjevanja in opremljanja.Dejstvo je, da kljub mladosti <strong>Slovenska</strong> <strong>vojska</strong> razmeroma hitro sledi obrambno-varnostnim spremembamv svetu. To ji omogoča neobremenjenost s preteklostjo, saj oborožene sile v Sloveniji niso nasičenez zastarelo vojaško oborožitvijo, obenem pa so majhne in se laže prilagajajo. Tako lahko <strong>Slovenska</strong> <strong>vojska</strong>svojo kolektivno moč gradi na temelju dobre usposobljenosti posameznikov, ki so usposobljeni v pogojihdelovanja, podprtega z visoko vojaško tehnologijo zadnjih generacij.Nato je pod pritiskom stalnega preoblikovanja. Prilagajanja ne gre razumeti kot grožnjo katere koli državeali organizacije, temveč bolj kot dokaz odločenosti, da se zavaruje prebivalstvo, ozemlje in vojaške sile predoboroženimi spopadi, vključno s terorističnimi napadi, vodenimi iz tujine. Nato članice so odločene, daodvrnejo in razbijejo vse napade in se ubranijo ter zavarujejo pred njimi v skladu z Washingtonsko pogodboin Ustanovno listino Združenih narodov. Da bi opravil svoje celotno poslanstvo, mora biti Nato sposobenrazporediti sile, da se lahko hitro premaknejo tja, kjer so potrebne, po odločitvi Severnoatlantskega sveta,da podpira operacije na daljavo in časovno vodene operacije, vključno z operacijami v okolju, kjer se lahkosrečujejo z jedrskimi, biološkimi in kemičnimi grožnjami, in za doseganje svojih ciljev. Učinkovite vojaškesile, ki so pomemben del skupne Nato politične strategije, so nujno potrebne za ohranjanje svobode invarnost prebivalstva in prispevajo k miru in varnosti v Evroatlantskem območju. Zato je bila odločitev, dase ustanovijo Natove sile za ukrepanje (NATO Response Force - <strong>NRF</strong>), ki sestojijo iz tehnološko razvitih,prilagodljivih, za boj pripravljenih, interoperabilnih in vzdržljivih sil, vključno s kopenskimi, pomorskimi inzračnimi silami, ki se lahko hitro premikajo kamorkoli, kjer so potrebne, tako kot odloči Svet.Aktivnosti <strong>NRF</strong> 16 so se v Sloveniji pravzaprav pričele v času med 19. do 21. januarjem 2010 in sicer zzačetno načrtovalno konferenco za delovanje v 16. rotaciji Natovih odzivnih sil (<strong>NRF</strong> 16) v letu 2011. Skozicelo leto so potekale aktivnosti visoke dinamike, ki so »pripeljale« situacijo do zaključne vaje <strong>NRF</strong> JRKBO sil.V okviru priprav za <strong>NRF</strong> se enote niso le usposabljale za izvajanje JRKB-obrambe, temveč so urili tudipostopke načrtovanja, izvajanja premikov, razmestitve, oskrbe sil itn. Do zdaj je naš JRKBO bataljon v <strong>NRF</strong>sodeloval z vodi za dekontaminacijo, leta 2011 pa bo Slovenija z 18. BJRKBO prvič vodilna država v mednarodnembataljonu za JRKBO v <strong>NRF</strong> 16.Leta 2011 bo <strong>Slovenska</strong> <strong>vojska</strong> v <strong>NRF</strong> 16 namreč zagotavljala vodenje bojne skupine za jedrsko, radiološko,kemično in biološko obrambo, katerega jedro bo 18. BJRKBO. Kontingent bo štel okrog 540 pripadnikovSlovenske vojske, skupaj z državami partnericami (ZDA, Madžarska, Poljska, Portugalska, Velika Britanija inFrancija) pa bo pripadnikov bistveno več.Srečno <strong>NRF</strong> 16.Polkovnik Dušan Tošpoveljnik 72. brigade in vodja vaje Decisive response 2010

PRAVA SMERGlasilo 72. brigadeSlovenske vojskeŠtevilka 14November 2010Naslov uredništva:Poveljstvo 72. brigade,Ramovševa 2,2000 Maribortelefon: 02/332 23 51faks: 02/332 24 07Odgovorni urednik:Dušan TošNamestnikodgovornega urednika:Jože DamišUredniški odbor:Matija VrbnjakMetka HercegAlenka PetekOblikovanje in tisk:Schwarz, d. o. o.Fotografija na naslovnici:18. BJRKBONaklada:1000 izvodovGlasilo je namenjenoinformiranju PripadnikovSlovenske vojske insodelujočim v <strong>NRF</strong> 16Avtorski članki objavljeni vglasilu niso uradno stališče72. brigade Slovenske vojske.Kdor dela, greši. Prosimovas, da vse morebitnenapake prijazno posredujetena elektronski naslov:pravasmer@gmail.comZahvaljujemo se vsem, kiso sodelovali pri pripraviizdaje še posebej paŠoli za tuje jezike.Avtorji fotografij sopripadniki enot SV.Good luck to <strong>NRF</strong> 16!The acronym <strong>NRF</strong> denotes NATO Response Force, which is a high-readiness force using technologicallyadvanced equipment. It is made up of land, air and sea components and also includesspecial operations forces. <strong>NRF</strong> numbers up to 25,000 troops. It can be deployed by the Allianceanywhere in the world at very short notice, in five days, and can sustain itself up to 30 days inthe area of operation. It is capable of performing tasks worldwide across the whole spectrumof operations. These include evacuation, engagement during natural and other disasters, aswell as counterterrorism and acting as an initial entry force in the event of emergency crisissituations to facilitate the arrival of the main, follow-on forces.Military forces within NATO are in a constant process of modernization, in order to increasetheir effectiveness and interoperability, and to allow easier deployment of forces at varyinglevels of readiness to perform tasks However, the basis of transformation remains the agreementreferred to as the Prague Capabilities Commitment and the establishment of the NATOResponse Force.The future of NATO depends on the successful accomplishment of the whole spectrum ofNATO missions, and above all on the success of its military operations. These in turn rely onthe progress of capabilities’ transformation, along with the preparedness of the Allies to fulfiltheir commitments related to that process. The <strong>NRF</strong> is the catalyst for focusing and promotingimprovements in the Alliance’s military capabilities. It is a very complex task which requires thetroops and units to receive the highest level of qualifications.Slovenia has contributed its specialized forces to the NATO Response Force since the fourth rotationwhich took place on 14th January 2005. The Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) made a commitmentto participate in the NATO Response Force which ensures the shortest possible reactiontime. The force maintains permanent operational readiness with an appropriate reactiontime and is able to perform tasks in any operation. As a result, the Slovenian 18th Chemical,Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Defence Battalion is obliged to ensure permanentoperational readiness with very short reaction time. To date, the 18th CBRN Defence Battalionhas been active in the <strong>NRF</strong> on six occasions. Unit members learned a lot with each rotation.Participation in the <strong>NRF</strong> proved to be very beneficial to the unit due to the comparison of itsprocedures and equipment with those of units belonging to other armed forces, but also interms of comparing its members’ level of training, knowledge of languages and awareness ofother cultures with those of the members of other armed forces. The experience of the SAF inits participation in <strong>NRF</strong> has always been positive. Above all, the <strong>NRF</strong> gave the Battalion a chanceto cooperate and promote itself in the international environment, as well as a priority in theprocess of manning and equipping within the SAF.The fact is that although the SAF have only been in existence less than two decades ago, theyhave been relatively quick in following global changes in the area of defence and security. Thisallows the SAF to be unburdened by the past, since they are not overloaded with obsolete militaryarmaments, while at the same time they are small and can adapt more easily. In this way,the SAF can build their collective force based on the high level of training of their memberswho are competent in operating under the support provided by the latest generations of mostsophisticated military technology.NATO is under the pressure of constant transformation. The adjustment should not be perceivedas a threat by any country or organization, but rather as a demonstration of NATO members’determination to protect their populations, territory and forces from any armed attacks,including terrorist attacks, led from abroad. NATO members are determined to deter, disrupt,defend and protect against any attacks on NATO members, in accordance with the WashingtonTreaty and the Charter of the United Nations. In order to fully accomplish its mission, NATOmust be able to deploy forces so that they can move quickly to wherever they are needed,upon decision by the North Atlantic Council, to sustain operations over distance and time,including in an environment where they might be faced with nuclear, biological and chemicalthreats, and to achieve their objectives. Effective military forces, which are an essential partof common NATO political strategy, are vital to safeguard the freedom and security of NATOmembers’ populations and to contribute to peace and security in the Euro-Atlantic region.A decision was therefore taken to create a NATO Response Force (<strong>NRF</strong>) consisting of a technologicallyadvanced, flexible, deployable, interoperable and sustainable force including land,sea, and air elements ready to move quickly to wherever needed, as decided by the Council.The activities of <strong>NRF</strong> 16 in Slovenia actually started between 19th and 21st of January 2010,with the initial planning conference on the operation in the 16th rotation of the NATO ResponseForce (<strong>NRF</strong> 16) in 2011. Throughout the year, very dynamic activities took place, leadingto the final exercise of the <strong>NRF</strong> CBRN Defence Force.In the framework of preparations for the <strong>NRF</strong>, units have been trained in performing CBRNdefence tasks, as well as in the procedures related to movement planning and execution, andto the deployment and supply of forces, etc. So far, the Slovenian 18th CBRN Defence Battalionhas participated in the <strong>NRF</strong> with its decontamination platoons, whereas in 2011, Slovenia willfor the first time be the lead nation in the NATO Multinational CBRN Defence Battalion withinthe <strong>NRF</strong> 16.This means that in 2011, the SAF will lead a CBRN battle group of the NFR 16, the core of whichwill be the Slovenian 18th CBRN Defence Battalion. The contingent will include approximately540 members of the SAF, although the contingent will total a much larger number of memberstogether with the troops from partner nations (USA, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdomand France).Good luck to <strong>NRF</strong> 16!Colonel Dušan TošCommander of 72nd Brigade and Exercise Director Decisive response 20103

NATO odzivne sile<strong>NRF</strong> je kratica, ki označuje NATO odzivne sile aliv originalu: »NATO Response Forces«. <strong>NRF</strong> sile sozdružene sile Nata v visoki stopnji pripravljenostiin tehnološko napredno opremljene. NFR sile lahkoštejejo tudi do 25.000 pripadnikov. Sestavljeneso iz kopenske, zračne in morske komponente.Vključujejo tudi enote za specialno delovanje.Sile <strong>NRF</strong> temeljijo na treh stebrih:• C2 - operativno vodenje in poveljevanje• IRF - takojšnje odzivne sile• RFP - bazen odzivnih silZavezništvo jih lahko hitro napoti na katerokoli mesto,kjer jih potrebuje. Sile so sposobne izvajati vsevrste operacij kjerkoli na svetu.Naloge <strong>NRF</strong> se določajo glede na operacijo. Načelnenaloge so:• Prispevati k ohranitvi teritorialne integritete.• Sile za podporo diplomacije (za demonstracijo sile).• Operacije kriznega odzivanja, vključno z vzdrževanjemmiru.• Embargo operacije.• Podpora za odpravo posledic katastrof/nesreč (naravne,humanitarne, ali druge).• Zaščita ključne/nevarne infrastrukture.• Varnostno/zaščitne operacije.• Sile, ki zagotavljajo pogoje za prihod glavnine NATOsil - vstopne sile za zagotavljanje pogojev silam, kisledijo v združeno območje delovanja (JOA –JointOperation Area). Nalogo morajo biti sposobneopraviti v pogojih od varnega do sovražnega okolja,z ali brez podpore države gostiteljice (HNS – HostNation Support).Naštete so le nekatere naloge, ki niso prednostnorazvrščene.<strong>NRF</strong> sile so lahko napotene v 5 dneh ter so samozadostnena področju operacije do 30 dni. Ob primernipopolnitvi in oskrbi enote delujejo v območju do 6mesecev. V območje delovanja (AOO –Area of Operation)se najprej napoti premestljivi del poveljstvaNATO, odgovoren za vodenje misije, ki se oblikuje izstrukture (DJSE – Deployable Joint Staff Element). Vnjegovi sestavi je prednji štabni element poveljstva(JHQ Fwd – Joint Headquarters) in podporni element(JHQ FSE).Enote IRF so pripravljene za premik v kratkemčasovnem obdobju od alarmiranja sil (5 do 10 dni).Poveljevanje nad poveljstvi in enotami v sestavi <strong>NRF</strong>-16 je v pristojnosti združenega poveljstva sil NATO vNeaplju (HQ JFCNP – Headquarters Join Force ComamandNaples). Poveljevanje nad enotami v sestavikopenskih sil (LC) <strong>NRF</strong>-16 je v pristojnosti poveljstvakorpusa (HQ NRDC-IT – Headquarters NATO RapidDeployable Corps Italy).CJ-CBRND-TF (Combined Joint Chemical, Biological,Radiological and Nulklear Task Forces) je komponenta<strong>NRF</strong> z zmogljivostjo samostojnega premeščanjain delovanja za JRKBO podporo NATO poveljstev inoperacij.Vojaški cilji CJ-CBRND-TF so povečati sposobnostisil za lastno zaščito, izboljšati obrambne in zaščitneukrepe CBRN-JAT (Chemical, Biological, Radiologicaland Nulklear Joint Assessment Team) in MN CBRNDBn (Multinacional Chemical, Biological, Radiological,Nulklear Battalion), povečati sposobnosti pri varovanjuin ohranjanju pomoči pri odpravljanju škodemed prebivalstvom, na ozemlju, v infrastrukturi in nalastnini.CBRN-JAT (Chemical, Biological, Radiological andNulklear Joint Assessment Team, Združena ekspertnaskupina) izdeluje strokovne ocene in nasvetepoveljnikom in štabom napotenih odzivnih sil in jeodgovorna za posredovanje povratnih informacij.Vodilna država za zmogljivosti CBRN-JAT v <strong>NRF</strong>-16 jeMadžarska.MN CBRND Bn je enota, ki se uporablja kot celotaali po namensko oblikovanih delih za izvedbospecifičnih nalog JRKB obrambe. Ključne naloge JRK-BO so: izvidovanje in nadzor, detekcija in opazovanje,analiziranje in identificiranje snovi in delcev, dekontaminacijaosebja, materiala in kritične infrastrukture,pravočasna izdelava ocen in nasvetov z zmogljivostmisprejemanja povratnih JRKBO podatkov (tehničnipodatki, ocene, referenčna mnenja).Zmogljivosti MN CBRND Bn <strong>NRF</strong>-16 so zasnovane naprispevku Slovenskega CBRN Bn in prispevkih partnerskihdržav. Partnerske države (Francija, Poljska,Madžarska, ZDA, Velika Britanija, Italija in Portugalska)po načelu izpolnjevanja minimalnih zahtev prispevajosvoje zmogljivosti v IRF ali RFP. Vodilna država za MNCBRND Bn v <strong>NRF</strong> 16 je Slovenija. Struktura MN CBRNDBn je določena v skladu s CJSOR <strong>NRF</strong> 16. Slovenija bov obdobju od januarja do julija 2011 vodilna država zazagotavljanje mednarodnega JRKBO bataljona (MnCBRND Bn) v sestavi IRF/<strong>NRF</strong>, v katerem sodelujejo šeenote <strong>vojska</strong> Poljske, Madžarske in ZDA. Nosilna enotaza oblikovanje Mn CBRND Bn je 18. BJRKBO. V letu2010 je bila izvedena integracija enot Slovenske vojskev sestavi SVNKON <strong>NRF</strong>-16. 18. BJRKBO je z organiziranjemkonferenc ter obiski in certifikacijo tujih enot, kiNATO Response ForcesThe abbreviation <strong>NRF</strong> stands for NATO ResponseForces, a technologically advanced NATO’s jointforce with a high readiness level. The number of theirmembers can amount to as much as 25,000. The <strong>NRF</strong>combine the land, air and sea components, and unitsof the special operations forces as an additional component.The <strong>NRF</strong> are based on three pillars:• C2 – Command and Control• IRF – Immediate Response Force• RFP – Response Forces PoolThe Alliance is able to deploy the <strong>NRF</strong> quickly andwherever needed. Hence, the forces are capable ofcarrying out a full range of operations anywhere inthe world.Their tasks are tailored to each specific mission, however,some of their fundamental tasks are as follows:• To contribute to the preservation of territorial integrity;• To act in support of diplomacy (show of force);• To participate in crisis response operations, includingpeacekeeping;• To participate in embargo operations;• To provide disaster recovery support (natural, humanitarianor other disasters);• To provide protection of critical/dangerous infrastructure;• To participate in security and protection operations;• To provide conditions for the arrival of the mainbody of NATO forces; they act as entry forces thatprovide conditions for follow-on forces to enter theJoint Operations Area (JOA). They must be capableof carrying out tasks in environments ranging from4dangerous to hostile, with or without the Host NationSupport (HNS).The list presents only selected tasks (not listed in priorityorder).The <strong>NRF</strong> can be deployed within 5 days and can operateas a stand-alone force for up to 30 days. Whenprovided with appropriate replacements and supplies,they can operate in an area for up to 6 months.First to be deployed to the Area of Operations (AOO)is the deployable part of the NATO Command, incharge of missions, and formed from within the DeployableJoint Staff Element (DJSE). It is composed ofthe Forward Joint Headquarters (JHQ Fwd) and theJoint Headquarters Forward Support Element (JHQFSE).From the time of notification, the IRF units are readyto deploy within 5 to 10 days.The NATO Joint Force Command in Naples (HQ JFCNPNaples) is in command of units and commands withinthe <strong>NRF</strong>-16. The units of the <strong>NRF</strong>-16 land component(LC) are under the command of the NATO RapidDeployable Corps Italy Headquarters (HQ NRDC-IT).Combined Joint Chemical, Biological and NuclearTask Forces (CJ-CBRND-TF) are a <strong>NRF</strong> componentcapable of independent deployment and operationtasked with providing CBRN defence support toNATO commands and operations.CJ-CBRND-TF military objectives are to increase capabilitiesof self protection forces, to improve defenceand protection measures of the Chemical, Biological,Radiological and Nuclear Joint Assessment Team(CBRN-JAT) and the Multinational Chemical, Biological,Radiological, Nuclear Defence Battalion (MNCBRND Bn), and to increase protection capabilitiesand capabilities for the recovery of damage to thepopulation, the territory, and to infrastructure andproperty.Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear JointAssessment Team (CBRN-JAT) makes expert assessmentsand prepares guidance for deployed responsiveforces commanders and HQs and is responsiblefor providing feedback information. Hungary is thelead nation for CBRN-JAT capabilities in <strong>NRF</strong>-16.Multinational Chemical, Biological, Radiological,Nuclear Defence Battalion (MN CBRND Bn) is an internationalCBRN battalion tasked as a whole or bypurpose-based parts to carry out specific CBRN defencetasks. Key CBRN defence tasks are: reconnaissanceand control, detection and observation, analysisand identification of substances and fragments,decontamination of personnel, materiel and criticalinfrastructure, timely elaboration of assessments andadvice by means of CBRND feedback information(technical data, assessments, reference opinions).Capabilities of <strong>NRF</strong>-16 Multinational CBRN DefenceBattalion are based on the contribution of Slovenia’sCBRN Battalion and partner countries’ contributions.Partner countries (France, Poland, Hungary, USA,United Kingdom, Italy and Portugal) contribute theircapabilities to IRF and RFP by principle of fulfillingminimum requirements. In <strong>NRF</strong>-16 the lead nationfor the Multinational CBRN Defence Battalion is Slovenia.Multinational CBRN Defence Battalion’s structure isdetermined in accordance with the <strong>NRF</strong>-16’s CombinedJoint Statement of Requirements (CJSOR).Between January and July 2011, Slovenia will, in therole of the lead nation, contribute to the MultinationalCBRN Defence Battalion, within the IRF/<strong>NRF</strong> structure.Polish, Hungarian and USA units will likewisecontribute to the battalion. The 18th Nuclear, Radiological,Chemical and Biological Defence Battalion

From a Company to the Main Unit in <strong>NRF</strong>-16In the past, Slovenia was considered the mostdeveloped country in the former Socialist FederalRepublic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). Its developmentresulted partly from a relatively well developedchemical industry. Accordingly, both civil andmilitary components of protection against CBRNthreats developed in line with the then territorialdefence (TO) and civil protection (CP) forces.When the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) wereformed, this area was in the domain of the 108thCBRN Company that grew into a battalion in 1995.The predominant opinion at the time was that theCBRN battalion was much too large a unit for theSlovenian Armed Forces exclusively. The well developedchemical industry, the Slovenian nuclearpower plant and the relevant need for security,contributed to Slovenia’s decision to preserve thebattalion. During its accession to NATO, Sloveniaoffered the CBRN battalion capabilities to NATO.With Slovenia’s entry to NATO and the professionalizationof the Slovenian Armed Forces in 2004,activities were initiated to prepare the battalionfor international cooperation.Today’s demands include mutual cooperation andunderstanding between the CBRN units withinthe Alliance and their possible use in joint units,the EU and NATO. However, this objective is stillfar from fulfilled. Our greatest challenges were theSTANAG documents (set NATO procedures andstandards) at various levels, demanding that theSAF members learn new techniques and acquirenew competences. It should be noted that, in additionto the usual standard operational procedures,members of this battalion have to master at leastas twice as many additional procedures connectedto a certain field of specialty.Some of the 18th CBRN Defence Battalion basictasks are:6- To provide CBRN defence;- To carry out measurements, detect and analysesubstances;- To carry out decontamination tasks;- To provide support to SAF units within CBRN defence;- To perform civil defence, rescue and relief tasks;- To carry out tasks within multinational <strong>NRF</strong> units;- To test new equipment and carry out modernisationof the CBRN equipment;- To carry out pre-deployment training for CBRNdefence personnel;- To participate in the resolution of crisis situationsin crisis response operations.Some battalion tasks are closely linked to the internationalenvironment. Naturally, the work in internationalenvironment dictates that the personnel,procedures and equipment are consistent with theAlliance standards and adequately effective. Byadding an adequate and necessary care for minimumpossible environment pollution, it becomesevident that the battalion's equipment was not inconformity with actual needs and requirements onthe threshold of the millennium. This demonstratedthat specific engagement in the internationalenvironment could only be possible, if new technologiesare purchased.In 2005, the decontamination company wasequipped with decontamination containers andtrucks. The system is based on Italian decontaminationtechnology using environmentally-friendlymaterials.This introduced new challenges for the battalion.Hence the battalion with a light decontaminationplatoon, under the command of Lieutenant MatjažBončina, participated in <strong>NRF</strong> 4 in the first half of2005. The lead nation at the time was Germany. Inthe second half of the same year, the MultinationalCBRN Defence Battalion was taken over by Spainand also included the Slovenian Armed Forces’contribution in the form of a light decontaminationplatoon, this time under the command ofLieutenant Tomše. France, followed by the CzechRepublic, acted as the lead nation of the MultinationalCBRN Defence Battalion in the second halfof 2006. Throughout all this time, Slovenia maintainedits contribution in the form of a light decontaminationplatoon. Slovenia's contribution to <strong>NRF</strong>7 and <strong>NRF</strong> 8 was led by First Lieutenant Savinšekand Lieutenant Škoberne. In 2007, the 18th CBRNDefence Battalion contributed a full squad toLebanon. In the second part of 2007, the 18th Battalionwas already manned to such an extent tocontribute a light decontamination company as apart of the Multinational CBRN Defence Battalionwithin <strong>NRF</strong> 10 led by Germany. The company wasled by Captain Košelnik. Slovenia's engagementin multinational activities in 2008 was seeminglysmaller, because once again the light decontaminationplatoon was included in the MultinationalCBRN Defence Battalion within the <strong>NRF</strong> 11 structureunder German command. Lieutenant Zornwas commander of the platoon. At the same time,a company-level unit, also part of the HQ was preparingfor participation in KFOR 18 forces. For thepurpose of training and mission itself, members ofthe 18th CBRN Defence Battalion were attached tothe 20th Motorised Battalion. The KFOR 18 missiontook place from September 2008 to February 2009.In the near future, in 2011, the battalion will faceis greatest challenge in the <strong>NRF</strong>, for the 18th CBRNDefence Battalion will, with the help of other detachmentsfrom the SAF, Poland, Hungary, USAand France, assume the role of the main unit andSlovenia the role of a lead nation.

PREDSTAVITEV ENOT SODELUJOČIH V <strong>NRF</strong> 16Mn CBRND Bn /<strong>NRF</strong> 16 sestavljajo poleg 18. BJRKBOše druge enote SV ki zagotavljajo elemente za zagotovitevdelovanja in podporo poveljevanja• NLOGČ/670.POVLOGB,• VZV/11.BZV,• Vod za uničevanje NUS/157.LOGB,• OVP/17. BVP,• skupina iz VZE,• del slovenskega kontingenta je še NPE (iz sestave157. LOGB), ki pa ni del Mn CBRND Bn• častniki za povezavo z drugimi poveljstvi in elementi<strong>NRF</strong>-16., v JFC Neapelj, NRDC-ITA, JAT, JLSG(vsi častniki so iz Slovenske vojske)• poljska četa za dekontaminacijo,• madžarski JRKB izvidniški vod,• ameriška četa za biološko obrambo18. BJRKBO danesEnota RKBO je bila ustanovljena v Kranju, majuleta 1992. Najprej je delovala kot četa, kasneje leta1995 pa se je četa preoblikovala v bataljon.Bataljon je edina enota rodu JRKBO s poklicnimmirnodobnim jedrom. Opremljena je znajsodobnejšo opremo in usposobljena, da samostojnoali v sestavi višjih taktičnih enot izvršujenaloge posebnih ukrepov JRKB nadzora, zaščite indekontaminacije.Osnovne naloge enote so :• Usposabljanje poklicnih in pogodbenih pripadnikov,• Zagotavljanje stalne bojne pripravljenosti,• Sodelovanje v nalogah zaščite in reševanja,• Preizkus novih sredstev in opreme JRKBO,• JRKB podpora enotam SV,• JRKB nadzor (izvidovanje, laboratorijske analize,dozimetrija, meteorološke meritve, nadzornaslužba) in• JRKB zaščita in dekontaminacija (ljudi, tehničnihsredstev, objektov in zemljišč).Do leta 2000 je enoti poveljeval maj Marjan Tušak,med letoma 2000 in 2004 je enoti poveljevalmaj Boštjan Juras, med letoma 2004 in 2007 ppkBranko Podbrežnik. Od marca 2007 do avgusta2010 je poveljevala enoti ppk Tatjana Pečnik, sedajenoti poveljuje ppk. Franc Kalič.Enota se je v letu 2004 začela pripravljati zasodelovanje z NATO-m, saj je 1. Lahki vod za dekontaminacijo(LVD) z 14. januarjem 2005 prešel vstopnjo pripravljenosti za vključevanje v NATO-veodzivne sile (<strong>NRF</strong> 4). V okviru vključevanja naših enotv NATO sile, se pripadniki bataljona udeležujejo usposabljanjin vaj tako doma kot v tujini.Pripadniki 18. BJRKBO se redno udeležujejoštabnih in terenskih vaj doma, v tujini, udeležujejose različnih usposabljanj, redno sodelujejo našportnih tekmovanjih. Veliko sodelujejo tudi scivilnimi strukturami preko civilno vojaškegasodelovanja (CVS), v obliki predstavitev opreme,udeležbe na tradicionalnih dogodkih in logističnepomoči organizatorjem.SESTAVAOrganizacijska struktura bataljona je primerljivapodobnim enotam zahodnih <strong>vojska</strong>. V svoji sestaviima:• poveljstvo,• analitični laboratorij,• lahko četo za dekontaminacijo,• izvidniško četo ter• poveljniško-logistično četo.USPOSABLJANJEV enoti usposabljajo poklicne in pogodbene pripadnike,vojake, podčastnike kakor tudi častnike, za pridobitevvojaško evidenčne dolžnosti RKBO. Pri usposabljanjusodelujejo s Centrom za usposabljanje,Šolo za podčastnike in Šolo za častnike. S področjaizvidovanja pridobijo znanja za JRKB izvidovanjesmeri, rajonov in con kontaminiranega zemljišča,opazovanje jedrskih in kemičnih udarov, za zbiranjevzorcev JRKB kontaminacije za laboratorijske analizein kontrole, spremljanje razmer pri radiološki inkemični kontaminaciji prostora in atmosfere, organiziranjein izvajanje kontrolno zaščitne službe ter zaizvajanje dozimetrijske kontrole.Pridobijo in izurijo jih za izvajanje JRKB dekontaminacijeljudi, materialnih sredstev, zemljišča,objektov, obleke in opreme, za organizacijo in izvajanjezaščitno kontrolne službe, za sodelovanje pribiološki dekontaminaciji, ki jo organizira zdravstvenaslužba ter za oskrbovanje enot z vodo innekatere druge naloge zaščite in reševanja.Pri usposabljanju za pridobitev laborantskevojaško evidenčne dolžnosti pripadnike usposobijoza nadzor kakovosti snovi za radiološko inkemično dekontaminacijo, za nadzor kakovosti reagentovin indikatorjev za detekcijo bojnih strupovter opravljanje nadzora kakovosti opravljene dekontaminacije.SREDSTVAEnota je opremljena z najsodobnejšo vojaško opremo,ki jo sestavljajo laboratoriji (kemični, radiološkiin biološki), mobilni kontejnerji za dekontaminacijos pripadajočimi šotori, kemični in radiološkidetektorji, STANDALONE, lahka izvidniška vozilaCOBRE, osebna zaščitna sredstva in ostalo.7

18 th CBRN Defence Battalion TodayThe CBRN defence unit was established in Kranj inMay 1992. Initially the unit operated as a company,and was later, in 1995, transformed into a battalion.The battalion is the only CBRN defence unit witha professional peacetime core. It is equipped withthe most advanced equipment and capable of executingtasks of the CBRN control specific measuresand carrying out protection and decontamination,either independently or within the structure ofhigher tactical units.Basic unit tasks are:• Training of professional or contract personnel;• Provision of permanent combat readiness;• Participation in protection and rescue tasks;• Testing of new CBRN means and equipment;• CBRN support to SAF units;• CBRN control (reconnaissance, laboratory analyses,dosimetry, meteorological measurements,surveillance service), and• CBRN protection and decontamination (of people,technical devices, facilities and land).Major Marjan Tušak was commander of the unituntil 2000. Between 2000 and 2004 the unit wasunder command of Major Boštjan Juras. Later, between2004 and 2007, the unit was commandedby Lieutenant Colonel Branko Podbrežnik. FromMarch 2007 to August 2010, command of the unitwas assumed by Lieutenant Colonel Tanja Pečnik.Currently, commander of the unit is LieutenantColonel Franc Kalič.In 2004, the unit started preparations for cooperationwith NATO and on 14 January 2005 its 1stLight Decontamination Battalion (LDB) attainedthe readiness level for integration in <strong>NRF</strong> 4. In thecontext of SAF’s integration into NATO forces, themembers of the battalion participate in exercisesand attend various forms of training at home andabroad.Members of the 18th CBRN Defence Battalion participatein staff and field training exercises at homeand abroad, attend various forms of training andparticipate in sports competitions on a regularbasis. They also have a rich history of cooperationwith civil structures in the form of civil-military cooperation(CIMIC), displays of equipment, participationin traditional events and logistic support toorganisers.STRUCTUREThe battalion’s table of organisation is comparableto the organisation of similar units of Western armies’.Its structure consists of:• HQ;• Analytical Laboratory;• Light Decontamination Company;• Reconnaissance Company;• HQ Logistics Company.TRAININGThe unit provides training for professional andcontract members, soldiers, non-commissionedofficers and officers in order to obtain CBRN militaryoccupational specialty. The training is conductedin cooperation with the Training Centre,Non-commissioned Officers School and OfficerCandidate School.In the field of reconnaissance, members of theCBRN company are trained for CBRN reconnaissanceof routes, sections and zones of contaminatedareas, observation of nuclear and chemicalattacks, collection of CBRN contamination samplesfor laboratory analyses and checks, monitoring ofsituation at radiological and chemical contaminationof area and atmosphere, organisation andexecution of surveillance and protection services,and dosimetric control.They are trained in CBRN decontamination of people,materiel, territory, facilities, clothes and equipment,and in the organisation and execution ofprotection and control measures, participation inbiological decontamination, organised by a medicalservice, in the provision of water supplies tounits and execution of some other protection andrescue tasks. During their laboratory military occupationalspecialty training, the members acquireskills for controlling the quality of radiological andchemical decontamination substances, the qualityof reagents and indicators for detection of casualtyagents, and the quality control of the executed decontaminationoperations.8EQUIPMENTThe unit is equipped with the most advanced militaryequipment, such as laboratories (chemical,radiological and biological), mobile decontaminationcontainers with tents, chemical and radiologicaldetectors, Stand Alone Unit, Cobra Light ReconnaissanceVehicles, personal protection means etc.

Poveljniško logistična četa (POVLOGČ)v strukturi mednarodnega bataljona JRKBOPoslanstvo in sestava POVLOGČPoveljniško logistična četa 18. BJRKBO je namenjenazagotovitvi delovanja in podpori poveljevanja enotammednarodnega bataljona za JRKBO. Glavni cilj jelogistična podpora enotam mednarodnega bataljonaza JRKBO in posledično zagotavljanje njihovega nemotenegadelovanja. To nalogo bo četa dosegala skozielemente zagotavljanja transporta, oskrbe z vsemipetimi razredi oskrbe, vzdrževanja MTS, skladiščenjasredstev, zagotavljanja sanitetne oskrbe ter zagotavljanjanemotenega delovanja zvez. V sestavi POVLOGČso poveljstvo čete, vod za oskrbo, vod za vzdrževanje,vod za zveze, zdravstveni vod in nastanitveni oddelek.. V skladu z formacijo <strong>NRF</strong> 16 šteje četa 109 pripadnikov.To je manj kot običajno (125), kajti četa prispeva3 logistične oddelke manevrskim enotam mednarodnegabataljona in sicer JRKB odzivni četi, lahki četi zadekontaminacijo ter mobilnemu JRKB laboratoriju.V omenjene oddelke so vključeni bolničarji, vozniki,vzdrževalci različnih profilov, skladiščniki, oskrbovalciitd. Njihova osnovna naloga bo zagotavljanjelogistične podpore enotam na terenu izven baze.Zagotavljanje logistične podporemednarodnemu bataljonu JRKBO v <strong>NRF</strong> 16Mednarodni bataljon za JRKBO šteje približno 800pripadnikov, zato bo logistična podpora tako številčnienoti vsekakor velik izziv. Poleg 109 pripadnikovPOVLOGČ bo za logistično zagotovitev enot mednarodnegabataljona JRKBO skrbelo tudi 107 pripadnikovprednje logistične čete iz 670.LOGB. Naloga obehčet bo postavitev baze z vsemi potrebnimi elementi,ki bodo omogočali enotam mednarodnega bataljonanemoteno delo in življenje na terenu. Izključnov domeni POVLOGČ je vzpostavitev bataljonske sanitetnepostaje, postavitev centra zvez, delavnice zavzdrževanje motornih vozil, skladiščenje MTS….Zagotovitevnastanitvenih kapacitet, elektrifikacije tabora,sanitarnega bloka, oskrbovanja s hrano, vodo in gorivompa bo potekalo z združitvijo resursov obeh čet.Vod za oskrboNaloga voda za oskrbo je oskrbovanje enot mednarodnegabataljona za JRKBO s hrano, tehnično inpitno vodo, gorivom, strelivom in drugim materialom,skladiščenje sredstev itd. V sestavi voda so kuharji,delilci hrane, manipulanti s strelivom in gorivom,skladiščniki in vozniki. Ta del oskrbe pomeni 1. nivooskrbe, torej oskrbo iz lastnih virov.Vod za vzdrževanjeNaloga voda za vzdrževanje je zagotavljanjevzdrževanja motornih vozil, agregatov, orožja indruge vojaške opreme, komunikacijsko informacijskihsredstev ter JRKB opreme. V vodu so vzdrževalcirazličnih specialnosti; vzdrževalci motornih vozil, elektromehaniki,vzdrževalci komunikacijskih sistemov,mehaniki JRKB sredstev in drugi. Vzdrževanje MTSv okviru logistične baze poteka z vzpostavitvijo terenskihdelavnic in pošiljanjem ekip vzdrževalcev nateren. Evakuacija poškodovanih motornih vozil se izvajav sodelovanju s prednjo logistično četo.Zdravstveni vodZa zdravje in dobro počutje vseh pripadnikov poskrbizdravstveni vod z vzpostavitvijo bataljonske sanitetnepostaje-ROLE 1. Njihova naloga je zagotavljanjezdravstvene oskrbe vseh pripadnikov enotmednarodnega bataljona za JRKBO. V sestavi vodaso izkušeni bolničarji, medicinski tehniki ter zdravnik,kateri poskrbijo za primarno raven zdravstvene oskrbe(triaža, oskrba manjših ran in poškodb), v primeruhujših poškodb pa se poškodovane evakuirav najbližji zdravstveni dom. Oddelek za evakuacijoranjenih in obolelih poskrbijo za evakuacijo ranjenceviz terena do ROLE-1. Pomembna naloga pripadnikovvoda je tudi osveščanje pripadnikov in izvajanje preventivnehigiene.Vod za zvezeZa nemoteno delovanje komunikacijsko informacijskihsistemov poskrbi vod za zveze. Naloge pripadnikovvoda so zelo zahtevne in odgovorne, saj je odnjih odvisna kontinuiteta vodenja in poveljevanja vterenskih pogojih. Svojo nalogo vod uresničuje z vzpostavitvijožičnih, radijskih, satelitskih, radiorelejnihzvez.Nastanitveni oddelekNjihova naloga je postavitev poveljniškega mestaz vsemi pripadajočimi elementi ter organizacija avtoparka.Poleg postavitve poveljniškega mesta, je njihovanaloga tudi skrb, za nemoteno delo poveljstvabataljona. V oddelku so vozniki kurirji, strežači agregatov,električar, arhivar itd.Priprave čete na delovanje v <strong>NRF</strong>Priprave POVLOGČ na delovanje v <strong>NRF</strong> 16 so obsežnein kompleksne. Pripadniki POVLOGČ morajo, polegsvojega osnovnega poslanstva (zagotavljanjelogistične podpore mednarodnemu bataljonuJRKBO), obvladati tudi marsikatero drugo vojaškoveščino. Pripadniki čete se tako vsaj enkrat tedenskousposabljajo iz splošnih vojaških veščin (alarmiranje,obramba enote, postopki za lastno zaščito, delo nakontrolni točki, JRKB veščine itd), vsaj enkrat tedenskopa poteka specialistično usposabljanje po vodih.Usposabljanja se dopolnjujejo z redno športnovadbo in drugimi oblikami vzdrževanja psihofizičnepripravljenosti pripadnikov POVLOGČ. Pomembendel priprav pa zajema tudi priprava, pregled in popisvseh potrebnih materialno tehničnih sredstev zapostavitev logistične baze ter usklajevanje z prednjologistično četo, saj se bodo resursi obeh čet združili.9

HQ Logistics Company Withinthe Multinational CBRNDefence Battalion StructureMission and structure of theHQ Logistics CompanyThe purpose of the HQ Logistic Company of the18th CBRN Defence Battalion is to provide combatservice support and command support to MultinationalCBRN Defence Battalion units. Its mainobjective is the provision of logistic support toMultinational CBRN Defence Battalion units andconsequently the provision of their uninterruptedoperation. The company will fulfil this objectiveby providing transport means, organising supplyfrom all five supply classes, maintaining materiel,providing storage of assets, providing medicalsupport and undisturbed operation of communications.The HQ Logistics Company consistsof a company HQ, supply platoon, maintenanceplatoon, communications platoon, medical platoonand accommodation squad. . In accordancewith <strong>NRF</strong>-16 formation the company counts 109members. As the company contributes 3 logisticsquads to manoeuvre units of the multinationalbattalion, namely to the CBRN response company,light decontamination company and a mobileCBRN Defence laboratory, the number of membersin the company is lower as it would normally be(125). The mentioned squads include nurses, drivers,maintenance personnel of various profiles, andwarehouse and supplies personnel. They will betasked with providing logistic support to units inthe field, outside the base.Provision of logistic supportto the Multinational CBRNDefence Battalion in <strong>NRF</strong>-16The CBRN Defence Battalion has approximately800 members, for which reason provision of logisticsupport to such a large unit will be a great challenge.Besides 109 members of the HQ LogisticsCompany another 107 members of the forward logisticcompany from the 670th Logistics Battalionwill provide logistic support to the MultinationalCBRN Defence Battalion. The task of both companieswill be to set up a base with all necessaryelements that will provide uninterrupted life andwork of multinational battalion units in the field.The HQ Logistics Company is exclusively responsiblefor the setting up of a medical post, establishmentof a communications centre, workshopfor maintenance of motor vehicles, warehouse formateriel, etc. Other tasks, such as provision of accommodationfacilities, electrification of the camp,medical facility, provision of food, water and fuelsupplies will be accomplished by joining resourcesof both companies.Supply platoonIts mission is to supply Multinational CBRN DefenceBattalion units with food, technical anddrinking water, fuel, ammunition and other material,to provide storage for various assets etc. Theplatoon consists of catering personnel, ammunitionand fuel manipulators, warehousemen anddrivers. This part of supply is equivalent to level 1supply, which means supply from own resources.Maintenance platoonMaintenance platoon is tasked with provision ofmaintenance for motor vehicles, power generators,weapons and other materiel, communicationand information means and CBRN equipment. It iscomposed of maintenance personnel of variousspecialties, maintenance personnel for motor vehicles,electro mechanics, maintenance personnelfor telecommunication or CBRN systems and others.Within a logistic base, maintenance of materielis carried out by setting up field workshops and bysending maintenance teams to the field. Damagedmotor vehicles are evacuated in cooperation withthe forward logistics company.Medical platoonFor the purposes of providing health care andwelfare for all members, the medical platoon hasset up a battalion medical post – ROLE 1. Its taskis to provide medical care for all members of theMultinational CBRN Defence Battalion units. Theplatoon is composed of experienced medical assistants,medical technicians and doctors, providingmedical care at primary level (triage, treatment ofminor wounds and injuries). In case of more seriousinjuries the injured are evacuated to the nearesthealth centre. The evacuation of the woundedand the sick from the field to ROLE-1 is providedby the evacuation squad. Platoon members arealso tasked with raising health awareness amongthe members and carrying out preventive hygienemeasures.Communications platoonCommunications platoon provides uninterruptedoperation of communications and informationsystems. Members of this platoon have very challengingand important tasks; the continuity ofcommand and control in the field depends entirelyon them. The platoon fulfils its tasks by setting upwire, radio, satellite and radio relay communications.Accommodation squadThe task of the accommodation detachment membersis to set up a command post with all attachedelements and to organise a vehicle fleets. In additionthey are tasked with providing uninterruptedwork of the battalion HQ. The squad includes drivers,messengers, energy generator operators, electricians,archivists and others.10Company’s preparations forthe operation in <strong>NRF</strong>HQ Logistics Company undertakes extensive andcomplex preparations for the operation in <strong>NRF</strong>-16.In addition to their basic mission (provision of logisticsupport to the Multinational CBRN DefenceBattalion) the members of the HQ Logistic Companymust be versed in numerous other militaryskills. Hence the members undergo the basic militaryskills training (notification, unit defence, selfprotection procedures, control point procedures,CBRN Defence skills etc.) at least once per week.They undergo specialist training in platoons just asfrequently. The training of the HQ Logistics Company’smembers is complemented by regular sportsactivities and other forms of maintaining physicaland mental fitness. The arrangement, inspectionand preparation of a list of all materiel for the establishmentof a logistic base are an essential part ofpreparations. Furthermore, as the resources of bothcompanies will be joined, coordination with the ForwardLogistic Company will also be required.

Izvidniška četa JRKBNaloge izvidniške čete so zagotavljati izvidniškoJRKB podporo enotam SV v okviru nacionalneobrambe in enotam zveze NATO v celotnem spektrunalog visoke intenzivnosti, operacij kriznegaodzivanja in drugih delovanj, v vseh vremenskih inklimatskih razmerah.Pripadniki so usposobljeni za JRKB izvidovanjesmeri, rajonov in con kontaminiranega zemljišča,opazovanje jedrskih in kemičnih udarov, za zbiranjevzorcev JRKB kontaminacije za laboratorijske analizein kontrole, spremljanje razmer pri radiološki inkemični kontaminaciji prostora in atmosfere, organiziranjein izvajanje kontrolno zaščitne službe ter zaizvajanje dozimetrijske kontrole.V Republiki Sloveniji četa sodeluje v sistemu zaščitein reševanja, kjer opravlja splošne in specialističnenaloge.Izvidniška četa bo v <strong>NRF</strong>-16 oblikovana kot JRKBodzivna četa (CBRN response company), sestavljenapa bo iz dveh izvidniških vodov, enega voda za dekontaminacijo,logistične skupine in poveljstva čete.CBRNReconnaissanceCompanyThe reconnaissance company is tasked with theprovision of CBRN reconnaissance support to SlovenianArmed Forces (SAF) units in the frameworkof national defence and to NATO units throughthe entire spectrum of high intensity tasks, crisisresponse operations and other operations in allweather or climate conditions.Its members are trained for CBRN reconnaissanceof routes, sections and zones of contaminatedarea, observation of nuclear and chemical attacks,collection of CBRN contamination samples for laboratoryanalyses and checks, monitoring of situationat radiological and chemical contamination ofarea and atmosphere, organisation and executionof surveillance and protection services, and dosimetriccontrol.In the Republic of Slovenia, the company is activelyinvolved in the protection and rescue system andtasked with various general and specialised tasks.In <strong>NRF</strong>-16 the reconnaissance company will be organisedas a CBRN response company, comprisingtwo reconnaissance platoons, one decontaminationplatoon, a logistic group and a company HQ.11

Lahka četa za dekontaminacijoPoslanstvo LČD je zagotavljati popolno dekontaminacijoin JRKB podporo enotam SV in enotamzveze NATO v celotnem spektru nalog visoke intenzivnosti,operacij kriznega odzivanja (OKO) indrugih delovanj, v vseh vremenskih in klimatskihrazmerah.Četa lahko v svojo sestavo sprejme dodane enote,v RS pa sodeluje tudi v sistemu zaščite in reševanja,kjer opravlja splošne in specialistične naloge:• Izvajanje dekontaminacije moštva, osebneopreme, oborožitve, materialno- tehničnih sredstev,objektov in zemljišča.• Postavitev in organizacija postaje za dekontaminacijo.• Meritve stopnje kontaminiranosti moštva, osebneopreme, oborožitve, materialno- tehničnihsredstev, objektov in zemljišča.• Spremljanje meteoroloških elementov v rajonihdelovanja.• Asanacija bojišča…Lahka četa za dekontaminacijo šteje 93 pripadnikov,kateri so razporejeni v poveljstvo čete in trivode. Osnovna vozila za izvajanje vseh postopkovje 9 sistemov za dekontaminacijo ter pomožna terenskain tovorna vozila.Light Decontamination CompanyThe mission of the Light Decontamination Company(LDC) is to provide full decontamination andCBRN support to Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF)and NATO units in the entire spectrum of high intensitytasks, crisis response operations (CRO) andother operations, in all weather and climate conditions.The LDC can be augmented through additionalunits attached to its structure. In the Republic ofSlovenia, the company is actively involved in theprotection and rescue system and tasked with thefollowing general and specialised tasks:• Decontamination of crew, personal equipment,armament, materiel and technical assets, facilitiesand land;• Installation and organisation of a decontaminationstation;• Measurement of contamination levels of thecrew, personal equipment, armament, materieland technical assets, facilities and land;• Monitoring of meteorological elements in areasof operations;• Restoration of the battlefield.Light Decontamination Company counts 93 members,who are assigned to the company HQ andthree platoons. Basic vehicles used for performanceof all procedures include: 9 decontaminationsystems and auxiliary off-road and cargo vehicles.12

Premestljivi jedrsko radiološko kemijskobiološki analitični laboratorij PJRKBALABV 18. bataljonu jedrske, radiološke, kemijske inbiološke obrambe imamo tri mobilne laboratorijein sicer radiološkega, kemijskega in biološkega. Vokviru PJRKBALAB deluje tudi oddelek za dekontaminacijo.Mobilni radiološki laboratorijMobilni radiološki laboratorij je namenjen zaukrepanje pri izrednih dogodkih, ki so posledica uporabejedrskega orožja in neustreznega ravnanja priuporabi radioaktivnih snovi. Laboratorij omogočapripravo vzorcev, tudi z radio-kemičnimi postopkiza analizo v laboratoriju ali z namenom pošiljanjapripravljenih vzorcev v referenčne laboratorije,takojšnjo potrditev radioaktivnih snovi, določanjeizotopov v različnih vzorcih in analizo meritev.Oprema in merilna tehnika MRL-ja in visoko usposobljenaekipa je pripravljena za pomoč pri izrednihdogodkih z radioaktivnim in jedrskim materialom.Naloga Mobilnega radiološkega laboratorija (MRL)je prevzem vzorcev radioaktivnih in jedrskih snovi,priprava vzorcev z radio-kemijskimi postopki, meritvein analiza izmerjenih rezultatov, ki so podlagaza oceno izpostavljenosti pripadnikov vojske in civilnegaprebivalstva.Možnosti mobilnega radiološkega laboratorija:• Detekcija radioaktivnih izotopov v tekočinah(voda, mleko), v zraku in trdnih snoveh,• Merjenje naravne in umetne radioaktivnosti,• Priprava vzorcev za nadaljnje analiza,• Določitev radioaktivnih izotopov v snoveh,• Merjenje površinske in volumske kontaminacije,• Merjenje gama sevanja z gama spektrometrijo(60Co, 137Cs, 152Eu, ...),• Merjenje s tekočinsko scintilacijo za merjenje 3H,14C,• Merjenje skupne alfa in beta kontaminacije nazračnih filtrih, brisih in sušin vode,• Detekcija in analiza alfa sevanja (241Am, 235U,238U, …),• Detekcija in analiza beta sevanja (89Sr, 90Sr, …),• Detekcija in analiza gama sevanja (40K, 65Zn,192Ir,..) in• Odobravanje vzorcev, razdelitev in ohranjanje zabodoče analize in referenčne laboratorije.OpisMobilni radiološki laboratorij je razdeljen na tri predelke:• Strojnica z NBC filtrom,• Vhod z tušem in kemičnim straniščem in• Laboratorij z digestorijem in analitično opremo.Laboratorijska opremaMobilni radiološki laboratorij je opremljen z naslednjoopremo.• Digestorij s filternim sistemom,• Oprema za pripravo radio-kemičnih vzorcev,• Oprema za dekontaminacijo,• Centrifuga,• Laboratorijska sušilna komora,• Ultrazvočni čistilec,• Magnetno mešalo z grelno ploščo,• UPS,• Računalniki z analitskimi programi,• Tiskalniki,• Klimatska naprava in• ostalo.Mobilni kemijski laboratorijMobilni kemijski laboratorij je namenjen identifikacijikemičnih bojnih strupov toksičnih industrijskihkemikalij in nekaterih toksinov. V mobilnemkemijskem laboratoriju je vgrajeno veliko merilne,računalniške in programske opreme. Sistemomogoča obdelavo podatkov, oblikovanje poročilin posredovanje podatkov v telekomunikacijskaomrežja. Kvalitetni NBC filtri v sistemu zračneganadtlaka v laboratoriju in v digestoriju zagotavljajovarno in čisto delovno okolje.Mobilni kemijski laboratorij je prostorsko razdeljenna tri dele:• strojnico• tuširnico• laboratorij z digestorijemV digestoriju se pripravljajo vzorci za nadaljnjoanalizo. Digestorij je sestavljen iz vročega vnosa,delovnega prostora ter izhodne komore. S posebnimsistemom prezračevanja in filtriranja prehodnegazraka je zagotovljeno zaposlenemu osebju varnodelo v laboratoriju.V mobilnem kemijskem laboratoriju lahko:• Pripravimo vzorce za nadaljnjo analizo• Identificiramo in kvantitativno izmerimo koncentracijohlapnih organskih snovi• S hitrimi testi identificiramo nekatere toksine• Identificiramo in izmerimo koncentracijo nekaterihnevarnih industrijskih kemikalij• Sprejmemo vzorce s terena, jih razdelimo in shranimoza transport v referenčne laboratorijeOprema mobilnega kemijskega laboratorija:• Digestorij s podtlakom, primeren za pripravovzorcev. Digestorij je zračen, zrak pa izhaja prekofiltra za nevarne snovi• Laboratorijske naprave za pripravo različnihvzorcev (zraka, vode, tekočih vzorcev, brisov,vzorcev adsorbiranih na aktivno oglje ali druga adsorpcijskasredstva)• Plinski kromatograf sklopljen z masnim spektrofotometrom,z avtomatskim injektorjem za vnostekočih vzorcev, s plamensko fotometričnim detektorjemza žveplo in fosfor• Termični desorber za vzorce iz zraka, adsorbiranena trdne nosilce• Opremo za detekcijo bojnih strupov v digestorijuin laboratoriju• Hitri testi za nekatere toksine• Zamrzovalnik za shranjevanje vzorcev• Omara za topila in reagente• Vremenska postaja• Komunikacijska sredstvaMobilni kemijski laboratorij ima svoj lasten vir napajanjain je samozadosten najmanj 72 ur po premestitvi.Dimenzije laboratorija omogočajo transport zletalom.Mobilni biološki laboratorijMobilni biološki laboratorij (Mob-B-Lab) je oblikovan,izdelan in opremljen tako, da omogočaidentifikacijo bioloških agensov v okolju tretje13

varnostne stopnje (BSL3) na mestu dogajanja. Vprimeru napada z orožji ali sredstvi za množičnouničevanje ter s klasičnimi terorističnimi sredstvi,kot je biološko orožje, je namreč izredno pomembenhiter in učinkovit odgovor ter pravilna identifikacijabioloških agensov.Z aparaturami, ki so nameščene v Mob-B-Labu,lahko izvajamo metode za neposredno in posrednodokazovanje mikroorganizmov:• molekularno-biološke metode (za dokaz nukleinskihkislin DNA in RNA mikroorganizmov),• svetlobno in fluorescentno mikroskopiranje,• serološko metodo IFA (za dokaz specifičnih protiteleskot odgovor na okužbo).Mobilni biološki laboratorij izvaja potrdilno identifikacijomikroorganizmov ali toksinov v vzorcu, natorazpošlje vzorec v referenčne laboratorije v katerihnedvoumno potrdijo ali ovržejo prisotnost mikroorganizma.Mobilni biološki laboratorij ima vgrajene analitskenaprave, ki omogočajo detekcijo bioloških agensov.Sistem omogoča obdelavo podatkov, oblikovanjeporočil in posredovanje podatkov v telekomunikacijskaomrežja. Kvalitetni NBC filtri v sistemuzračnega nadtlaka v laboratoriju in v digestorijuzagotavljajo varno in čisto delovno okolje. Mobilnibiološki laboratorij je prostorsko razdeljen na tridele strojnica, tuširnica in laboratorij z digestorijem.Mobilni laboratorij je samozadosten, ima svojvir električne energije, zmogljiv agregat ter zalogovode. Dimenzije laboratorija so velikosti klasičnegaladijskega kontejnerja, kar omogočajo transport pozraku, zemlji in železnici.Oddelek za dekontaminacijo v PJRKBALABOddelek za dekontaminacijo deluje v okviru PJRK-BALAB. Oddelek je po formaciji sestavljen in trehskupin, vsaka skupina pa je sestavljena iz vodjeskupine, operaterja in dekontaminatorja. Osnovnoposlanstvo oddelka za dekontaminacijo je RKB podporaskupini za vzorčenje in pridodanim enotam.Vsaka skupina lahko zagotovi kemično, radiološkoin biološko dekontaminacijo. Skupina pri svojemdelu uporablja prikolico za dekontaminacijo inzaščitno obleko.Deployable CBRN AnalyticalLaboratory (DCBRNLAB)The 18th CBRN Defence Battalion has three mobilelaboratories: radiological, chemical and biological. Aconstituent element of the DCBRNLAB is also a decontaminationunit.Mobile Radiological Laboratory (MRL)The Mobile Radiological Laboratory is designedto provide response during emergencies resultingfrom the use of nuclear weapons and inappropriatehandling of radioactive material. The laboratory enablespreparation of samples, also with help of radiologicaland chemical procedures, for analysis in thelab or distribution of prepared samples to referencelaboratories, immediate verification of radioactivesubstances, isotope identification in various samplesand analysis of measurements. MRL equipmentand measurement devices and highly qualifiedlaboratory team provide support in emergency situationsinvolving radioactive and nuclear materials.The task of the Mobile Radiological Laboratory isto collect samples of radioactive and nuclear substances,to prepare samples based on radiologicaland chemical procedures, and to measure andanalyze the results obtained that can be used forassessing radiation in the military and the civilianpopulation.Capabilities of the Mobile Radiological Laboratory:• Detection of radioactive isotopes in liquids (water,milk), in the air and solid materials,• Measurement of natural and man-made radioactivity,• Preparation of samples for further analysis,• Identification of radioactive isotopes in materials,• Measurement of surface and volume contamination,• Measurements of gamma radiation with gammaspectrometry (60Co, 137Cs, 152Eu, ...),• Measurement with liquid scintillation for 3H and14C measurement,• Measurement of overall alpha and beta contaminationin air filters, smear samples and water particles,• Detection and analysis of alpha radiation (241Am,235U, 238U, …),• Detection and analysis of beta radiation (89Sr, 90Sr,…),• Detection and analysis of gamma radiation (40K,65Zn, 192Ir,..) in• Approval of samples, distribution and preservationfor future analyses and reference laboratories.DescriptionThe Mobile Radiological Laboratory is divided intothree sections:• Engine room with NBC filter,• Entrance with shower and chemical toilet, and• Laboratory with fume hood and analysis equipment.Laboratory equipmentThe Mobile Radiological Laboratory has the followingequipment:• Fume hood with filter system,• Equipment for the preparation of radiological andchemical samples,• Decontamination equipment,TT podatki prikolice za RKBdekontaminacijoDimenzije (D x Š x V) 3421 x 2078 x 2407Masa prikolice: 1200 kg56Skupna dovoljena masa prikolice: 1650 kgKOMPONENTE IN PRIPOMOČKI:• SANIJET C 921:- Moč: 7,35 kW• 4 taktni dizelski motor• Zračno hlajenje• Visokotlačna črpalka• Grelna enota (do 180 °C)• Generator 2000 W, 220 V – AC• Električni vžig z 12 V in 24 V• Poraba od 1,5 do 8 l/h• 3 x ROČNIKI ZA DEKONTAMINACIJO ( ročnik sanijet,ročnik za paro, ročnik za PRNDS/12 mil)• PSDS/10 mil, PSDS 1,5 mil, PRNDS/12 mil• Tuš z avtomatskim doziranjem dekontaminacijskegasredstva• Rezervoar za vodo 250 l• Reflektor na trinožnem stikalu 500 W• Visokotlačna cev (do 200 Bar do 180 °C)• Delovna miza iz nerjavnega jekla• Zaščitna oprema pri pripravi BX 24• Razpršilnik za paro, ročna črpalka, mešalni ventil,kabel z nato prilkjučki, kovček z orodjem, kompletkartuš za BX 24• Komlplet dekontaminacijskih sredstev ( BX 24, BX29, BX 40)• Komplet za dekontaminacijo SX 3414

• Separator,• Drying chamber,• Ultrasonic cleaner,• Magnetic stirrer with hot plate,• Uninterruptible power supply (UPS),• Computers with analytical programmes,• Printers,• Air conditioning, and• Miscellaneous equipment.Mobile Chemical LaboratoryThe Mobile Chemical Laboratory is designed forthe identification of chemical agents, toxic industrialchemicals and other toxins. It has integratedmeasurement equipment, hardware and softwaredevices. The system allows data processing, reportdevelopment and dissemination of data to telecommunicationsnetworks. High-quality NBC filtersin the system of air overpressure in laboratory andfume hood ensure safe and clean work environment.The Mobile Chemical Laboratoryconsists of three sections:• Engine room,• Shower room,• Laboratory with fume hood.The fume hood is used for preparing samples forfurther analysis. It consists of the entry hot workarea, the work area and the exhaust chamber. A specialventilation and filtering system of the airflow facilitatessafe laboratory work.The Mobile Chemical Laboratorycan be used to:• Prepare samples for further analysis,• Identify and measure the quantity of volatile organicsubstances,• Carry out quick identification tests of selected toxins,• Identify nad measure the levels of some dangerousindustrial chemicals,• Collect and classify samples from the field andstore them for transfer to reference laboratories.Mobile Chemical Laboratory units:• Fume hood with negative pressure for samplepreparation. It is ventilated through the filter fordangerous substances.• Laboratory devices for the preparation of varioussamples (air, water, liquid samples, smear samples,samples adsorbed on activated carbon and otheradsorption media),• Gas chromatograph attached to mass spectrophotometer,with automatic injector for liquid samplesand flame photometric detector for sulphur andphosphorus,• Thermal desorber for samples from the air, adsorbedon solid media,• Tool kit for detection of incapacitating agents inthe fume hood and laboratory,• Quick tests for selected toxins,• Refrigerator for storage of samples,• Cabinet for solvents and reagents,• Weather station,• Means of communication.The laboratory has its own energy supply systemand a minimum 72-hour sustainability after re-deployment.Because of its dimensions the laboratorycan be transported by airlift.Mobile Biological LaboratoryThe Mobile Biological Laboratory (Mob-B-Lab) is designed,manufactured and equipped for the identificationof biological agents in the level 3 biosafetyenvironment in field conditions. In case of an attackwith weapons of mass destruction and conventionalterrorist means, such as biological weapons, quickand effective response, and accurate identificationof biological agents are of vital importance.The Mob-B-Lab units allows for direct and indirectidentification of microorganism presence through:• Molecular and biological methods (DNA and RNAnucleic acids of microorganisms),• Light and fluorescence microscopy,• IFA serological tests (for determining antibodies asa response to infection).The Mobile Biological Laboratory carries out identificationof microorganisms or toxins in the sampleand provides samples to reference laboratories forultimate confirmation of microorganism existenceor non-existence.The Mobile Biological Laboratory has integratedanalysis devices for detection of biological agents.The system enables data processing, report developmentand data transmission to telecommunicationsnetworks. High-quality NBC filters of theoverpressure system in the laboratory and fumehood ensure safe and clean work environment. Thelaboratory has three units: engine room, showerroom and laboratory with fume hood. It is fully sustainablewith the energy supply of its own, efficientenergy generator and water storage. Having the dimensionsof a classic ship container the laboratorycan be transported by air, land and rail.DCBRNLAB Decontamination UnitThe Decontamination Unit is a generic element ofDCBRNLAB and has three teams in its formation,each composed of a team leader, operator and decontaminator.The basic mission of the unit is to provideCBRN support to the sampling team and theattached units. Each team is capable of conductingchemical, radiological and biological decontamination.In performing these functions the teams usethe decontamination trailer and protective gear.CBRN DECONTAMINATIONTRAILER FACT SHEETDimensions (L x W x H) 3421 x 2078 x 2407Mass: 1200 kgAllowable total mass: 1650 kgCOMPONENTS AND ACCESSORIES:• SANIJET C 921:- Power: 7.35 kW• Four-stroke diesel engine• Air-cooled• High-pressure pump• Heating unit (up to 180 °C)• Generator 2000 W, 220 V – AC• Electric ignition with 12 V and 24 V• Fuel consumption 1.5 - 8 l/h• 3 x DECONTAMINATION COMPONENTS (Sanijetassembly, steam assembly, Portable RadiologicalNuclear Decontamination System (PRNDS)/12 mil)• Portable Small Detoxification/DecontaminationSystem (PSDS)/10 mil, PSDS 1.5 mil, PRNDS/12 mil• AUTOMATIC DECONTAMINANT MIXING SYSTEM• WATER RESERVOIR 250 l• TRIPOD FLOOD LIGHT 500 W• HIGH PRESSURE HOZE (up to 200 Bar, up to 180 °C)• STAINLESS STEEL WORKBENCH• PROTECTIVE GEAR FOR PREPARATION OF BX 24• STEAM JET, HAND PUMP, MIXING VALVE, CABLEWITH NATO CONNECTORS, TOOL KIT, SET OF BX 24CARTRIDGES• DECONTAMINANT KIT ( BX 24, BX 29, BX 40)• DECONTAMINATION KIT SX 3415

Namenska logističnačeta 670. POVLOGBNamenjena je za izvajanje logistične podpore <strong>NRF</strong>-16 ima 120 pripadnikov. Sestavljena je iz 4 vodovin poveljstva čete.Bistvene naloge čete so:• Usposabljanje posameznikov in enote za dopolnilniVED, v BJRKBO vsebinah, v individualnih inskupnih veščinah.• Postavljanje namestitvenih kapacitet za potrebeenot <strong>NRF</strong>-16 ob pomoči 18. BJRKBO.• izvajanje oskrbe, storitev in vzdrževanja po razredihza enote in poveljstvo 18. BJRKBO in drugihenot SV.• Poveljevanje in kontrola (sistem C2) ter poročanje(LOGREP) v strukturi <strong>NRF</strong>-16.• Sodelovanje pri izvajanju MOM v primeru aktiviranjaenot <strong>NRF</strong>-16.Seznam specialne opreme in zmogljivosti NLOGČ:1. VOD ZA OSKRBO- nastanitev za 600 pripadnikov,- tehnika za oskrbo z gorivom – kapaciteta 22m3,- tehnika za oskrbo s strelivom,- delovni stroj Volvo in viličar Palfinger,- tehnika za oskrbo s pitno vodo in sistemprečiščevanja vode (skupne zmogljivosti avtocisternza vodo so 27 m3 in skupne zmogljivostisistema za prečiščevanje vode so 5000l/h).2. TRANSPORTNI VOD- transportne zmogljivosti: 160 ton paletiziranega,kontejniziranega ali nekontejniziranega tovora zvozili Actros 4146K,- tehnika za izvajanje izvleke oz. evakuacije vozil inMS,- tehnika za dvig bremena od 2, 6 ton do 35 ton(avtodvigalo TADANO FAUN),- tehnika za izvleko vozil ali MS do 27 ton.3. VOD ZA STORITVE- oddelek pralnic (zmogljivost pranja s prikolicamiMedicop),- oddelek tuširnic (zmogljivost za 600 pripadnikov),- oddelek sanitarni (odvoz odpadne vode zdrenažnimi vozili),- zagotavljanje električne energije – 800 kW,- zagotavljanje osvetlitvenih kapacitet – 20 kw16stolp + dodatno s pomočjo teleskopskih reflektorjev,- postavitev in vzdrževanje električnega omrežja zapotrebe taborov in vojaških baz.4. VOD ZA PRIPRAVO HRANE- premične terenske kuhinje MFK Karcher –zmogljivost 1200 obrokov,- skladiščenje prehrambenih artiklov 1600 kg +1600 l.Vod za zveze (VZV) iz 11.bataljona za zveze (11. BZV)V strukturo SVNKON <strong>NRF</strong>16 prispeva 11. BZVradijski vod za zveze, Vod sestavljajo posadkesedmih končnih radijskih postaj, ki so pridodanesodelujočim četam, odzivnim celicam in laboratorijem.Posadke so tričlanske in jih sestavljajovodja skupine, voznik in operater.Osnovna naloga je zagotavljanje VHF in HF radijskihkomunikacij med poveljniškem mestombataljona in podrejenimi četami ter elementi.Za zagotovitev komunikacije pripadniki uporabljajoprevozne radijske sisteme za zveze TRC 04/40(HF/VHF – Iveco). Na izvedbo nalog so se posadkepripravljale na terenskih usposabljanjih v okviru11. BZV ter sodelovale na skupnih vajah v sklopu18. BJRKBO.Vod za uničevanjeNUS/157.LOGBVod za uničevanje NUS (NUS - neeksplodiranaubojna sredstva) je namenjen odkrivanju,odstranjevanju in uničevanju NUS/IEN ter s temzmanjševanju ali odstranjevanju nevarnosti, kilahko ogrozi bojno delovanje enot, osebje, objektein MS.Svoje poslanstvo opravlja s podpiranjem delovanjaenot SV in zavezništva v MOM, na nacionalnemprostoru ter sodelovanjem v izvajanu nalog zaščitein reševanja.Vod za uničevanje NUS lahko deluje samostojno aliv sestavi višje enote - čete za uničevanje NUSKLJUČNE NALOGE:• odkrivanje NUS/IEN,• odstranjevanje in uničevanje konvencionalnegastreliva,• odstranjevanje in uničevanje improviziranih eksplozivnihnaprav (IEN),• odstranjevanje in uničevanje JRKB NUS/IEN.Naloge v <strong>NRF</strong> 16:So enake ključnim nalogam enote s poudarkom naodstranjevanju in uničevanju JRKB NUS/IEN.Glavna specialistična oprema:• manipulacijsko vozilo (robot) TELEROB TEODOR,• zaščitna obleka EOD-9 (obleka + čelada), SRS-5(obleka + čelada),• teleskopska manipilacijska roka,• razbijalec (vodni top) AQUASET, ABL 2000, ABL3000 in RE 50-28 M2,• različna specialna orodja.SESTAVA ENOTE V <strong>NRF</strong> 16:Enoto v <strong>NRF</strong> 16 sestavlja 14 pripadnikov:• poveljstvo (poveljujoči in 2 x logistik),• 2 x oddelek (po pet pripadnikov),• 1 x podčastnik za povezavo v poveljstvu <strong>NRF</strong> 16.Oddelek vojaške policijeiz 17. bataljon vojaškepolicije (17. BVP)Iz 17. bataljona vojaške policije sodeluje v <strong>NRF</strong> 16oddelek 7 vojaških policistov. Poveljnik oddelka jeistočasno tudi častnik za povezavo.Vojaki VP imajo poleg osnovne opreme inoborožitve( AP FN 2000 S in Beretta FS 92) še opremovojaškega policista ( sredstva zvez, sredstva zavklepanje, teleskopska palica, razpršilec itd)Specialistična oprema, ki jo uporablja oddelek VPje naslednja:• 2x terensko policijsko vozilo MB 270 CDI• kovček za obravnavanje prometnih nezgod,• krim kovčekNaloge ki jih vojaški policisti izvajajo so naslednje:• Spremstvo in varovanje poveljnika <strong>NRF</strong> 16• Spremstvo vojaških konvojev• Obravnavanje prometnih nesreč• Zaznavanje kaznivih dejanj in zavarovanje krajaKD• Delovanje na področju Javnega reda in miru(JRM)• Izvidovanje potiNaloge pa se lahko razširijo glede na poveljnikovezahteve.Vojaška zdravstvenaenota (VZE)Vojaška zdravstvena enota s 4 pripadniki z ustreznimstrokovnim znanjem in opremo zagotavljaosnovne zdravstvene storitve.NPE (nacionalni podpornielement) iz 157. logističnegabataljonaV enoti NPE ( nacionalni podporni element) sodeluje30 pripadnikov. Ti pripadniki so logistiki ( oskrba,vzdrževanje, finančniki, vozniki ).Oprema pripadnikov je standardna, odspecialistične opreme imajo ustrezna transportnasredstva, predvsem tovorna in vozila in orodje zapopravilio le teh.Naloga NPE je logistična podpora enot SV v <strong>NRF</strong> nadrugem nivoju oskrbe.To pomeni zagotavljanje hrane, vode in strelivaza potrebe slovenskega kontingenta, kadar NPEzagotavlja oskrbo enote v tujini.

Task Logistics Company(NLOGČ) of the 670 th HQLogistics Battalion (POVLOGB)The company provides logistic support to <strong>NRF</strong>-16and includes 120 members. It is composed of 4 platoonsand the company HQ.Essential tasks:• Training of individuals and units in supplementaryMilitary Occupational Specialty (MOS) programmes,CBRN matters, and individual and collectiveskills.• Setting up of accommodation facilities for theneeds of the <strong>NRF</strong>-16 units, with the help of the18th CBRN Defence Battalion.• Provision of care, services and maintenance byclasses for the 18th CBRN Defence Battalion unitsand HQ, as well as other SAF units.• Command and control (C2 system), and reporting(LOGREP) within the <strong>NRF</strong>-16.• Cooperation in the conduct of international operationsand missions in the event of activationof <strong>NRF</strong>-16 units.A list of NLOGČ special equipment and capabilities:1. LOGISTICS PLATOON– Accommodation for 600 members.– Fuel supply equipment – capacity of 22 m3.– Ammunition supply equipment.– Volvo mobile machinery and a Palfinger forklift.– Drinking water supply equipment and a waterpurification system (the total capacity of watertankers is 27 m3 and the total capacity of the waterpurification system 5000l/h).2. TRANSPORT PLATOON– Transport capabilities: 160 tons of cargo on pallets,in containers and other types of packagewith Actros 4146 K vehicles.– Equipment for the recovery or evacuation of vehiclesand materiel.– Heavy lift equipment – 2.6 to 35 tons (TADANOFAUN mobile crane).– Equipment for the recovery of vehicles and materielof up to 27 tons.3. SUPPORT SERVICES PLATOON– Laundry department (washing capability withthe use of Medicop trailers).– Shower rooms (capacity for 600 members).– Sanitary department (removal of waste waterwith drainage vehicles).– Provision of electricity – 800 kW.– Provision of lighting facilities – 20 kW tower + additionaltelescopic reflectors.– Installation and maintenance of electricity networkfor camps and military bases.4. FOOD PREPARATION PLATOON– Kärcher’s mobile field kitchens (MFK) – capacityof 1200 meals.– Storage of food products – 1600 kg + 1600 l.Signal Platoon (VZV)of the 11 th SignalBattalion (11 th BZV)The 11th Signal Battalion contributes a signal platoonto the SVNKON <strong>NRF</strong>-16 structure. The platoonis composed of crews of seven radio vehiclesystems attached to participating companies, responsecells and laboratories. Each crew consistsof three members – the group leader, the driverand the operator.The primary task of the platoon is the provision ofVHF and HF radio communications between thebattalion command post and subordinate companiesand elements.To ensure communications, members use mobileradio systems TRC 04/40 (HF/VHF – Iveco). Thecrews acquired the relevant skills by participatingin the 11th Signal Battalion’s field training and injoint exercises in the framework of the 18th CBRNDefence Battalion.Explosive Ordnance Disposal(EOD) Platoon/157 thLogistics Battalion (LOGB)The task of the explosive ordnance disposal (EOD)platoon is detection, removal and destruction ofunexploded ordnance (UXO) and improvised explosivedevices (IED), and thus reduction or eliminationof risks to units’ combat operations, personnel,facilities and materiel.It accomplishes its mission by supporting the operationof SAF and allied units in international operationsand missions and in the national territory,as well as by participating in protection and rescuetasks.The EOD platoon can operate autonomously or aspart of a higher unit - an EOD company.KEY TASKS:• UXO/IED detection.• Removal and destruction of conventional ammunition.• Removal and destruction of IED.• Removal and destruction of CBRN UXO/IED.Tasks Related To The Context of <strong>NRF</strong>-16:They are identical to the platoon’s key tasks, withan emphasis on the removal and destruction ofCBRN UXO/IED.Main Specialist Equipment:• Service vehicle (robot) TELEROB TEODOR.• Protective clothing EOD-9 (suit + helmet) andSRS-5 (suit + helmet).• Telescopic manipulation arm.• AQUASET, ABL 2000, ABL 3000 and RE 50-28 M2disruptors (water jets).• Various special tools.<strong>NRF</strong>-16 UNIT STRUCTURE:The <strong>NRF</strong>-16 unit is composed of 14 members:• HQ (commander and 2 logistics officers).• 2 squads (five members each).• 1 liaison NCO in the <strong>NRF</strong>-16 HQ.Military Police Squad ofthe 17 th Military PoliceBattalion (17 th BVP)The <strong>NRF</strong>-16 includes a squad of 7 military policeofficers of the 17th Military Police Battalion. Thesquad leader also acts as a liaison officer.The MP soldiers carry basic equipment and weapons(AP FN 2000 S and Beretta FS 92) as well asmilitary police equipment (communication equipment,handcuffs, telescopic rods, atomisers etc.).Specialist equipment used by the MP squad:• 2 MB 270 CDI off-road police vehicles.• Traffic accident management kit.• Forensic kit.Tasks performed by military police officers:• Escort and protection of the <strong>NRF</strong>-16 commander.• Military convoy escort.• Traffic accidents management.• Crime detection and securing of the crime scene.• Law and order enforcement (LO).• Route reconnaissance.Tasks may be expanded in accordance with thecommander’s requirements.Military Medical Unit (VZE)The Military Medical Unit, composed of 4 memberswith adequate qualifications and equipment, providesbasic medical services.NSE (national supportelement) of the 157 thLogistics BattalionThe NSE unit includes 30 logistics officers (responsiblefor supply, maintenance, finances, transport).The unit’s equipment is standard and also includesspecialist equipment, such as appropriate meansof transport, particularly cargo vehicles, and vehiclerepair tools.The NSE is tasked with level 2 logistic support toSAF units in the <strong>NRF</strong>.This includes food, water and ammunition suppliesfor the Slovenian contingent when the NSEsupports a unit deployed abroad.17

Priprave enot SV na <strong>NRF</strong> 16Slovenija in <strong>Slovenska</strong> <strong>vojska</strong> sta se s sprejetjemnaloge obvezali, da bo Mn CBRND Bn popolnjen ,organiziran in usposobljen za zahtevane naloge.Za dosego teh zahtevnih ciljev je bilo potrebnodobro načrtovanje, usklajevanje in kvalitetna izvedbapriprav. Začetek priprav sega že v leto 2009,glavnina priprav pa je potekala v letošnjem letu. Najnaštejemo samo nekaj najpomembnejših:Udeležba pripadnikov 18. BJRKBOna vaji v NeapljuPripadnika poveljstva 18. bataljona za jedrsko,radiološko, kemično in biološko obrambo stase med 7. in 19. marcem udeležila vaje procesavojaškega načrtovanja in odločanja na operativniravni, ki je potekala v Neaplju.Na vaji sta sodelovala kot častnika za povezavo,seznanila pa sta se s postopki in dokumenti, ki seuporabljajo pri načrtovanju delovanja v mednarodnihoperacijah in v Nato odzivnih silah, v katerih bobataljon deloval prihodnje leto.Udeležba na vaji NOBLE JEWEL 10Aktivnosti povezane s sodelovanjem 18. bataljonaza jedrsko, radiološko, kemično in biološko obrambo(18. BJRKBO) v Natovih odzivnih silah v 16. rotaciji(<strong>NRF</strong> 16) se v 18. BJRKBO odvijajo že precej dolgo.Prve aktivnosti so se pričele že v letu 2009.Konec meseca maja in v začetku junija je v Neapljuv Italiji potekala vaja NOBLE JEWEL 10. To jebila vaja Združenega poveljstva, katero sestavljajopripadniki <strong>vojska</strong> vseh držav, ki sodelujejo v rotaciji<strong>NRF</strong> 16. Slovenija kot vodilna država v letu 2011 v<strong>NRF</strong> 16 zagotavlja bataljon za jedrsko, radiološko,kemično in biološko obrambo, katerega jedro bo18. BJRKBO. Zaradi tega so na vaji sodelovali tudi4 pripadniki iz 18. BJRKBO. Naloga pripadnikov 18.BJRKBO je bila reševanje ukazov, izdelava JRKB analiz,svetovanje nadrejenemu poveljstvu in izdelavadnevnih poročil.Vaja je za sodelujoče pripadnike in za enoto pomenilapripravo na aktivnosti, ki še sledijo - med njimiso tudi tri glavne mednarodne vaje NOBLE LIGHT,DECISIVE RESPONSE in STEADFAST JUNO.INTEGRACIJA 10V začetku junija je na Osrednjem vadišču Slovenskevojske (OSVAD) na Počku potekala vaja »INTEGRACI-18JA 10«, na kateri so v sklopu 16. rotacije Natovihodzivnih sil (<strong>NRF</strong>16)sodelovali pripadniki vseh laboratorijev18. BJRKBO. Pridodani so bili moduli iz 11.bataljona za zveze in 670. poveljniško logističnegabataljona (POVLOGB). Aktivnost je bila odločilnaza preverjanje elementa poročanja in vzpostavitevsodelovanja med omenjenimi moduli za <strong>NRF</strong>16.Slovenija prevzema fazo pripravljenosti januarjaleta 2011.Naloga je bila vzpostavitev usklajenega sodelovanjamed izvidniško četo (IČ)JRKBO, 11. bataljonomza zveze, SIBCRA skupinami, skupino za dekontaminacijoin mobilnim biološkim, kemičnim inradiološkim laboratorijem (MBLAB, MKLAB in MR-LAB). Za koordinacijo med posameznimi ekipamina terenu in v sami bazi je skrbelo poveljstvo zapremestljivi jedrski, radiološki, kemijski in biološkianalitski laboratorij (PJRKBALAB).Rezultat dobrega sodelovanja med enotami se jepokazal skozi nepretrgan niz dogodkov kot so detekcija,forenzični odvzem vzorcev po SIBCRA standardihter tudi taktični odvzem vzorca iz lahkegaizvidniškega vozila (LIV)Cobra, prenos in potrditvenaidentifikacija dobljenih bioloških, kemijskih aliradioloških vzorcev po standardiziranih postopkihter nazadnje izdaja poročila v PJRKBALAB.Posebnost usposabljanja na vaji »INTEGRACIJA 10«je bilo tudi dejstvo, da so bili prvič vsi trije mobilnianalitski (R, K, B) laboratoriji na terenu, kamor jim jebil tekom situacije tudi dostavljen R, K, B vzorec. Vsitrije laboratoriji so izvedli analizo dobljenega vzorcain poročilo dostavili v poveljstvo bataljona. Pokazalase je izredna homogenost prisotnega moštva ALAB,nadgrajeno je bilo sodelovanje med MOBLABI intudi med vojaškim in strokovnim delom enote.Sodelujoči na vaji so pokazali visoko raven strokovnosti.Usposabljanje smo zaključili zelo motivirani,polni novih izkušenj in energije za jesenske izzive.RAKUN 1 - 6Vaje z imenom RAKUN so vaje, ki jih je izvidniškačeta izvedla v letu 2010 kot pripravo na bataljonsketaktične vaje v ciklu priprav na prevzem nalog vkontingentu <strong>NRF</strong>-16.Obisk predstavnikov Združenegapoveljstva Neapelj (JFCNP) v 18. BJRKBOV okviru priprav na fazo pripravljenosti za rotacijoNatovih odzivnih sil (<strong>NRF</strong> 16), je 23. junija potekal v18. BJRKBO obisk predstavnikov JFCNP Združenegapoveljstva Neapelj. Obisk je bil namenjen izmenjaviinformacij in predstavitvi postopkov, ki veljajov poveljstvu JFCNP ter seznanitvi z zmogljivostjo18. BJRKBO. V tem okviru smo pripravili in izvedlistatično predstavitev opreme in sredstev JRKB ins tem prikazali zmogljivosti in visok nivo pripravljenost18. BJRKBO.Glavna načrtovalna konferenca za <strong>NRF</strong> 16Od 29. junija do 2. julija je v COU Poljče potekalaglavna načrtovalna konferenca (GNK) za 16. rotacijoNatovih odzivnih sil (<strong>NRF</strong> 16). Na konferenciso predstavniki oboroženih sil Francije, Poljske,Madžarske ter Slovenije uskladili načrte za prihodnjedelo ter boljše sodelovanje med enotami v <strong>NRF</strong>16. Poudarek GNK je bil tudi na izvedbi vaje DecisiveResponse 2010 jeseni letos, ki bo osrednja vaja Slovenskevojske.Urjenje štabnega procesa dela zavajo »DECISIVE RESPONSE 10«18. BJRKBO se skupaj s pridodanimi enotami (670.POVLOGB, VZE, 157.LOGB/EOD IN 11. BZV) pripravljaza prevzem <strong>NRF</strong> 16, kot vodilna država CBRN BNv prihajajočem letu.V sklopu priprav na prevzem odgovornosti so v18. BJRKBO v vojašnici Kranj od 23. avgusta do 27.avgusta izvedli štabni proces dela za vajo DECISIVERESPONSE 10, ki bo potekala v mesecu novembru.Vaja je namenjena načrtovanju operacije kriznegaodzivanja.Cilj štabnega procesa je bil preučiti in razumeti usmeritvenadrejenega poveljstva 72. BR ter izdelativse potrebne vadbene dokumente v angleščini.Vaja DECISIVE STEP 2010 z bojnimi strupi in NATOcertifikacijaV septembru je v vadbenem in testnem centru zadelo s kemičnim orožjem Zemianske Kostolany podbudnim očesom nadzornikov potekala vaja DECI-SIVE STEP 2010 z bojnimi strupi in NATO certifikacijamobilnega kemijskega laboratorija 18. BJRKBO, kije pogoj za sodelovanje v Natovih odzivnih silah<strong>NRF</strong>-16 v prvi polovici leta 2011. Vzporedno s temje potekala bilateralna vaja s francoskimi vzorčevalciSIBCRA s katerimi smo si izmenjali znanje, izkušnjeter seveda predstavili opremljenost ter zmogljivostobeh enot.Naštetih je samo majhen delček vaj, preverjanj,certifikacij in vseh ostalih aktivnosti, ki so se jihudeleževale enote sodelujoče v <strong>NRF</strong>.Krona vsega usposabljanja in vrhunec vseh pripravpa je vaja, ki je pred nami, Vaja "Decisive Response2010"

Slovenia and the Slovenian Armed Forces have undertakento man, organise and train the Mn CBRNDBn for the implementation of required tasks.To achieve these ambitious goals it was necessary toplan well, coordinate activities and implement qualitypreparation. Preparations began in 2009, whilethe majority of preparation activities has takenplace this year. Described bellow are some of themost important preparation activities:Participation of the 18th CBRN DefenceBattalion members in the Naples exerciseTwo members of the 18th CBRN Defence BattalionHQ attended the exercise focusing on operationallevel military planning and decision making, whichtook place between 7 and 19 March in Naples.They acted as liaison officers and became acquaintedwith the procedures and documents used in theplanning of international operations and NATO ResponseForce, in which the battalion will operate in2011.Participation in the NOBLEJEWEL 10 exerciseActivities related to the 18th CBRN Defence Battalion’sparticipation in <strong>NRF</strong>-16 have been underwayfor quite some time. The first activities began alreadyin 2009.At the end of May and in early June, Naples (Italy)held the NOBLE JEWEL 10 exercise. This was an exerciseof the NATO Joint Force Command and includedarmed forces’ members of all the countriesparticipating in <strong>NRF</strong>-16. Slovenia, as the <strong>NRF</strong>-16 leadnation for 2011, is responsible for the provision ofa chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defencebattalion, the core of which will be the 18thCBRN Defence Battalion. For this reason, 4 membersof the 18th CBRN Defence Battalion took part in theexercise. The task of the 18th CBRN Defence Battalionmembers included orders’ processing, makingCBRN analyses, advising higher HQs and preparingdaily reports.The exercise served as a preparation of participatingmembers and units for the coming activities –including the three major international exercises:NOBLE LIGHT, DECISIVE RESPONSE and STEADFASTJUNO.INTEGRATION 10In early June, the Slovenian Armed Forces CentralFiring Range and Training Area Poček held the IN-TEGRATION 10 exercise which included membersof all the 18th CBRND Bn laboratories in the contextof <strong>NRF</strong>-16. Included in the exercise were alsomodules of the 11th Signal Battalion and the 670thCommand and Logistics Battalion (POVLOGB). ThePreparation of SAFUnits for <strong>NRF</strong>-16exercise was crucial for testing the reporting elementand for the establishment of cooperationbetween the above-mentioned <strong>NRF</strong>-16 modules.Slovenia will enter the preparedness phase in January2011.The aim of the exercise was to harmonise cooperationbetween the CBRN Defence Battalion ReconnaissanceCompany, the 11th Signal Battalion, theSIBCRA groups, the decontamination group and themobile biological, chemical and radiological laboratories(MBLAB, MKLAB and MRLAB). Coordinationbetween individual field teams and those operatingon the base was provided by the mobile nuclear, radiological,chemical and biological analytical laboratoryHQ (PJRKBALAB).The result of good cooperation between units wasseen in a continuous series of events such as detection,forensic sampling in accordance with theSIBCRA standards and tactical sampling conductedwith the Cobra Light Reconnaissance Vehicle (LRV),transfer and confirmatory identification of acquiredbiological, chemical and radiological samples in accordancewith the standard procedures, and submissionof reports to the PJRKBALAB.A particularity of the INTEGRATION 10 exercise wasthe fact that all three mobile analytical (radiological,chemical and biological) laboratories were on thefield, to where R, C and B samples were also deliveredduring training. All three laboratories analysedthe samples and submitted reports to the battalionHQ. The present ALAB team proved very homogenous,and cooperation between the MOBLABs andthe military and professional sections of the unitwas upgraded.Exercise participants demonstrated a high level ofexpertise and completed the training highly motivated,and full of new experiences and energy toface autumn challenges.RACOON 1 - 6RACOON exercises were conducted in 2010 by thereconnaissance company as preparation for theCBRN Defence Battalion’s tactical exercises in thecontext of assuming duties in the <strong>NRF</strong>-16 contingent.Visit by the JFCNP representatives tothe 18th CBRN Defence BattalionIn the context of preparedness phase for <strong>NRF</strong>-16,JFCNP representatives visited the 18th CBRN DefenceBattalion on 23 June 2010. The purpose ofthe visit was to exchange information, present proceduresimplemented in the JFCNP, as well as becomefamiliar with the capabilities of the 18th CBRNDefence Battalion. For this purpose, the 18th CBRNDefence Battalion prepared and conducted a staticdisplay of CBRN equipment and assets, and thusdemonstrated a high level of readiness.MAIN PLANNING CONFERENCE FOR <strong>NRF</strong>-16From 29 June to 2 July, the Poljče Defence TrainingCentre (DTC) held the main planning conference(MPC) for <strong>NRF</strong>-16. At the conference, representativesof French, Polish, Hungarian and SlovenianArmed Forces synchronised plans for future workand better cooperation between the <strong>NRF</strong>-16 units.The MPC also focused on the implementation of theDecisive Response 2010 exercise which is to takeplace this autumn and will be the central exercise ofthe Slovenian Armed Forces.Staff functions training for theDECISIVE RESPONSE 10 exerciseThe 18th CBRN Defence Battalion, along with its detachments(670th POVLOGB, VZE, 57th LOGB/EODand 11th BZV), is preparing to take the lead of theCBRN Bn in <strong>NRF</strong>-16 in 2011.As part of preparations for these duties, the 18thCBRN Defence Battalion conducted staff training forthe DECISIVE RESPONSE 10 exercise which will takeplace in November. The training was conducted atthe Kranj Military Post from 23 to 27 August. The DE-CISIVE RESPONSE exercise will focus on CRO planning.The goal of the staff training was to review and understanddirections of the higher command (72ndBrigade), and prepare all necessary training documentsin the English language.DECISIVE STEP 2010 exercise with casualty agentsand NATO certificationIn September, the CBRN Training and Testing Centrein Zemianske Kostolany, held the DECISIVE STEP2010 exercise with casualty agents, and NATO certificationof the mobile chemical laboratory of the18th CBRN Defence Battalion under the watchfuleye of supervisors. The certification is a requirementfor participation in <strong>NRF</strong>-16 in the first half of 2011.At the same time, there was a bilateral exercise withthe French SIBCRA sampling team, which enabledthe Slovenian battalion to exchange knowledgeand experience, and also to present equipment andcapabilities of both units.Described above are only some of the exercises,tests, certifications and other activities attended bythe units participating in the <strong>NRF</strong>.The culmination of all training and preparations,however, is the exercise that is ahead of us, the DecisiveResponse 2010.19

Vaja / exerciseDECISIVE RESPONSE 10Vaja je namenjena načrtovanju operacije kriznega odzivanja in preverjanjupripravljenosti Mn CBRND BnVaja poteka v času od 5. do 18. novembra bo na Osrednjem vadišču Slovenskevojske na Počku.• 05-07NOV – razmestitev enot v območje vaje• 09 NOV – predstavitev za strokovno javnost• 08-10NOV - integracijsko usposabljanje bataljona (skupna usposabljanja)• 11NOV - predstavitev za javnost• 12-15NOV - taktična vaja s preverjanjem pripravljenosti bataljona (usmerjenana JRKB dogodke)• 16-18NOV - premestitev na matične lokacijeV vaji sodeluje približno 650 udeležencev:1. Mn CBRND Bn (mednarodni bataljon JRKBO) v sestavi:• SVNKON (slovenski kontingent)<strong>NRF</strong> 16 (18. BJRKBO, PLOGČ/670POVLOGB, VZV/11. BZV, OVP/17.BVP, NUS/157. LOGB)• odzivna celiva poljske čete• odzivna celica madžarskega voda2. francoska četa JRKBO3. helikopter SV4. vodstvo vaje (vodstvo, naznačevalci, zaledna zagotovitev) - vsi pripadniki iz SVNa vaji pričakujemo še:• opazovalce iz nizozemskega bataljona JRKBO in• opazovalce iz NATO Centra odličnosti JRKBO iz Vyškov-a (NATO COE CBRND)• vojaške novinarje iz ČeškeVadbeni scenarij vaje: Operacija v podporo miru - Ohranjanje miruV fiktivnem območju izven območja držav Nata pride zaradi nadzora nad surovinamiin etničnih razlik do napetosti, ki se stopnjujejo v oborožen napad državeKalcija na državo Turmalija. Po posredovanju OZN je sklenjen sporazum o prekinitviognja ter na območje napotene sile NIMFOR pod vodstvom Nata. <strong>NRF</strong>se na območje napoti kot “vstopne sile” v sestavi sil NIMFOR, torej kot prve silev območju delovanja z namenom, da prevzamejo iniciativo, zagotovijo varnookolje ter omogočijo prihod sil, ki sledijo. Varnost v območju delovanja ogrožajopredvsem manjše para-vojaške in teroristične skupine, ki delujejo v interesudržave Kalcija, slabe higienske razmere in neobstoječ nadzor nad nevarnimisnovmi. . Poslanstvo Mn CBRND Bn / <strong>NRF</strong> je zagotoviti svobodo delovanja silamNIMFOR v pogojih JRKB grožnje ter pomoč mednarodnim organizacijam prizagotavljanju humanitarne pomoči v območju delovanja.The exercise focuses on CRO planning and testing the readiness of the MnCBRND Bn.It will take place between 5 and 18 November 2010 at the Slovenian ArmedForces Central Firing Range and Training Area Poček.• 05-07NOV – deployment of units in the exercise area.• 09 NOV – presentation for the professional public.• 08-10NOV – integrated battalion training (joint training).• 11NOV – presentation for the public.• 12-15NOV – tactical exercise to test the battalion readiness (focused on CBRNevents).• 16-18NOV – transfer to primary locations.There are approximately 650 exercise participants.1. The Mn CBRND Bn composed of:• SVNKON (Slovenian contingent) <strong>NRF</strong>-16 (18th CBRND Bn, PLOGČ (Commandand Logistics Company)/670th POVLOGB, VZV/11th BZV, OVP (MilitaryPolice Squad)/17th BVP (Military Police Battalion), NUS (UXO)/157thLOGB).• Polish company response cell.• Hungarian platoon response cell.2. French CBRN company.3. SAF helicopter.4. Exercise leadership (leadership, designators, rear support) – all SAF members.Also expected to participate in the exercise:• Observers from the Netherlands CBRN Battalion.• Observers from the NATO CBRN COE in Vyškov.• Military journalists from the Czech Republic.Exercise training scenario: Peace support operation – Peace keeping.In a fictional area outside NATO area tension arises as a result of the raw material controland ethnic differences. The tension escalates into an armed conflict between thecountries of Kalcija and Turmalija. Following the UN intervention, a ceasefire agreementis reached, and NATO-led NIMFOR force is sent to the area. The <strong>NRF</strong> is deployedto the area as an “initial entry force” within NIMFOR. This means that the <strong>NRF</strong> is thefirst force in the area of operation with the task of assuming the initiative, providing asafe environment, and facilitating the arrival of follow-on forces. Security in the areaof operation is threatened by small para-military and terrorist groups operating inthe interest of Kalcija, by poor hygiene conditions and non-existent control of hazardoussubstances. . The mission of the Mn CBRND Bn / <strong>NRF</strong> is to ensure freedom ofoperation for NIMFOR forces in the event of a CBRN threat, and to assist internationalorganisations in the provision of humanitarian aid in the area of operation.

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