continuum and discontinuum modelling in tunnel engineering

continuum and discontinuum modelling in tunnel engineering

continuum and discontinuum modelling in tunnel engineering


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Rud.-geol.-naft. zb., Vol. 12, Zagrcb, 2000.48 Bark, G., Barla M.: Cont<strong>in</strong>uum <strong>and</strong> dis<strong>cont<strong>in</strong>uum</strong> <strong>modell<strong>in</strong>g</strong>Figwe 5. Estimated supporf cuiegork~ hed yon the <strong>tunnel</strong>l<strong>in</strong>g qutalhty<strong>in</strong>dex Q (Grimstad <strong>and</strong> Barton, 199 )- Tunnel deformation (B a r t o n , 1998)Vertical:Horizontal: Ah =where: %<strong>and</strong> ah (the vertical <strong>and</strong> horizontal <strong>in</strong> situ stresscomponents), crc [the uniaxial compressive strength ofthe <strong>in</strong>tact rock material are given <strong>in</strong> consistent units (i.e.MPa); SPAN <strong>and</strong> HE1 b HT (the width <strong>and</strong> height of the<strong>tunnel</strong>) are given <strong>in</strong> mm.4. Comm~aon of la) <strong>cont<strong>in</strong>uum</strong> ubiuuitous iodc case <strong>and</strong> A)di~cdnt<strong>in</strong>uum ;n'dell<strong>in</strong>g results wheh analys<strong>in</strong>g typical <strong>in</strong>stabiiitymechanisms around a TBMexcavated lunnel <strong>in</strong> a weak rockmassmodelI<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> connection with rock mass classificationmethods <strong>in</strong> a framework of crossvalidation of the expected<strong>tunnel</strong> response to excavation Once the specificmodel has been proven to be awe table <strong>in</strong> a given rockmass condition, it may be improve a <strong>and</strong> furthervalidateddur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>tunnel</strong> excavation. A set of guidel<strong>in</strong>es, given as afunction of Q values, can be used as a form of prelim<strong>in</strong>aryverification of a numerical model (B art o n , 1999).-Support categoriesBased upon analyses of case records, Grim st a d <strong>and</strong>Bar ton (1993) give the diagram of Figure 5 whichallows one to relate the value of the <strong>in</strong>dex Q to thestability <strong>and</strong> support requirements of underground excavation,once the parameter which they called EquivalentDimension is obta<strong>in</strong>ed. This parameter is the span,diameter or wall height of the same excavation dividedby a numerical coefficient which is <strong>in</strong>tended to accountfor its use <strong>and</strong> the degree of security which is dem<strong>and</strong>edof the support system <strong>in</strong>stalled to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the stabilityof the excavation.Additional guidel<strong>in</strong>es are available based on the Qsystem which allow one to assess a number of additionalparameters deal<strong>in</strong>g with <strong>tunnel</strong> stability <strong>and</strong> supportrequirements (Bart o n et al., 1974): a) the mmmumunsupported span, b) the permanent roof support pressure;c) the bolt length.2.2.1. Case ExamplesWith the case history <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d, which is to be discussed<strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g, a 4.75 m diameter <strong>tunnel</strong> was taken asa typical problem to be used for validation of the discon-Figure 6. Four UDEC d e b wirh difierent Qvalucr: model 1-Q=8.5;made1 2 - Q=4.l; madel 3 - Q=1.9; model 4 - Q=0.67

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