October 2010 Bulletin (22-9-2... - City Montessori School

October 2010 Bulletin (22-9-2... - City Montessori School

October 2010 Bulletin (22-9-2... - City Montessori School


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CMSBULLETIN—NEWSINANUTSHELL OCTOBER <strong>2010</strong> (2)Prizes worth Rs 51 lakh awarded on Teachers DayA grand 'Teachers FelicitationFunction'washeldontheeveofTeachersDay in which excellent and dedicatedCMS teachers of all campuses werehonoured with certificates and medalsandawardedtheprizesworthRupees51lakh in cash and kind. The Chief Gueston this occasion was Mr Uma ShankarSingh, Deputy Registrar,Societies, U.P.wholittheceremoniouslampoflearningtoinauguratethefunction.Ms Sumita Gulati, teacher of CMSKanpur Roadcampuswho wasdeclaredthe Best ISC teacher for the session2009-<strong>2010</strong> and Ms Arpita Samsung,teacher,CMS Mahanagar (Campus III),whowasdeclaredtheBestICSEteacherfor the session 2009-<strong>2010</strong>, togethergarlanded the portrait of former IndianPresident and teacher-philosopher DrSarvepalli Radhakrishnan and wereawarded cheques for prizes worthInternational Students Science Fair in AustraliaA 5-member delegation of CMSMahanagar (Campus I) participated inthe International Students Science Fair(ISSF <strong>2010</strong>) held in Australia. Thedelegation was led by Mrs NaliniSharad, Principal, CMS Mahanagar(CampusI) and teacher MrY.S. Rawatas deputy team leader. The studentmembersoftheteamwereShreyanshP.Rao, Somya Srivastava and AishwaryaGupta. This International ScienceFestivalorganizedundertheauspicesofAustralian Science and Mathematics<strong>School</strong>, Flinders University,Adelaide,Australia was attended by meritoriousThe'NewParentsEvening'organizedbyCMS Rajajipuram on 27 August <strong>2010</strong>wasararespectacleofmusic,danceandoratory skills displayed by CMSstudentsonstage.Parentsandguardianswere delighted to watch their childrenperformwithgreatzealandenthusiasm.They clapped heartily after each itemsand their faces shone with pride andhappiness asthey viewed theitems.MrNarendra Bhadauria, Editor, RashtriyaSwaroop was the chief guest on theoccasion.New Parents EveningTalents SparkleThewelldecoratedauditoriumofCMSGomti Nagar sparkled with the talentsof students at the 'New ParentsEvening' organized by CMS IndiraNagar campus on 30 August <strong>2010</strong>.Parents were overjoyed to witness theoutflow of music and dance as theirwards performed on stage. Theygreeted and applauded with clappingaftereachitem.Theprogrammebeganwith an All Religion Prayer whichfilledtheheartswithloveforAlmightyGod. This was followed by WorldPeacePrayer inwhich children recitedtheslogan'MayPeacePrevailonEarth'holdingtheflagsof differentcountriesin their hands. The parents wereAnnual Mothers DayAconglomerationofnoblemindsRs. 25,309/- and Rs. 21,210/-respectively. CMS Kanpur RoadCampus and CMS Mahanagar CampusIII were declared the best campuses inISC and ICSE categories respectivelyand their respective principals Dr (Mrs)Vineeta Kamran and Mrs PremaSubramaniam were awarded cheques ofRs. <strong>22</strong>,700/- and Rs. 12,700/-respectively.Delegation to Australiastudentsandexpertsofseveralcountriesoftheworld.Aview of the World Parliamentamazed to see the beautiful andcolourful folk dances and the feelingsof unity in diversity as depicted in theculturalpresentations.Live asif you were todie tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.Character Building March By TeachersAround3000teachersofCMStookoutahuge 'Character Building March' fromPuraniChungi,KanpurRoadtotheCMSKanpur Road auditorium on eve ofTeachersDayandmadeanappealtoalltoinstil values in students and youth andpreparethe younger generation as worldcitizens. CMS Founders renownededucationists, Dr Jagdish Gandhi andDr (Mrs) BhartiGandhiled this massiveMarch of teachers along with thePrincipalsofallCMSBranches.Arecord number of 19 CMS studentsproved their superiority being selected inNational Talent Search (NTS) finalexamination out of atotal number of 23students selected from Lucknow. These19 successful students of CMS are -Abhijeet Krishna, Akash Gupta, AnantKumar Singh, Kushal Kumar, PankajKumar Yadav,Parul Srivastava, RishabhSharma, Yash Kumar (Gomti Nagarcampus);Anuj KumarAgarwal, RishabhSingh, Shikhar (Kanpur Road campus);Ambuj Mishra and Manvi Sonkar(Rajendra Nagar Campus I); AdityaSrivastava and Tanmay Shekhar Dabral(Aliganj Campus I), Avijit ThawaniTiny-tots of CMS Rajendra NagarCampus III presented aglimpse ofunity in diversity, cooperation,collaboration and togethernessmesmerizing the audience through anumber of educational-cultural itemsat the Annual Mothers Day of theschool organized on 16 September<strong>2010</strong>.TheChiefGuestontheoccasionwas Dr Dinesh Sharma, Mayor,Lucknow.ChiefGuest,theMayor,inaugurating the functionHorlicks Wizkids Contest Dance Competition Prolific WriterSrishti Pal of CMS AnandNagar won the city finals ofHorlicks Wizkids Interschoolcontest held atRavindralaya auditorium.Students of several reputedschools of Lucknow hadparticipatedinthisprestigiouscompetition.Tinytotspresenting aculturalitemPratinav Pratap Singh, astudent of CMS GomtiNagar won the first prize ininter-school dancecompetition in FiestaLatina-<strong>2010</strong> organized by'Planet Salsa' at SangeetNatyaAcademy,Lucknow.--Mahatma GandhiApanoramicview of Character BuildingMarchExcellent results in National Talent Search ExamNew Parents Evening and culturalprogramme of CMS Gomti Nagar Campusrdwas organized on 23 August <strong>2010</strong>. Theparentsand guardians of the newly admittedstudents were welcomed to the CMS familyand were acquainted with the CMSideologies and methods. Hon'ble Speaker ofU.P. Legislative Assembly Shri SukhdevRajbharwastheChiefGuestontheoccasion.Nursery rhymes, fancy dress, world peaceprayer and choreography on 'KrishnaJanmashtmi' were some of the itemspresentedatthefunction.Brilliant ScholarsselectedinNTSE(Indira Nagar campus); PranjalSrivastava(Station Road campus); RohitAgarwal(RajendraNagarCampusII)andMrigankPatel(MahanagarCampusIII).Welcoming the New ParentsCMS organized inter-branch Karatechampionship at CMS Kanpur Roadcampus hall. The students of 8 CMScampuses displayed their sporting skills atthis championship. The competition washeld on various age groups in whichstudentswontheheartsofparentspresenttowatch championship. CMS RDSO campusbagged 101 points and grabbed thechampionship whereas CMS Station Roadcampus hadto settle down as the runner upwith28points.DancingdelightsInter-branch Karate ChampionshipASISC Swimming MeetTalented students of CMS exhibited theirtremendous swimming skills winningglorious success at the Zonal ASISCSwimmingMeet.Thewinnersofcompetitioncan now participate in State levelcompetition. The swimming meet wasorganized at the CMS Rajajipuramswimming pool in which about 200studentsof 15 ICSE schoolsof Lucknow participatedwithfullzealandenthusiasm.Shivdutt, aClass VI studentof CMS Anand NagarcampuswonthefirstprizeinHorlicks Wizkids InterschoolStory WritingContest held atRavindralayaauditorium.Ed-LeadershipAwards <strong>2010</strong>Following is the corrected list ofEd-Leadership Awards <strong>2010</strong>. Ed-Leadership was organised from 1 to4August by the Quality Assurance &Innovations Department, CMS. We regrettheerrorinpreviousbulletin.—EditorOutstanding contribution to Education Award(Rs25,000/-each)1. MrsElizabethMehta <strong>2.</strong> MrMSSolankiEducationInnovatorAward(Rs10,000/-each)1. MrParitoshBajaj <strong>2.</strong> MrsJyotiKashyap3. MrDeepakSinghi 4. MrBibhutiN.Biswal5. MrRajeshBatra 6. MsAmitaBardwick7. MrsRackhiNirwan 8. MsKashmiraJaiswal9. MrNKDutta 10. MrSKMahajanForthcomingEvents7thEXSPOInternational23-26<strong>October</strong><strong>2010</strong>5thInternationalInnovationDay 28<strong>October</strong><strong>2010</strong>KindlylisteneverydaytoDrJAGDISHGANDHIonBroaderEducationModelforthe21st centuryonthefollowingTVchannelsMorningTransmission1. Aasthachannelat4.30amto 4.50am<strong>2.</strong> JanSandesh channelat7.30 amto 8.00 am3. AzadNews channelat8.30amto 8.50amEveningTransmission1. DenLocal TVchannelat6.30pmto7.00pm<strong>2.</strong> No.1 channelat7.00 pm to 7.30pm3. Dishachannelat9.30 pmto 10.00pm

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