Consumer Charter - Department of Human Services

Consumer Charter - Department of Human Services

Consumer Charter - Department of Human Services

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8 Your rights and responsibilities explainedthe organisation tries to prevent you sufferingany harm or abusean organisation’s clients are consulted andparticipate in the development <strong>of</strong> a list<strong>of</strong> rights and responsibilities for thatorganisation to ensure they are reasonableFor example, the organisation should organisefire drills so you know what to do if there isa fire. It should also make sure staff haveappropriate training, such as first aid,managing difficult behaviour, drug andalcohol and mental health awareness, foodhandling and so on.In addition to this <strong>Charter</strong> and to meet andbalance the needs <strong>of</strong> people, organisationsmay develop a list <strong>of</strong> rights and responsibilitiesin consultation with consumers. You have theright to be involved in this process, when itoccurs.There might also be times when anorganisation needs to negotiate some specificrights and responsibilities with an individual,to help them and other people feel safe andsecure. The individual can expect to beinvolved in this process.the organisation has fair and effective ways <strong>of</strong>handling aggressive or potentially violentbehaviourOrganisations have policies on managingaggressive and violent behaviour. Thesepolicies should be made available to you andexplained if you want further information.It is your responsibility to:respect the rights <strong>of</strong> other people to feel safeYou are responsible for ensuring that youractions do not make others feel unsafe.In addition to this <strong>Charter</strong>, some organisationshave policies on rights and responsibilities thatprotect the rights <strong>of</strong> all people to feel safe.These policies should be made available andexplained to you. You must respect and adhereto these policies.

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