Paper 89 - Square Circles Publishing

Paper 89 - Square Circles Publishing

Paper 89 - Square Circles Publishing


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SOURCE OR PARALLEL URANTIA PAPER <strong>89</strong>XXXVI: HUMAN SACRIFICE (Sumner& Keller 1251)§294.* Nature of the Offering. (Sumner &Keller 1251)6. EVOLUTION OF HUMANSACRIFICE<strong>89</strong>:6.1 Human sacrifice was an indirectresult of cannibalism as well as its cure.There has already come before us a typeof human sacrifice that is neither directlynor indirectly connected with man-eating:the provision of an escort for the dead tothe spirit-world (S&K 1251).Providing spirit escorts to the spirit worldalso led to the lessening of man-eating asit was never the custom to eat these deathsacrifices.It is astonishing to one who holds thecurrent notions about human sacrifice toread that “there is not a people that hasnot practised this custom at some periodor other of its history.No race has been entirely free from thepractice of human sacrifice in some formand at some time,even though the Andonites, Nodites, andAdamites were the least addicted tocannibalism.<strong>89</strong>:6.2 Human sacrifice has beenvirtually universal;Hindus, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, evenIsraelites, differ, in this matter, from thenegroes of our own times in nothing savethe object they assign to this kind ofsacrifice. The longer the matter is studied,the less is one inclined to balk at thisuniversal” (S&K 1251).it persisted in the religious customs of theChinese, Hindus, Egyptians, Hebrews,Mesopotamians, Greeks, Romans, andmany other peoples, even on to recenttimes among the backward African andAustralian tribes.34

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