Paper 89 - Square Circles Publishing

Paper 89 - Square Circles Publishing

Paper 89 - Square Circles Publishing


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SOURCE OR PARALLEL URANTIA PAPER <strong>89</strong>Ideas concerning the fetish-quality ofhair and nails and their use in magic lendthem especial importance as exuvialsacrifices (S&K 1280).One of the most consistent of exuvialsacrifices is that of the blood (S&K1282).In Fiji, for example, at the death of a kingor queen, every man or a member of afamily, particularly children, cuts off afinger or toe joint, in some cases a wholefinger, fastens it in a reed stalk and hangsit up in the house of the dead (S&K IV6<strong>89</strong>).Of the various exuvial sacrificeseffected by mutilation, with consequentblood-letting and identifying scars, theone performed in circumcision is perhapsthe most historic. This is a practice foundin all parts of the world and underconditions precluding originationelsewhere than in daimonism.That it comes, in later ages, to be ahygienic device disconnected with anyfaith, has led some to believe that it wasoriginally a rational procedure; theyshould realize that many unpremeditatedprimitive practices reveal the rationalityof that which has survived the automaticprocesses of selection (S&K 1285).[[Circumcision] is a common rite in initiationceremonies,being performed on both sexes ...(S&K IV 691).]In one Indian district, one hundred yearsago, every woman, “previous to piercingthe ears of her eldest daughter,preparatory to her being betrothed inmarriage, must undergo the amputation ofthe first joints of the third and fourthfingers of her right hand.” ...Hair, nails,blood,and even fingers and toes were sacrificed.The later and well-nigh universal ancientrite of circumcision was an outgrowth ofthe cult of partial sacrifice;it was purely sacrificial, no thought ofhygiene being attached thereto.Men were circumcised;women had their ears pierced.46

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