MAO-001 – Encounter Data Duplicates Report - CSSC Operations

MAO-001 – Encounter Data Duplicates Report - CSSC Operations

MAO-001 – Encounter Data Duplicates Report - CSSC Operations


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<strong>MAO</strong>-<strong>001</strong> – <strong>Encounter</strong> <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Duplicates</strong> <strong>Report</strong>When the <strong>MAO</strong>-002 <strong>Encounter</strong> <strong>Data</strong> Processing Status <strong>Report</strong> is returned to an <strong>MAO</strong> or other entity, andcontains edit 98325 – Service Line(s) Duplicated, the EDPS will also generate and return the <strong>MAO</strong>-<strong>001</strong><strong>Encounter</strong> <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Duplicates</strong> <strong>Report</strong>. <strong>MAO</strong>s and other entities will not receive the <strong>MAO</strong>-<strong>001</strong> report ifthere are no duplicate errors received on submitted encounters. The <strong>MAO</strong>-<strong>001</strong> report is a fixed lengthreport available in flat file and formatted report layouts. It provides information for encounters andservice lines that receive a status of “reject” and the specific error message of 98325 – Service Line(s)Duplicated.HEADERRECORDThere is only oneheader per record per file.Position(s) Item Notes Length Format1 Record Type 0=Header 1 Numeric, nocommas and/ordecimals2 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value3-9 <strong>Report</strong> ID Value is7 Alpha Numeric“<strong>MAO</strong>-<strong>001</strong>”10 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value8 Numeric, formatCCYYMMDD11-18 <strong>Report</strong> Date Date that the reportwas created by EDPSC.19 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value20-27 Transaction Date 8 Numeric, formatCCYYMMDD28 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value29-67 <strong>Report</strong> Description Value is“<strong>Encounter</strong> <strong>Data</strong><strong>Duplicates</strong> <strong>Report</strong>”39 Alpha Numeric,Left justify, blankfill68 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value69-73 Filler 5 Blank – (Removalof Contract ID)74 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value75-104 SubmissionInterchange Sender30 Alpha NumericInterchangeNumberID (ISA06) +Interchange ControlNumber (ISA13) +Interchange Date(ISA09)105 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value106-108 Record Type Value is “INS”,3 Alpha Numeric“PRO”,“DME”109 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character valuePage 1 of 3

110-113 SubmissionFile TypeValue is “TEST” or“PROD”4 Alpha Numeric114 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value115-128 Filler 14 SpacesDETAILRECORDThere may be multipledetail records per file.Position(s) Item Notes Length Format1 Record Type 1=Detail 1 Numeric, nocommas and/ordecimals2 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value3-9 <strong>Report</strong> ID Value is7 Alpha Numeric"<strong>MAO</strong>-<strong>001</strong>"10 Delimiter 1 Uses the *11-15 MedicareAdvantageContract IDMedicare Contract IDassigned to the MAPlancharacter value5 Alpha Numeric16 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value17-36 Plan ID (CCN) Plan internal control20 Alpha Numericnumber.37 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value38-56 <strong>Encounter</strong>ICN19 Alpha NumericInternal ControlNumber.In encounter data, only13 spaces representthe ICN howeveradditional spaces allowfor other use.57 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value58-60 <strong>Encounter</strong> LineNumberInternal line numbergenerated by EDPS.3 Numeric, nocommas and/ordecimals61 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value62-81 Duplicate Plan<strong>Encounter</strong> ID(CCN)Duplicate Plan IDstored in EODS20 Alpha Numeric82 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value83-101 Duplicate<strong>Encounter</strong>ICN19 Alpha NumericDuplicate <strong>Encounter</strong>ICN identified in EODS.In encounter data, only13 spaces representthe ICN; however,additional spaces allowfor other use.Page 2 of 3

102 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value103-105 Duplicate<strong>Encounter</strong>Line NumberInternal line numbergenerated by EDPS.3 Numeric, nocommas and/ordecimals106 Delimiter 1 Uses the *107-118 Beneficiary HICN Beneficiary HealthInsurance <strong>Encounter</strong>Numbercharacter value12 Alpha Numeric119 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value120-127 Date of Service 8 Numeric, formatCCYYMMDD128 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character valueTRAILER(TOTALS)RECORDThere is only one trailerper record file.Position(s) Item Notes Length Format1 Record Type 9=Trailer 1 Numeric, nocommas and/ordecimals2 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value3-9 <strong>Report</strong> ID Value is7 Alpha Numeric"<strong>MAO</strong>-<strong>001</strong>"10 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value11-18 Total Number8 Numeric, noof Duplicate <strong>Encounter</strong>Lines Rejectedcommas and/ordecimals19 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value20-27 Total Numberof <strong>Encounter</strong> LinesSubmitted8 Numeric, nocommas and/ordecimals28 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value29-36 Total Number of<strong>Encounter</strong> RecordsSubmitted8 Numeric, nocommas and/ordecimals37 Delimiter 1 Uses the *character value38-128 Filler 91 Numeric, nocommas and/ordecimalsPage 3 of 3

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