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Operator Comfort:Joy Global knows the importanceof the human element.We understand that a high level of operator comfort equals higher productivity.We demonstrate this dedication to ease of operation through a series of thoughtfulergonomically designed cabin features in every Generation 2 loader.The cab design features a 2-door ingress and egress, with a simplified dashlayout that includes a readily visible and easily readable LCD screen (even in thebrightest sunlight). The cab also features significant increases in Heating and AirConditioning capabilities for even greater comfort. P&H LeTourneau-Series wheelloaders are the operator’s choice when it comes to comfort and productivity.Elastomer-mounted,fully insulated enclosureGeneration 2 operator cabs areindependently elastomer-mountedto the frame, isolating the operator fromvibration and noise transmission. Theinsulated cabs provide temperatureprotection and additional sounddampening. All Generation 2 loaders meetor exceed the ISO and SAE standards forinterior sound levels.Eleven-way adjustableair ride seatA generously appointed, adjustableair suspension seat meets individualpreferences with eleven-wayadjustability. It is designed tocomfortably accommodate theoperator and incorporates a four pointretractable lap belt with shoulderharness assembly. Engineered formaximum shock absorption, thisdesign offers the operator fine-tuning oflumbar support, cushion angle, fore-aftpositioning, and more.Clearest forwardand rear visibilityGeneration 2 loaders also offerunmatched visibility for operators, fromthe tapered rear hood to the parabolicrearview mirrors and optional rear viewvideo camera. Exceptional visibility allowsthe operator to comfortably attack theloading face and approach the haul truckwith speed, accuracy and consistencywith an increased measure of safetyMaximized air flow throughoutThe cab’s superior, strategically placedventilation system provides ten (10)outlets from which a steady supply ofdouble filtered air flows. The cab receivespressurized filtered air from the KLENZsystem, which then passes through a finalcab-mounted air filter. The pressurizationis designed to keep particulates out evenunder the dustiest conditions.Automated climate controlFactory-fitted combination air-conditioningand heating system maintains interior cabcomfort under the harshest conditions.The Generation 2 operator’s cab utilizesa FOPS mounted condenser with theremainder of the unit in the cab for easeof maintenance and accessibility.Effortless joystick steering andbucket controlPerhaps most impressive is theGeneration 2 advanced joystick controlsystem featuring non-contact, halleffecttechnology that provides long life.Ergonomically designed, the joysticksprovide simple, effortless operation ofall loading, directional and steeringfunctions throughout the work day.Generation 2 Wheel Loader Product Overview | Joy Global | 9

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