Winter 2007 - BMI.com

Winter 2007 - BMI.com

Winter 2007 - BMI.com


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formers who leant their talents toTales of Joni: The Storefront SingsM i t c h e l l, an evening of songsdevoted to the work of <strong>com</strong>poserJoni Mitchell p resented by TheStorefront.LEGALLY BLONDEthe up<strong>com</strong>ing Broadway musicalbased on the film, feature sAndy Karl (Second Year) in thecast.MARYMOUNT SERIESLast September, Lynn Ahrensand Stephen Flaherty (R a g t i m e ,Once On This Island, Dessa Rose andm o re), appeared as special guestpanelists in a segment of M a r y-mount Manhattan College DanceD e p a r t m e n t’s lecture series,Broadway Dances Ballet, Jazz andTap: Where Has It Been? AndWhere Is It Going? The two, alongwith their frequent collaborator,d i re c t o r- c h o re o g r a p h e r G r a c i e l aDaniele, were featured in the firstof the four-part series called, ACollaborative How To: Write ForDance; Find Points of Entry in theScript; Realize the Dancing andMake it Work.M A RTIN SHORT: FA M EBECOMES MEJill Abramovitz u n d e r s t u d i e dNicole Parker in the mostly fictionalBroadway biography of theSCTV alumni <strong>com</strong>edian. Happily,audiences had several opportunitiesto see Jill make the multiple<strong>com</strong>ic roles snugly fit her owninimitable style.Craig Baldwin (2nd Year) wasAssistant Musical Director for thes h o w, and Beth Falcone(Advanced) played keyboard inthe pit.MONDAY NIGHTS, NEWVOICES (APRIL)The Monday Nights, New Voicesseries at the Duplex Cabaret Theat r e, which showcases up-and<strong>com</strong>ingtalent, was hosted by Maxvon Essen last April, featuring<strong>com</strong>posers Ricky Ian Gordon andRyan Scott Oliver.The one-night-only eventincluded Ty e B l u e, Alison Cimme t, Tory Ross, Alééna Wa t t e r sand Katie Thompson with musicald i rection by Advanced memberBarbara Anselmi.MARY FEINSINGERwhen not busy writing, is busydoing everything else. The pastyear she revived her starring ro l eas Rifke in the Folksbiene productionof Di Yam Gazlonim (the Yiddishversion of The Pirates of Pen -z a n c e) at the 92nd Street Y; shewas mezzo soprano soloist at theSt. Albans Music Festival’s Musicfor Kings and Cro w n i n g s o rc h e s-tral concert conducted and dire c t-ed by Jeffrey Hoffman (Alumnus);she was music director andarranger for both Ta i l s (book andlyrics by Mark Masi [ L i b re t t i s t s ] ,music by Jess Platt) and The Bellsof Christmas at the Irish Rep; shewas <strong>com</strong>missioned by the N e wYork Children’s Aid Society Choru s to write a choral piece whichp re m i e red at the Ethical CultureA u d i t o r i u m; and she conducted17

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