Reference Style Guide [17-09-2008 Tdv].pdf

Reference Style Guide [17-09-2008 Tdv].pdf

Reference Style Guide [17-09-2008 Tdv].pdf


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Or indirectly:‐ 2 ‐(Green, 1978, p.26)1.8Several works by one author in different yearsIf more than one publication from an authorillustrates the same point and the works arepublished in different years, then the referencesshould be cited in chronological order (i.e. earliestfirst):Or indirectly:…as suggested by Visser (1985, 1986)(Visser 1985, 1986)…1.9 Several works by one author in same yearIf you are quoting several works published by thesame author in the same year, they should bedifferentiated by adding a lower case letter after theyear for each item:If several works published in the same year arereferred to on a single occasion – or an author hasmade the same point in several publications they canall be referred to by using lower case letters (asabove):Earlier research by Venter (1991a) foundthat…but later research undertaken by Smith(1991b) suggested that…Venter (1991a, 1991b) has stated on more thanone occasion that…1.10 Quoting portions of published textIf you want to include text from a published work inyour manuscript then the sentence(s) must beincluded within quotation marks, and may beintroduced by such phrases as:In order for a reader to trace the quoted section it isgood practice to give the number of the page wherethe quotation was found. The quotation should alsobe emphasised (especially if it runs to several lines)by indenting it and using quotation marks. Thisclearly identifies it as the work of someone else:the author states that ‘…’ or …the authorwrites that ‘…’On the topic of professional ethics andpractices Haasbroek (1992, p. 8)states:ʹWhen working for a professional practice,doctors invariably make reference to alreadypublished worksʹ.1.11 Chapter authors in edited works<strong>Reference</strong>s to the work of an author that appears as achapter or part of a larger work that is edited bysomeone else should be cited within your text usingthe name of the contributory author, and not theeditor of the whole volume:In the reference list at the end of your document,you should include details of both the chapterauthor and the editor of the entire work.In his work on health information, Retief(1992) states…Retief, T. 1992. Problems of Fire Management.In: S. Stone, ed. 1999. Fire information research.Johannesburg: UNISA Press, Ch.1, pp.4‐25.OpenJournals Publishing, a proud division of AOSIS (Pty) Ltd | Postnet Suite #55, Private Bag X22, Tygervalley,7536 | Tel: +27 (0)21 975 4684 | Fax: +27 (0)21 975 3448 | This work is licensed under a Creative CommonsAttribution‐Noncommercial‐No Derivative Works 2.5 South Africa LicenseUpdated: <strong>17</strong>‐<strong>09</strong>‐<strong>2008</strong>

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