Reference Style Guide [17-09-2008 Tdv].pdf

Reference Style Guide [17-09-2008 Tdv].pdf

Reference Style Guide [17-09-2008 Tdv].pdf


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‐ 6 ‐responsibility, volume 1: concepts, accountabilityand reporting. Johannesburg: UNISA Press.2.4 Chapters of edited booksFor chapters of edited books, the required elementsfor a reference are:Chapter author’s(s’) surname(s) and initials. Year ofchapter. Title of chapter followed by ‘In:’.Book editor’s(s’) initials and surnames with (ed.) or(eds.) after the last name. Year of book. Title of book.Place of publication: Publisher. First and last pagenumbers followed by full stop.Scholtz, P. 1970. A source of information. In:W. Retief (ed.) 2000. One hundred and one waysto find information about health. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, pp. 102‐200.2.5 Multiple works by the same authorWhere there are several works by one author andpublished in the same year they should bedifferentiated by adding a lower case letter after thedate.Remember that this must also be consistent withthe citations in the text.For multiple works the required elements for areference are:Author. Year. Title of book . Place of publication:Publisher.This also applies if there are several authors with thesame surname. As an alternative their initials can beincluded in the citation.Green, T. 1980a. The road to serfdom. CapeTown: University of Cape Town.Green, T. 1980b. Beyond the road to serfdom.Cape Town: University of Cape Town.Works by the same author should be displayed inchronological order, earliest first.2.6 Books which have been translatedFor works which have been translated the referenceshould include details of the translator. Thesuggested elements for such references are:Author, Year. Title of book. Translated from(language) by (name of translator) Place ofpublication: Publisher.Scholtz, Johan. 2001. The voices of Marrakesh: arecord of a visit. Translated from German byJ.A. Underwood. San Francisco: Arion.This also applies if there are several authors with thesame surname. As an alternative their initials can beincluded in the citation.Works by the same author should be displayed inchronological order, earliest first.For major works of historic significance, the date ofthe original work, may be included along with theRetief, S. 2001. Fundamental principles of themetaphysic of morals. Translated by T.K.OpenJournals Publishing, a proud division of AOSIS (Pty) Ltd | Postnet Suite #55, Private Bag X22, Tygervalley,7536 | Tel: +27 (0)21 975 4684 | Fax: +27 (0)21 975 3448 | This work is licensed under a Creative CommonsAttribution‐Noncommercial‐No Derivative Works 2.5 South Africa LicenseUpdated: <strong>17</strong>‐<strong>09</strong>‐<strong>2008</strong>

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