Lexical Pragmatics - Journal of Semantics

Lexical Pragmatics - Journal of Semantics

Lexical Pragmatics - Journal of Semantics


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Reinhard Blutner 139implausible to assume that I have only one book or one finger. Only in theformer case can the more precise genitive form (/ slept on my book; I slept inmy car) block the corresponding interpretation. In treating the examples onthe right-hand side, we have to take into account also those interpretationswhere more than one book or one finger is involved; in this case there is noalternative expression that may block the ego-centred interpretations andthey may be selected by means <strong>of</strong> the I-principle.Summarizing, the present account <strong>of</strong> conversational implicature triesto give a real unification <strong>of</strong> the two competing 'forces' expressed by theQ-principle and the I-principle, respectively. This approach contrasts withmost recent theoretical accounts (e.g. Hirschberg 1991; Matsumoto 1995)that have focused on single classes <strong>of</strong> conversational implicatures only. Incontrast, the present account tries to address the integration <strong>of</strong> differentkinds <strong>of</strong> conversational implicatures.The main problems addressed in this paper are problems <strong>of</strong> <strong>Lexical</strong><strong>Pragmatics</strong>. Before I come to a detailed treatment <strong>of</strong> some typical examples,I want to discuss four theses that are designed to characterize <strong>Lexical</strong><strong>Pragmatics</strong> from a methodological point <strong>of</strong> view.3.2 Four theses <strong>of</strong> <strong>Lexical</strong> <strong>Pragmatics</strong><strong>Lexical</strong> <strong>Pragmatics</strong> is a research field that tries to give a systematic andexplanatory account <strong>of</strong> pragmatic phenomena that are intimately connectedwith the semantic underspecification <strong>of</strong> lexical items. The approachcombines a compositional semantics with a general mechanism <strong>of</strong> conversationalimplicature. Starting <strong>of</strong>f from a underspecified semanticrepresentation, a mechanism <strong>of</strong> information enrichment (abduction) isinvoked to yield the appropriate specification with regard to thecommon ground.In section 2 the range <strong>of</strong> <strong>Lexical</strong> <strong>Pragmatics</strong> has been characterized byseveral examples, and some general, typical problems have been discussed.The present subsection tries to sharpen the rather impressionistic picturethat has evolved and attempts to illuminate it from a methodologicalperspective.Downloaded from http://jos.oxfordjournals.org/ by guest on September 12, 2014Thesis i: <strong>Lexical</strong> <strong>Pragmatics</strong> is non-compositionalIn section 2 I argued against the principle <strong>of</strong> pragmatic compositionality. Thisprinciple says that it is possible to decompose the lexical items <strong>of</strong> ancompound expression into conceptual components which combinedtogether determine the conceptual interpretation <strong>of</strong> the whole expression.

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