Lexical Pragmatics - Journal of Semantics

Lexical Pragmatics - Journal of Semantics

Lexical Pragmatics - Journal of Semantics


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Reinhard Blutner 159ignores the effects <strong>of</strong> conversationalimplicatures which also influence thecommon ground. The present accountseeks to grasp these effects in a first andrather sketchy manner. Furthermore, itshould be noticed that I use the notion<strong>of</strong> information state sometimes as referringto a set <strong>of</strong> possible worlds andsometimes as a representational structure(state description or disjunction <strong>of</strong>state descriptions).It should be added that in the presentcontext we read K as know for sure (thisdoesn't presuppose the complementproposition). However, there is a problemwith this formulation that at leastshould be mentioned. In the presentformulation, the common groundcannot include propositions that someor all <strong>of</strong> the participants know to befalse. However, there are kinds <strong>of</strong>conversations where this formulation isunsatisfying. For instance, consider aChristmas-time conversation wherethe proposition that there is a SantaClaus may be common ground, even ifsome or all <strong>of</strong> the participants knowthat there isn't any Santa Claus.11 Identifying state descriptions with sets<strong>of</strong> possible worlds and p(a) with afamily <strong>of</strong> sets <strong>of</strong> possible worlds, wecan write this condition in the followingway: Up(a) D cg[a].12 Beside the epistemic operator K weneed its dual P =j e f -1K-1. Hintikkareads K a 0 as a knows that (j>. It isimportant to note that Hintikka isusing the verb know in a technicalsense without the usual factive presupposition.In this vein, -iK,^ can be readas what a knows is not that p, andP a 0(=d e f -iK-2~i) can be read as forall a knows, it is possible that p.13 The presented arguments showing theadvantages <strong>of</strong> the present approachover the traditional approach based onHorn-scales are due to Rob van derSandt I thank him for allowing me toinclude his considerations in this article.14 An anonymous referee notes that atleast for the pair persuade to not-dissuadefrom the equivalence is spurious, sincedissuade presupposes that the personpreviously intended the complementThe referee's example: If John wasundecided about whether to vote forClinton, Mary could persuade John notto vote for Clinton, but she couldn'tdissuade him from voting for him.15 Only under very special conditions is itpossible to construct representationalpendants to the non-representationalelements, for example when we developintuitions about our cognitive system orabout our mental activity. In this sense,the representation <strong>of</strong> salience, relevance,and so on is possible. Usually, theserepresentations are comparative in characterand are not quantitatively scaled.16-With regard to the first part <strong>of</strong> thedictum, seeing non-cancellability as anecessary condition <strong>of</strong> entailment (orseeing cancellability as a sufficient condition<strong>of</strong> conversational implicature), Iagree with Hirschberg (1991) andassume that it is right, at least if it ispossible to discriminate cancellationfrom suspension (the calling into question<strong>of</strong> an asserted proposition), from contextualdisambiguation, and from certainforms <strong>of</strong> speaking loosely (for carefuldiscussion, cf. Hirschberg 1991: 28 ff).17 As assumption cost <strong>of</strong> the latter units Ihave stipulated $1. You may see thisstipulation as fixing the $-unit.18 An anonymous referee has suggestedmore minimal contrasts in order tobring out the relevant difference:?The government has a flat ro<strong>of</strong> vs. TheMinistry <strong>of</strong> Justice has aflat ro<strong>of</strong>.?The university has a flat ro<strong>of</strong> vs. Thecollege <strong>of</strong> engineering has aflat ro<strong>of</strong>.Downloaded from http://jos.oxfordjournals.org/ by guest on September 12, 2014

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