London 27 November - 1 December 2000

London 27 November - 1 December 2000

London 27 November - 1 December 2000

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14.0015.0016.0016.3017.3017.40MASTERCLASSSTATISTICAL GEOMETRY IN TERM STRUCTURE MODELLING: THEORY ANDAPPLICATIONPart 1: Theory· Review of information geometry and its applications to modern statistics· Theory of probability distribution comparisons and statistical manifolds· General characterisation of positive interest rate term structures by use of statistical geometry· New formulation for Heath-Jarrow-Morton term structure dynamics as a process on a statisticalmanifoldMASTERCLASS (CONTINUED)STATISTICAL GEOMETRY IN TERM STRUCTURE MODELLING: THEORY ANDAPPLICATIONPart 2: Application· Principal moment dynamics for yield curve structures· Statistical divergences for term structures· Quasi-lognormal models· Canonical parametric models and calibration· Hilbert space dynamics for infinite dimensional term structure movements: statistical geometryas a natural setting for interest rate string theoryAfternoon breakMATHEMTAICAL FOUNDATION OF CONVEXITY CORRECTION CALUCLATIONS FORPRICING EXOTIC INTEREST RATE DERIVATIVES· Convexity Correction and Change of Numeraire· Options on Convexity Corrected Rates· Linear Swap Rate Model· Single Index Products- LIBOR in Arrears- Constant Maturity Swap- Diffed LIBOR- Diffed CMS· Multi-Index Products- Rate Based Spread Options- Spread Digital- Other Multi-Index Products- Comparison with Market Models· A Warning on Convexity CorrectionChairman's closing remarksEnd of day threeDr. Dorje C. Brody, Royal Society University Research Fellow, Imperial CollegeDr. Brody is a Royal Society University Research Fellow at Imperial College, <strong>London</strong>. He also holds a ResearchFellowship at Churchill College, Cambridge, where he is based at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences,Cambridge University. His research specialities include mathematical finance and its applications to interestrate modelling, statistical mechanics, and the foundations of quantum theory.Professor Lane P. Hughston, Centre for Financial Mathematics, King's College <strong>London</strong>Lane Hughston is Professor of Financial Mathematics at King's College <strong>London</strong>. He received his D. Phil. inMathematics from Oxford University. Before joining King's he was Director of Derivative Product RiskManagement at Merrill Lynch, where he was responsible for managing the development of pricing models forinterest rate and foreign exchange derivatives, and other products. His research interests include: mathematicalfinance and its applications in an investment banking context; the pricing and risk management of derivatives;martingale models for interest rates and foreign exchange; the impact of transaction costs; stochastic volatilitymodels; and applications of information geometry and stochastic differential geometry. For more informationsee: http://www.mth.kcl.ac.uk/Dr Antoon Pelsser, Sr Actuary, Nationale-NederlandenDr. Antoon Pelsser is a Senior Actuary at the insurance company Nationale-Nederlanden (part of ING group)and is responsible for the calculation of market values and risk measures of the insurance portfolio. From 1993until <strong>2000</strong> he was Vice President at ABN-Amro Bank in Amsterdam, where he was responsible for thedevelopment of pricing models for exotic interest rate derivative products. During that time he also held apart-time position as an assistant professor at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam in the Department ofFinance. In 1999 his PhD thesis on interest rate derivative models has been awarded by the Royal DutchAcademy of Sciences the Christiaan Huygens prize. Dr. Pelsser has been published in several academicjournals including Finance and Stochastics, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of FinancialEngineering and the Journal of Derivatives. He is also author of the book Efficient Methods for Valuing InterestRate Derivatives, published by Springer Verlag.DAY THREE

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