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Projects & News - WSP Group

Projects & News - WSP Group

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Andrew Bright,Technical Directorat <strong>WSP</strong> Environment& Energy, examinesthe commercialimpact of carbonfootprinting.Placing a price on your footprintWhat do whisky, Vitamin C, contactlens fluid, computer software, a multinationalconstruction company and ahigh street retailer all have in common?The answer is that <strong>WSP</strong> Environment& Energy has been advising companiesin all of these sectors on developingand understanding the carbon emissionsassociated with delivering theseproducts and services to the marketplace. The need for this process is clear– it’s now recognised that climatechange is a fact of life and is playinga growing role in business strategy.With carbon emissions beingincreasingly examined, regulatedand priced, understanding the impacta product, a project or an organisationhas on carbon emissions has neverbeen more important. It can helpmaintain a competitive advantage andadapt to changes in the market placeand also to the possible physicalimpacts of climate change.Understanding carbon emissionsis not just an operational issue,but can offer key strategic advantageto organisations that have a clear pictureof their carbon emissions and whatimpact a changing climate may haveon their business model.One of the most effective waysof doing this is to understand thecarbon footprint of a product, projector even a whole organisation. To be trulystrategic, this has to be done rightthrough the value chain to measure thecarbon dioxide and other greenhousegases. This is then applied over the fulllife cycle of a product or service.This can be a complex undertaking,depending on the level of detail requiredand the client’s intended use for theinformation. <strong>WSP</strong> Environment & Energyhas developed a series of modelsto deliver detailed carbon footprintsat product, project and organisationallevel. A recent example looked at theContact: Andrew Bright, <strong>WSP</strong> Environment & EnergyTel: +44 (0)13 1344 2300Email: andrew.bright@wspgroup.comIt’s now recognisedthat climate change is afact of life and is playinga growing role inbusiness strategycarbon emissions associated withproducing a widely used food ingredient– Vitamin C – for a major globalmanufacturer. This involved developinga complex process map for a multiproductmanufacturing facility anddetermining the carbon emissionsassociated with the productionof the product. It included raw materialssupplied, the onsite processing and thefinal product distribution. The modelhas been independently verified andas a result, the product is now eligibleto carry a carbon label.We are currently advising a large multinationalproperty development and06

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