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Key to symbols used/ Legende zu symbolen/ Symboles clés/ Legenda dei simboli/ Símbolos utilizados/ Símbolos utilizados/ Symbolliste/ Symbollista/ Symbolliste/ Symbolikartta/Sleutel tot de gebruikte symbolen/ Jelmagyarázat/ Opis symboli/ Vysvětlivky k použití symbolů/ Vysvetlivky k použitiu symbolov/ Legendă/ Легенда за използваните символи/Kullanılan sembollerin açıklamaları/ ΕπεξήγησηCross stitch/Kreuzstich/ Points decroix/ Punto croce/Ponto de cruz/ Puntode cruz/ Korssting/Korsstygn/ Ristipisto/Kruissteek/Вышиваниекрестиком/Keresztszem/ Ściegkrzyżykowy/ Křížkovýsteh/ Krížikový steh/Punct de cruciuliță /Кръстатбод/Kanaviçe/ΣταυροβελονιάTapestry/ Tapisserie/Tapisserie/Ricamo sucanovaccio/Tapeçaria/ Tapicería/Tapestry/ Tapisseri/Tapestry/Villakirjontalanka/Tapisserie/Гобеленоваявышивка /Gobelinöltés/Gobelin/ Gobelín/Gobelín/Tapiserie/Бродерия върхущампа/YünlüMuline/Κέντημα πάνωσε στάμπαLongstitch/Plattstitch/ Pointslancés/ Punto piatto/Ponto longo/PuntoLargo/ Langsting/Långstygn/Pitkäpisto/ Platsteek/Длинный стежок/Hosszúöltés /Ściegdługi/ Dlouhý steh/Dlhý steh/ Punct deumplutură/ Дълъгбод/ Uzun Atmalı/ΑκτιελFreestyle / Freie Stickerei/Points variés/ Ricamotradizionale/ Bordadolivre/ Bordado/ VrijBorduren/Tegnet/ Ritat/Påtegnet/ Vapaakirjonta/Творческая вышивка/Szabadrajzú hímzés/ Styldowolny/ Volný styl /Voľný štýl/ Broderie liberă/Свободен стил/ Serbestnakış/ Βυζαντινή βελονιάLatch Hook/ Knüpfen/Points noués/Puntosmirne/ Esmirna/Alfombras/ Ryanål/Ryenål/ Läppäkoukku/Knoophaak/ КрючокДля Ковроткачества/Subaöltés/ Przyrząd dotkania dywanów/ Háčekna tapiko/ Háčik natapiko/ Croșetă cuînchizător, pentru goblen/Фъкане/ Dilli tığ/Χειροποίητα χαλάκια καιμαξιλάριαCrafts Kits/Handarbeitspackungen/Kits créatifs/ Crafts kits /Kits de lavores/Kits Manualidades/Crafts kits/Crafts kits/Crafts kits/Käsityöpakkaukset/handwerkpakketten/Набор для рукоделия/Összeállítható kreatívkészletek/ Zestaw dosamodzielnego wykonania zabawki/Crafts soupravy na vyšívání/Crafts súpravy na vyšívanie/kituri textile/ Hobi SetleriКомплекти за ръкоделие/Σύνολα εργόχειρουFabric/ Stoff/ Toile/Tessuto/ Tecido/Tela/ Væv/ Väv/Vev/ Kangas/ Stof/Ткань/Hímzővászon/Tkanina/Látka/LátkaPânză/ Основа забродерия/ Kumaş/Ϋφασμα κεντήματο̋Counts/ AnzahlFäden bzw. stiche procm./Nombres depoints au cm/Fori/Pontos/ Puntos/Antal tråde/ Antaltrådar/ Antall tråder/Luku/ Aantal steken/Плотность ткани/Öltéssűrűség/Hustota látky/Hustota látky/ Oczka/ Dírek na 2,54 cm/dierok na 2,54 cm/Număr de fire/Каунт/ Sayılık/Αρίθμηση νημάτων, ,Colour/Farbe/Couleur/Colore/Cor/ ColorFarve/ FärgFarge/ VäriKleur/ ЦветSzín/ KolorBarva/ FarbaCuloareЦвят/ RenkΧρώμαPrinted canvas/Bedruckter Stramin/Canevas imprimé/Canovacci stampati/Tela impressa/Cañamazo impreso/Trykt stramaj/Målad stramalj/Malt stramei/Painettu kanavakangas/Bedrukt stramien/Канва с нанесённымна ткань рисунком/Gobelinek/Kanwa z nadrukiem/Předtištěná kanava/Predtlačený gobelín/Goblen pictat/Щампирани гоблени/Baskılı Kanvas/Εκτυπωμένο̋ καμβά̋New design/Neues design/Nouveau dessin/New design/novo design/Nuevo diseño/Nyt design/Ny design /Nytt design/Uusi malli/nieuwe tekening/Новый дизайн/Új kép/Nowy wzór/nový design/ novýdizajn/Model nou/Нов дизайн/Yeni model/Καινούργιο σχέδιοAlphabet for personalising/Alphabet für Personalisierung/Alphabet pourpersonnalisation/Alfabeto parapersonalizaçăo/Alfabeto parapersonalizar/Alfabet inkluderet/Alfabet ingår/Alfabet medfølger/Aakkosetpersonointiin/Alfabet om te personaliseren/Алфавитдля индивидуализации/Betűmintáknevek hímzéséhez/Alfabet dopersonalizacji/Abeceda/Abeceda/Alfabetpentru personalizări/Азбука заперсонализиране/Kişiselleştirme içinAlfabe/Αλφάβητο για προσωποποίησηIncludes metallic thread/Enthält metallgarn/Fil métallique inclus/Include filo metallico/inclui fios metálicos/Incluye hilo metálico/Metaltråd inkluderet/Metalltråd ingår/Metalltråd medfølger/Sisältää metallilankaa/inclusief metaalgaren/В состав входитметаллизированная нить/Fémszálasfonalat tartalmaz/Zawiera nicimetalizowane/Obsahuje metalickou přízi/Obsahuje metalickú priadzu/Conține ață metalică/Включва метализиранконец/Simli iplik içerir/Περιέχειμεταλλικό νήμαIncludes beads/Enthält perlen/Perles inclues/include perline/inclui contas/Abalorios incluidos/inkl. perler/ inkl. pärlor/inkl. perler/ Sisältää helmiä/incusief parels/включает бисер/Gyöngyöket tartalmaz/Zawiera koraliki/obsahuje korálky/obsahuje koráliky/cu mărgele/Включва мъниста/Boncuk içerir/Περιλαμβάνει χάντρε̋Skill level/Schwierigkeitsgrad/Niveau de difficulté/Difficoltà/Nivel de dificuldade/Nivel de dificultad/færdighedsnivå/skicklighetsnivå/ferdighetsnivå/Vaikeusaste/vaardigheidsniveau/Уровень навыков:/Nehézségi fokozat/Poziom Umiejętności/Úroveň náročnosti/Úroveň náročnosti/Grad de dificultate/Ниво на трудност/Zorluk Düzeyi/Επίπεδο δυσκολία̋GB FR DE IT ES PT DK SE NOFIAida100% CottonAida100% CotonAida100%BaumwolleAida100% CotoneAida100% AlgodónQuadrilé100% AlgodãoAida100% BomuldAida100% BomullAida100% BomullAida100% Puuvilla100% Linen 100% Lin 100% Leinen 100% Lino 100% Lino 100% Linho 100% Hør100% Linne 100% Lin100% Pellava½ Linen50% Cotton50% Linen½ Lin50% Coton50% LinFlockenbast50% Baumwolle50% Leinen½ Lino50% Cotone50% Lino½ Lino50% Algodón50% Lino½ Linho50% Algodão50% Linho½ Hør50% Bomuld50% Hør½ Linne50% Bomull50% Linne½ Lin50% Bomull50% Lin½ Pellava50% Puuvilla50% PellavaCanvas100% CottonCanevas100% CotonStramin100%BaumwolleCanovaccio100% CotoneCañamazo100% AlgodónTela100% AlgodãoStramaj100% BomuldStramalj100% BomullStramei100% BomullKanavatyöt100% PuuvillaNLRUSHUPL CZ SK ROBGTRGRAida100% PuuvillaAida100% ХлопокAida100% PamutAida100% BawełnaAida100% BavlnaAida100% BavlnaPânză “Aida”100% BumbacАида100% ПамукEtamin kumaşı%100 PamukAida100% Βαμβάκι100% Linnen100% Лён100% Len 100% Len 100% Len 100% Ľan 100% In 100% Лен %100 Keten100% Λινό½ Linnen50% Puuvilla50% Linnen½ Лён50% Хлопок50% Лён½ Len50% Pamut50% LenLen50% Bawełna50% Len½ Len50% Bavlna50% Len½ Ľan50% Bavlna50% Ľan½ in50% Bumbac50% In½ Лен50% Памук50% Лен½ Keten%50 Pamuk%50 Keten½ Λινό50% Βαμβάκι50% ΛινόStramien100% PuuvillaКанва100% ХлопокKanavák100% PamutKanwa100%BawełnaKanava100% BavlnaKanava100% BavlnaGoblen100% BumbacСтрамин100% ПамукKanvas%100 PamukΚαμβά̋100% Βαμβάκι2 www.coatscrafts.com

ContentsSommaireWelcome to the newAnchor and Royal Paris CollectionWithin these pages you will find our complete Needlecraft Kit & Canvascollection to delight all stitchers.For over 135 years, our Kit and Canvas collection has long been the leader ininnovation and choice for the discerning stitcher.Anchor and Royal Paris offer the widest range of needlecraft techniques anddesigns to the crafting consumer: Cross stitch, Long stitch, Tapestry, Freestyle,crafts kits and Latch hook rugs in a variety of designs and price points.This Season we have more than 150 new designs: World Monuments, Florals,Animals, samplers, tapestry starters, tableware, Anna Maria Horner tapestry kits,wildlife, romance, landscapes and kits for children.We are proud to introduce a new character with the launch of “My Blue NoseFriends”- as well as adding to our ever popular Characters ranges: Beatrix Potter,Forever Friends, Country Companions, Tatty Teddy and Shaun the Sheep.Also New to the range is a Cool, Easy and Trendy craft project - Anchor I Style!With this new kit we want to inspire and attract new and younger consumers tothe embroidery activity.We hope you enjoy looking through the catalogue and as you make yourselections you can have the confidence that with our brands Anchor and RoyalParis you´re buying the best.All our kits include Anchor embroidery thread, the best fabric and easy to followcharts and instructions; so quality is guaranteed.Bienvenue dans le nouveaucatalogue Anchor et Royal ParisDans les pages qui suivent, vous trouverez notre nouvelle collection de Kits etCanevas, composée de modèles variés qui plairont à toutes les brodeuses !Depuis plus de 135 ans, notre collection de Kits et Canevas est considéréecomme le leader en matière d’offre et d’innovation par les brodeuses les plusexigeantes.En effet, Anchor et Royal Paris offrent aux consommateurs la gamme la plus largeen termes de techniques et de modèles - point de croix, point lancé, tapisserie,freestyle, kits créatifs et canevas grosses trames - à des prix adaptés à tous lesbudgets.Cette saison, nous proposons plus de 150 nouveaux modèles : des monuments,des fleurs, des animaux, des tapisseries pour les débutants, des kits tapisserie AnnaMaria Horner, des kits pour les enfants et d’autres thèmes comme la faune, laromance, les paysages et les arts de la table.Parmi les nouveautés, nous sommes très heureux de vous présenter nos modèles «My Blue Nose Friends » ainsi que des nouveaux personnages : Beatrix Potter,Forever Friends, Country Companions, Tatty Teddy et Shaun the Sheep. Nousvous proposons également une nouvelle gamme facile, tendance et branchée -Anchor I Style! – qui devrait inspirer, séduire et amener un nouveau public dejeunes à s’intéresser à l’univers de la broderie.Nous espérons que vous prendrez du plaisir à découvrir ce nouveau catalogue etlors de votre sélection, soyez certains que grâce à nos marques Anchor et RoyalParis vous achetez le meilleur.Tous nos kits comprennent du fil à broder Anchor, un tissu de très bonne qualité,des grilles et instructions faciles à suivre : autant de gages de qualité !5-3031-5556-6364-6566-6768-757677-7980-8586-878889-9192-9596-101102-103104-108109-117118-120121-124125-126127-128129-136137-139140-165166167-168Anchor maia CollectionCross Stitch KitsKits Points de CroixCross Stitch Celebration KitsKits Points de Croix CélébrationsShaun The Sheep KitsBeatrix Potter KitsTatty Teddy & My Blue Nose Friends KitsTiny Tatty Teddy KitsCountry Companions KitsForever Friends KitsSoft Toy KitsKits jouetsAnchor istyleAnchor 1st KitStarters Kits & CanvasesKits Canevas et Canevas pour DébutantsLong Stitch KitsKits Points LongsFreestyle Emroidery KitsKits de Broderie en Points VariésAnchor LivingAnchor GlorafiliaChunky Cross Stitch KitsKits Point de CroixLatch Hook Rug KitsKits au Point NouéWool Latch Hook Rug Kits & CanvasesKits et Canevas au Point Noué (Laine)Wool Latch Hook Rug CanvasesCanevas au Point Noué (Laine)Tapestry Kits & CanvasesKits Canevas et Canevas Collection AnglaisePrinted CanvasesCanevas ImprimésHomeware KitsKits linge de maisonAssortmentsAssortimentsIndex4 www.coatscrafts.com

Cross Stitch KitsKits Points de Croix© Keith MallettCOLLECTION56780000-01116 Rag Time 56780000-01156 Straight Ahead 56780000-01198 SwingAidaHW30 x 23 cm3/46.416 11 x 9”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01194 Summer Nights 56780000-01149 Jazz CaféAidaHW6.4 30 x 23 cm16 11 3/4 x 9”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01183 Sisters Of The SunAidaHW7.2 40 x 28.5cm18 15 1/2 x 11”StrandedMoulineSkillLevelNew designNouveau dessinwww.coatscrafts.com5

Cross Stitch KitsKits Points de CroixCOLLECTION© Keith Mallett56780000-01157 Enigmatique 56780000-01199 Amira 56780000-01071 Naima56780000-01117 BahiyaAida6.416 1/2HW40 x 14 cm15 x 5 1/2”StrandedMoulineSkillLevelAidaHW7.2 40 x 16 cm18 15 1/2 x 6 1/4”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01038 Soul’s Flight 56780000-01150 Soul’s AwakeningAidaHW7.2 40 x 28.5cm18 15 1/2 x 11”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel6 www.coatscrafts.comNew designNouveau dessin

Cross Stitch KitsKits Points de CroixCOLLECTION56780000-01058 Sakura© Keith Mallett56780000-01059 Misaki© Keith Mallett56780000-01110 Hien© 2012 Haruyo Morita Licensed by MGLAidaHW40 x 27cm15 1/2 x 10 ”6.416 1/2StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01164 Tsubaki© 2012 Haruyo Morita Licensed by MGL56780000-01186 Sagi No Mai© 2012 Haruyo Morita Licensed by MGL56780000-01111 Yoi© 2012 Haruyo Morita Licensed by MGLAidaHW40 x 27cm15 1/2 x 10 ”6.416 1/2StrandedMoulineSkillLevelAida6.416HW40 x 27 cm15 1/2 x10 1/2 ”StrandedMoulineSkillLevelAidaHW40 x 27cm15 1/2 x 10 ”6.416 1/2StrandedMoulineSkillLevelIncludes beadsPerles inclueswww.coatscrafts.com7

Cross Stitch KitsKits Points de CroixCOLLECTION56780000-01145 Yumezakura© 2012 Haruyo Morita Licensed by MGL56780000-01144 Hutari Mai© 2012 Haruyo Morita Licensed by MGL56780000-01163 Kihaku© 2012 Haruyo Morita Licensed by MGLAidaHW40 x 27cm15 1/2 x 10 ”6.416 1 /2StrandedMoulineSkillLevelAidaHW40 x 27cm15 1/2 x 10 ”6.416 1/2StrandedMoulineSkillLevelAidaHW40 x 27cm15 1/2 x 10 ”6.416 1/2StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01181 Hotarubi Portrait© 2012 Haruyo Morita Licensed by MGLAidaHW7.2 20 x 15cm18 7 3/4 x 5 3/4”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01205 Goddess Of Prosperity© J. & P. <strong>Coats</strong>Aida6.416 1/2HW40x27cm15 x 10 3/4 ”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01154 Kimono Sunset© Watermark Publishing Ltd 2012Aida6.416 3/4HW25 x 25cm9 x9 3/4”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel8 www.coatscrafts.comNew designNouveau dessinIncludes metallic threadFils métalliques inclusIncludes beadsPerles inclues

Cross Stitch KitsKits Points de CroixCOLLECTION56780000-01153 Kimono Serenity 56780000-01162 Kimono Pagoda View 56780000-01177 Kimono Pagoda HorizonAida© Watermark Publishing Ltd 20126.416 3/4HW25 x 25cm9 x9 3/4”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01024 The Japanese Garden 56780000-01025 GeishasAida© J. & P. <strong>Coats</strong>HW7.2 30 x 40cm18 11 3/4 x 15 1/2”StrandedMoulineSkillLevelIncludes metallic threadFils métalliques incluswww.coatscrafts.com9

Cross Stitch KitsKits Points de CroixCOLLECTION56780000-01204 Soft Caress56780000-01176 SerenityArtwork provided by Hadley House Licensing, Minneapolis, MN. © Lee Bogel 2012AidaHW30 x 20cm6.416 11¾ x 7¾”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01146 Burmese Silk© Gerald Kelly by courtesy of Felix Rosenstiel’swidow & son Ltd, LondonAida6.416 3/4HW30 x 24cm11 x9 1/4”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01148 Paris Adventures© 2012 Helena Lam Licensed by MGLAida6.416 3/4HW30 x 20cm11 x7 3/4”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01190 Blissful Moment© 2012 Bente Schlick Licensed by MGLAida5.414HW40 x 30cm15 1/2 x11 3/4”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel10 www.coatscrafts.comNew designNouveau dessinIncludes metallic threadFils métalliques inclus

Cross Stitch KitsKits Points de CroixCOLLECTION56780000-01200 Rhapsody© Mark Spain / Washington Green LicensingAidaHW30 x 20cm6.416 11¾ x 7¾”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01147 My Fair Lady© Karen Dupre by courtesy of Felix Rosenstiel’swidow & son Ltd, LondonAida6.416 3/4HW25 x 20cm9 x7 3/4”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01122 Pop Diva© 2012 Melissa Pluch / Art In MotionAida6.416 3/4HW25 x 18cm9 x7”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01196 Put On Your Red Shoes© Raymond Leech by courtesy of Felix Rosenstiel’swidow & son Ltd, LondonAida6.416HW30 x 20 cm11 3/4 x 7 3/4 ”StrandedMoulineSkillLevel56780000-01169 Dance Me Out© 2012 Zeph Amber / Art In MotionAidaHW30 x 30cm6.416 11 x 11 ”3/43/4StrandedMoulineSkillLevelwww.coatscrafts.com11

Cross Stitch KitsKits Points de CroixCOLLECTION56780000-01032 Great Scotts II 56780000-01143 Dancing Dalmatians56780000-01170 Urban Moments56780000-01033 Wild Westies III 56780000-01070 Prancing Poodles56780000-01192 Urban Outings56780000-01099 Best In Show 56780000-01168 Femme Fatale56780000-01211 Big City Rendezvous© Karen Dupre by courtesy of Felix Rosenstiel’s widow & son Ltd, London © 2012 Myles Sullivan / Art in MotionAida6.416 3/4HW30 x 20cm11 x7 3/4”StrandedMoulineSkillLevelAidaHW30 x 25cm6.416 11 x 9 ”3/43/4StrandedMoulineSkillLevel12 www.coatscrafts.comNew designNouveau dessin

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