Introduction to Electrofishing

Introduction to Electrofishing

Introduction to Electrofishing


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INTRODUCTION TO ELECTROFISHINCETECTROFISHT]UG PRIIUCTPTESBoat CathodesMany aluminum electrofishing boats use the boathull as the cathode and the boom electrodes as theQ ( ^c^n (Janode. This is perfectly safe as long as you never a 300I=come in contact with the anode and complete the2q oelectrical circuit. The National Safety Council in-lE 200^^ iz-v ctheir data sheet #1-696-85 does not recommend -0)0)1 F ;Iusing the boat hull as the cathode, but we have o 100-.11.0 o,yet <strong>to</strong> hear of any accidents occurring because6v'wcof it.c)Figure 1l shows a Smith-Roo<strong>to</strong>te barge(Lo 2 4 4 6 4 8 6 )designed for stream wading operations. NoteItttp Distance from center of anode (meters)the large cathode plate attached <strong>to</strong> the bot<strong>to</strong>mEof the fiberglass hull. The anode is a pair of ringand gradientelectrodes about 28cm (1I") in diametermountedon fiberglass poles. With this arrangement, the associated with the larger cathode.resistance of the anode pair is four times the The SR-6 field tested with two 28cm anodes and a voltagecathode resistance. Thus, four times as much of 240 volts, showed good fishing effectiveness in 400voltage appears in the anode field as in the microSiemens/cc conductivity with a current of 3 <strong>to</strong> 4 amperes.cathode field, and consequently 80Vo of the In lower conductivities of 40 microSiemens/cc, a cunent of Iapplied voltage appears at each electrode. <strong>to</strong> 1.5 amp is effective. This data may serve as a useful benchmark<strong>to</strong> judge whether a unit is operating under conditionsuchThe situation could be further improved byenlarging the cathode, but a point of diminishing that fish should be caught. If the electrical performance is closereturns is reached. Doubling the cathode size <strong>to</strong> this reference point, and fish are not being caught, it is safe <strong>to</strong>would halve the cathode resistance and give an 8 conclude there are few fish in the area.<strong>to</strong> I ratio between anode and cathode resistance.Now 887o of the voltage would appear at theanode. This is only an 87o improvement, andis not worth the additional physical problemsResistance ohmsof cathodeof anode fieldbetween anode and cathodePotential ditlerence voltsbetween cathode and waterbetween anode and water<strong>to</strong>talCurrenl ampsPower kilowattsResislivity of the water in all cases=143Fmho/cmStandard 0.5#grid cathodes a.one$ anode35901251263244503.61.62b. twoanodes5085185265450592.38c. oneanodeI90993232432636128Figure 9. Gomparison of two sizes of cathode.d. twoanodesI50593023s6602.1522 www. smith-root.com'\Large wirenettingcathode\;-\ 'l\ Cathode plate\-l . iPulsa<strong>to</strong>rFigure 11. Bof<strong>to</strong>m mounted cathode plate on SR-6.t')eqfflqq(FGG(FGlaGG(FGGJ'J'GGGGGGGJ'J'GGGlFGu,]FGlt]FlFJlrF|Frlc'111

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