Introduction to Electrofishing

Introduction to Electrofishing

Introduction to Electrofishing


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INTRODUCTION TO ELECTROFISHINGELECTROFISHIi|G PRITUCIPLESREFERENCIThe following are books, research papers. and otherreferences on various aspects ofelectrofishing. The ideas andfindings presented in them form the basis for much of thecurrent practice in electrofi shing.1ANAIqaqa4qqqqt4141. Bryan R. Cowdell and Richard A. Valdez, 1994"EffectsofPulsed DC <strong>Electrofishing</strong> on Adult Roundtail Chub fromthe Colorado River in Colorado." North American Journalof Fisheries Management. Vol. l47. D. E. Snyder and S. A. Johnson, 1991"lndexedBibliography of <strong>Electrofishing</strong> Literature," Larval FishLabora<strong>to</strong>ry, Colorado State University, Fort Collins,Colorado."Fishing2. I. G. Cowx and P. Lamarque, 1990, WithElectricity- Applications in Freshwater FishenesManagement," Fishing News Books, Blackwell ScientificPublications Ltd. ISBN 0-85238- 167-03.L. G. Cowx, 1990"Developments in <strong>Electrofishing</strong>,"Fishing News Books, Blackwell Scientific PublicationsLtd. lsBN 0-85238-l 66-2^+.N.G. Sharber and S.W. Carothers, 1988"Influenceof<strong>Electrofishing</strong> Pulse Shape on Spinal Injuries in AdultRainbow Trout." North American Journal of FisheriesManagement. 8: 1l'7 -122Michael A. Bozek and Frank J. Rahel, 1991"Comparison5.of Streamside Visual Counts <strong>to</strong> <strong>Electrofishing</strong> Estimatesof Colorado River Cutthroat Trout Fry and Adults," NorthAmerican Joumal of Fisheries Manasement. Vol. 118. M. Burridge and G. Goodchild, 1988"A Bibliography of<strong>Electrofishing</strong>," Ministry of Natural Resources, FisheriesBranch, Queen's Park, Toron<strong>to</strong>, Ontario, Canada.9. Alec G. Maule and Matthew G. Mesa, 1994"Efficacy of<strong>Electrofishing</strong> <strong>to</strong> Assess Plasma Cortisol Concentration inJuvenile Chinook Salmon passing Hydroelectric Dams onthe Columbia River." North American Journal of FisheriesManagement. Vol. 1410. N.G. Sharber, S.W. Carothers, J.P. Sharber, J.C. DeVos,D.A. House, 1994"Reducing <strong>Electrofishing</strong>-InducedInjury of Rainbow Trout," North American Journal ofFisheries Management. 1411. Jeffery C. Barnet and Gary D. Grossman, 1988"Effectsof Direct Cunent <strong>Electrofishing</strong> on the Mottled Sculpin,"North American Joumal of Fisheries Manasement. Vol. 8qqc1///qe dddJ46."D. W. Novotny and G. R. Priegel,1971 AGuideline forPortable Direct Current Electrofi shing Systems," TechnicalBulletin No. 51, Department of Natural Resources,Madison. Wisconsin26 www. smith- root.com/edc111d1

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