English PDF - Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada

English PDF - Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada

English PDF - Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada

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So Said the Promised Messiah as“Our paradise lies inour God. Our highestdelight is in our Godfor we have seenHim and have foundevery beauty in Him.This wealth is worthprocuring though onemight have to lay downone's life to procure it.This ruby is worth purchasing though onemay have to lose oneself to acquire it. O ye,who are bereft! run to this fountain and itwill satisfy you . It is the fountain of life thatwill save you. What shall I do, and how shallI impress the hearts with this good news,and by beating what drum shall I make theannouncement that this is our God, so thatpeople might hear? What remedy shall I applyto the ears of the people so that they shouldlisten?”(Kashtī Nūh, Rūhanī Khaza’in, Vol. 19, pp. 21-22)Pearls of Wisdom3

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