N° 2005-09 Juin 2005 Guillaume Daudin* Jean-Luc Gaffard ...

N° 2005-09 Juin 2005 Guillaume Daudin* Jean-Luc Gaffard ...

N° 2005-09 Juin 2005 Guillaume Daudin* Jean-Luc Gaffard ...


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Offshore Outsourcing in the EU Financial Services IndustryREFERENCESAmiti M., and S.J. Wei (2004a): “Demystifying outsourcing: The numbers do not support thehype over job losses”, Finance and Development, December.Amiti M., and S.J. Wei (2004b): Fear of service outsourcing: Is it justified?, IMF Workingpaper, n°186, October.AT Kearney (2003): “Selecting a country for offshore business processing”, May.Brainard L., and R. Litan (2004): “Offshoring service jobs: Bane or boon and what to do?”,Policy brief, Brookings institution, n°132.CEBS (2004): “High level principles on outsourcing”, CEBS Consultation Paper, April.Celent Institute (2004): “Offshoring in financial services: A detour along automationhighway”, July.Council of Economic Advisors (2004): Economic report of the President. Washington D.C.Deloitte Research (2004): “The Titans Take Hold”.Deloitte Research (2003): “The cusp of a revolution: How offshoring will transform thefinancial services industry”.Deutsche Bank Research (2004) : “Offshore outsourcing in the financial industry”,Economics, October.ECB (2004): Outsourcing in the EU Banking sector, Report on EU banking structure,November.Forrester Research (2004): “Near-term growth of offshoring accelerating”, Trends, May.Gartner (2003): “Gartner says offshore outsourcing market in Europe will grow more than 40percent in 2003”, Press release, April 8.Joint Forum (<strong>2005</strong>): “Outsourcing in Financial Services”, Basel Committee on BankingSupervision, BIS, February.Kakabadse A., and N. Kakabadse (2002): “Trends in outsourcing: Contrasting USA andEurope”, European Management Journal, Vol. 20 (2), April.Mann C. (2004): “Global sourcing and high-tech jobs: Productivity gains and policychallenges”, Presentation at the Institute for international economics, March 11.Mann C. (2003): “Globalization of IT services and white collar jobs: The next wave ofproductivity growth”, International economics policy brief, n°11, December.48

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