Student/Parent Handbook - Ysleta Independent School District

Student/Parent Handbook - Ysleta Independent School District

Student/Parent Handbook - Ysleta Independent School District


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Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra IIEnglish I, English II, and English IIIBiology, Chemistry, and PhysicsWorld Geography, World History, and United States HistorySatisfactory performance on the applicable assessments will be required for graduation and will also affect the plan underwhich the student may graduate.There are three testing windows during the year in which a student may take an EOC assessment, which will occurduring the fall, spring, and summer months.In each content area (English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies), a student must achieve acumulative score. To determine whether the student meets the cumulative score, the student’s EOC assessment scoresin each content area will be added together. If the student’s total score on the assessments within the content area is notequal to or greater than the cumulative score set by TEA, the student may retake any of the assessments in that contentarea until the student achieves the cumulative score. A student who does not achieve the minimum required score onany individual assessment will be required to retake that assessment.A student may choose to retake an EOC assessment in situations other than those listed above as well.For a student in the Special Education program, the student’s ARD committee shall determine the type of assessment tobe administered and how the score on an EOC assessment shall be used for final course grades, credit decisions, andgraduation requirements.STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate, for students receiving special education services, will be available for eligiblestudents, as determined by the student’s ARD committee. These particular EOC assessments may have different testingwindows than the general assessments, and the ARD committee will determine whether successful performance on theassessments will be required for graduation.STAAR-L, which is a linguistically accommodated assessment, will be available for students who have been determinedto be limited English proficient (LEP) and who require this type of testing accommodation.See Promotion and Graduation and Grading sections for additional information.ACCELERATED INSTRUCTIONIf a student in grades 3-8 fails to pass a state mandated assessment, the student will be provided accelerated instructionin accordance with state law. Each district is required to provide accelerated instruction to a student enrolled in thedistrict who has taken the secondary exit-level or end-of-course assessment instrument and has not performedsatisfactorily or who is at risk of dropping out of school. See Texas Education Code §29.081.HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSTo receive a high school diploma, a student must complete the requirements of the Recommended High <strong>School</strong> Program(RHSP) or the Distinguished Achievement Program as well as the testing requirements for graduation as required byTexas law. In addition, a student must complete certain courses and certain college preparation activities as required bythe district. A student can receive only one diploma. With the exception of College Board Advanced Placement andDual Credit, no substitutions will be allowed in the Recommended High <strong>School</strong> Program or the DistinguishedAchievement Program. See chart from EIF-R at the end of this section.END-OF-COURSE PERFORMANCEBeginning with students who entered grade 9 in the 2011–2012 school year, each student will be required to achievecertain scores on the applicable EOC assessments to graduate, depending on the graduation program in which thestudent is enrolled. A student who has not achieved sufficient scores on the EOC assessments to graduate will haveopportunities to retake the assessments and the district will provide remediation to the student in the content area forwhich the performance standard was not met.To graduate on the Recommended Program, a student must perform satisfactorily on the Algebra II and English III EOCassessments, in addition to meeting the minimum cumulative score requirements. To graduate on theAdvanced/Distinguished Achievement Program, a student must demonstrate advanced academic performance on theAlgebra II and English III EOC assessments, commonly referred to as college and career readiness standards, inaddition to successfully meeting performance standards on the other EOC assessments. If this standard is not met, the36

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