Student/Parent Handbook - Ysleta Independent School District

Student/Parent Handbook - Ysleta Independent School District

Student/Parent Handbook - Ysleta Independent School District


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ATTENDANCE INFORMATIONCOMPULSORY ATTENDANCE LAW<strong>Student</strong>s who are at least six years of age, or who have been previously enrolled in first grade, and who have not yetreached their 18 th birthday shall attend school, unless exempted by law. <strong>Student</strong>s enrolled in prekindergarten orkindergarten shall attend school. Texas Education Code Section 25.085 (b). A child who is required to attend schoolunder this section shall attend school each day for the entire period the program of instruction is offered. TexasEducation Code Section 25.085 (a)FAILURE TO ENROLL<strong>Parent</strong>s must ensure that their child is enrolled and is attending school. If the child is withdrawn from his current schoolto attend another school within the city, the student must enroll in the new school within five (5) days of the last dayhe/she attended his/her previous school or a referral will be reported to the district attendance officer.A person who voluntarily enrolls in school or voluntarily attends school after the person’s 18 th birthday shall attend schooleach school day for the entire period the program of instruction is offered. The district may revoke for the remainder ofthe school year the enrollment of a person who has more than five unexcused absences in a semester. A person whoseenrollment is revoked for exceeding this limit may be considered an unauthorized person on school grounds. TexasEducation Code Section 25.085(e)LENGTH OF SCHOOL DAYPre-kindergarten students will attend a three-hour session either in the morning or in the afternoon. For all otherstudents, a school day must be at least 7 hours each day, including intermissions and recesses.ACCELERATED/ COMPENSATORY PROGRAMS REQUIRING COMPULSORY ATTENDANCEA student must also attend:1. An extended-year program (summer school) for which the student is eligible that is provided by the district forstudents identified as likely not to be promoted to the next level or tutorial classes required by the district. TexasEducation Code 29.084 and YISD policy EHBC (LOCAL).2. An accelerated reading instruction program to which the student has been assigned. Texas Education Code28.006 (g) and YISD policy EKC.3. An accelerated instruction program to which the student is assigned. Texas Education Code 28.02111 (j) andYISD policy EIE (LOCAL).4. A basic skills program to which the student is assigned. Texas Education Code 29.086 and YISD policy EHBC(LEGAL); or5. A summer program provided:a. To a student placed in in-school suspension or other alternative setting, other than a disciplinaryalternative education program (DAEP), who has been offered the opportunity to complete eachcourse in which the student was enrolled at the time of removal. [See FO]b. To a student removed to a DAEP who has been offered an opportunity to complete coursework,before the beginning of the next school year. [See FOCA]HOME SCHOOLINGWhen the district becomes aware that a student is being or will be home-schooled, the campus administrator will requestin writing a letter of notification from the parents/guardians of their intention to home-school using a curriculum designedto meet basic education goals of reading, mathematics, spelling, grammar and a study of good citizenship. If theparents/guardians refuse to submit the letter of notification or the district has evidence that the school-age child is notbeing home-schooled within the legal requirements, the district may investigate further and, if warranted, shall pursuelegal action to enforce the compulsory attendance law.ABSENCES<strong>Student</strong>s who are not in class when attendance is taken will be counted tardy or absent.The parent must contact the school by phone, in writing, or in person to explain the reason for every absencewithin 72 hours or sooner of the student’s absence to avoid loss of class work credit and possibly truancy courtreferral. Attendance staff will document every contact parent/guardian makes with the school, whether absences will beexcused or unexcused.Excused absences are legitimate days of absence necessitated by personal illness, death in the immediate family, or astudent teen parent taking her/her child to the doctor. Documentation is required when students are absent due to adoctor's appointment, a court date, or other official business. Limited absences due to UIL activities or otherschool-related functions will not count as absences. For out of town trips, the parent/guardian must submit to the principala written request prior to the trip.25

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