2008-2009 Parent Updates - Sacred Heart Cathedral School

2008-2009 Parent Updates - Sacred Heart Cathedral School

2008-2009 Parent Updates - Sacred Heart Cathedral School


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MYSTERY WEEKThe week of November 24th, <strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> Dollars gaveaway an additional $232 in tuition credit to those whopurchased during this week. This was the second ofthree “Mystery Weeks”; there is one more to go thisschool year! Families that order weekly from <strong>Sacred</strong><strong>Heart</strong> Dollars benefit the most, and don’t forget, onelucky family will have their name drawn at the end ofthe school year to keep the full rebated amount for thewhole year.HOME ANDSCHOOLMany thanks to ourvolunteers that headedup our successfulfund drives: KristiDunlap and MaryMargaret Rosenbloomfor the Coupon BookSales; Lea Ann Fieldsand Karen Lorino forInnisbrook Wraps;and Molly Leake forthe Box Top competitions!Thank you!Elaina Hughart and Andrea Linaresstand before the log cabin & gardenbuilt in Mrs.Young’s 4th grade classroomto go along with their Sign ofthe Beaver novel study.Mrs. Prater congratulates the <strong>2009</strong> SHCS SpellingBee finalists. 6th grader Michael Fitzgerald(middle) beat out 8th grader Richie Mrozik (R)for the title on December 4th.St. Nick’s helpersfrom the 8th gradedistributed candycanes in the awaitingshoes of elementarystudents onDec. 5th. Back L toR: Martha Dinwiddie,Savannah Fox,Hannah Raines, ZachMathien. Front L toR: Nick Giecek, MichaelErpenbach8th grade math teacher, Mrs. McGranaghaninstructs middle school students usingthe interactive SMART Board 600i system.The SMART Board systems are the focus ofthis year’s SHCS Annual Fund Campaign.The goal is to add at least 10 more SMARTBoards throughout the elementary and middleschool.Several of our committeesneed volunteerson a daily basis. TheMaroon Lagoon (cafeteria),First Impressionsand the clinicare great opportunitiesto get involved!You can sign up atthe Home and <strong>School</strong>Bulletin Board outsidethe front office or call:Maroon LagoonTrisha White531-8989Cindy Brennan966-3563First ImpressionsAlice Mancini609-9223Christy Schaefer692-9204ClinicAnne Simerlein769-2483Susan Davis693-1333

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