2008-2009 Parent Updates - Sacred Heart Cathedral School

2008-2009 Parent Updates - Sacred Heart Cathedral School

2008-2009 Parent Updates - Sacred Heart Cathedral School


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HEART-TO-HEARTPLAYERSThe <strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong>“<strong>Heart</strong> to <strong>Heart</strong> Players’’ will presentthe spring play, “Pollyanna”, a charming,simple story about always givingthanks and finding something to behappy about.Director Mrs. Libby Talley believesthe story is a rich one for our times,that in spite of so much hardship, wecan always find something for which togive thanks and rejoice.The play hits the SHCS stage for thedress rehearsal on Thursday, April 2 at9:30. Evening performances will beApril 3rd and 4th at 7:00pm.CHEERLEADERSClinics for KCHS Varsity Cheerleadingtryouts will March 23 and 24from 4-7 p.m. Tryouts will be held onWednesday, March 25, at 4:30 p.m.Requirements for tryout include a clinicform signed by a parent, 3 teacher recommendationsand a $10 fee. Formsare located on the cheerleading page atwww.knoxvillecatholic.com.SUPPLEMENTALTUITIONASSISTANCEIf you missed thefirst round deadlineof February 27, <strong>2009</strong>for your supplementaltuition packet,late applicants whoprovide completedpackets betweenFebruary 28 andMay 1, <strong>2009</strong> meetthe “Second Round”deadline and willbe allocated 10% offunds available. Lateapplicants automaticallyreceive a lesseramount of assistanceand will be notifiedof the amount ofsupplemental tuitionassistance forthe <strong>2009</strong>-10 schoolyear by July 1, <strong>2009</strong>.The remaining 10%of funds availableare allocated tofamilies that moveinto the Knoxvillearea after the May1st, <strong>2009</strong> deadline orthat experience specialcircumstances, asdetermined by theirPastor, during the<strong>2009</strong>-10 <strong>School</strong> Year.STEWARDSHIP NOTESEach new day offers opportunitiesto reflect stewardship in love of Godand neighbors during Lent:• Participate in parish Lentendinners and Stations of theCross• Make an extra effort to fast/abstain more than is required• Receive the Sacrament ofReconciliation at a PenanceService• Prioritize time to participate inparish/diocesan Lenten activities• Offer time, talents, treasure toserve and support others• Evaluate consumption practicesfor savings and caring outreach• Fast from negativity in thoughtsand words• Offer up each day’s trials,disappointments, pains andsacrifices• Begin and end each day withdedication and thanks to God• Grow where you are planted711 Northshore Drive SWKnoxville, TN 37919Office: 865.588.0415Fax: 865.558.4139Web: www.shcschool.org

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