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Learning to Think Spatially: GIS as a Support System in the K-12 Curriculum<br />

http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11019.html<br />


normal, everyday cognitive processing; the novice-expert difference is a consequence of the degree<br />

and type of practice and experience in a domain.<br />

Getting to work is not the only spatial task shared by different occupations. In order to operate,<br />

workers need a mental model of the structure and functioning of the institution: they need to know<br />

who to turn to for help on what task. Sometimes information is mentally represented as a spatial<br />

network, much like a rudimentary mental map of an environment. In this institutional mental space,<br />

links are tasks and nodes are people who perform tasks. Often information is explicitly represented<br />

in an organizational chart and depicted as a spatial network that must be “navigated.” Managers<br />

must decide how to allocate resources or what new projects to undertake. To do so, they consult<br />

charts and graphs of performance. Charts and graphs provide spatial representations of data, but do<br />

not in themselves provide solutions to problems. Solutions depend on making inferences from<br />

charts and graphs, projections of future sales, changes in personnel and equipment, and more.<br />

Beyond generic problem-solving similarities, many jobs require the use of specific spatial<br />

skills. Recognition of complex patterns is required in many professions. Think of the time you saw<br />

an X-ray image in a doctor’s office. You could probably pick out bones but little else. In the clouds<br />

that X-rays resemble, highly trained radiologists can discern tumors, blood clots, and faulty valves.<br />

Recognizing these patterns takes years of training and is by no means perfect (see Ericsson, 1996,<br />

for an overview of the literature on expertise; see the November 2003 issue of the Educational<br />

Researcher on expertise in the context of education).<br />

Recognition skill does not transfer to other domains. Skilled radiologists are no better than<br />

novices at recognizing skin diseases that dermatologists are expert in diagnosing or plant diseases<br />

that botanists excel at discerning. Expertise in pattern recognition is domain specific. It requires<br />

discerning features characteristic of specific sensory categories. Typically, domain expertise in<br />

pattern recognition also requires learning the proper configurations of distinctive features. The<br />

practice that polishes this skill requires categorizing many examples of related and different phenomena<br />

and getting feedback on the categorization process. Simply seeing examples is not sufficient;<br />

to become expert, people must learn to differentiate and discriminate one category from<br />

another (Nickerson and Adams, 1979). A classroom demonstration illustrates that seeing, however<br />

frequent, is insufficient to ensure learning critical features. Students are asked to name what is<br />

shown on both sides of a penny or whether their (analog) watch dial has lines or numbers to mark<br />

minutes. Few succeed at the penny task, and many are surprisingly poor at the watch task. Although<br />

we “look” at pennies and watches frequently, often many times a day, we do not have to distinguish<br />

one penny or watch face from another (Nickerson and Adams, 1979). We do, however, need to<br />

distinguish a penny from a nickel or dime, and we do so based on color or shape or size without<br />

paying attention to the face of the coin. In watches, we only consult the lengths of hands and their<br />

angles. When we need to make fine distinctions, such as those required to differentiating types of<br />

tumors or diagnosing skin diseases, we must learn the fine details distinguishing among tumors or<br />

skin diseases.<br />

Pattern recognition, then, is a spatial skill demanded by many disciplines. People learn to<br />

distinguish critical features in their proper, two-dimensional spatial configurations. Other professions,<br />

however, require skill in thinking about three-dimensional configurations, a process especially<br />

difficult for the human mind. Although the physical world is (at least) three dimensional, the<br />

image captured on the retina and represented topographically in visual areas of the cortex is two<br />

dimensional. Thus, the three-dimensional world is a mental construct built from numerous cues to<br />

depth as well as experience navigating the world. Experience teaches us how to integrate twodimensional<br />

views into three-dimensional representations. Integration of two-dimensional views<br />

can be accomplished by means of features, objects, and landmarks common to different views.<br />

Integration of two-dimensional views is also accomplished by means of a frame of reference that is<br />

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