media landscape guide about Somalia - Internews

media landscape guide about Somalia - Internews

media landscape guide about Somalia - Internews

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It was initially called Radio Free <strong>Somalia</strong> and broadcast on Short Wave only.The station began FM broadcasts in 2004 and eventually abandoned ShortWave transmissions.The station has a 1,000 watt transmitter in Galkayo, which is usually operatedat less than full capacity in order to prolong equipment life.Its signal covers a 25 km radius around Galkayo and can often be heard up to75 km away.Radio Galkayo has a 300 watt transmitter in Garowe.The station has a strong community base and is considered to be fairlyimpartial. It is supported by local and international NGOs.Like many other radio stations in Puntland, Radio Galkayo has been subjectto harassment by the authorities and attack by unidentified forces.The station was closed down during the Puntland presidential elections of2008, and its director was arrested.It was attacked with hand grenades in January 2010 and again in October2011.Contacts???Codka Nabada 88.2 FM www.codkanabada.orgThis FM radio station is based in the divided city of Galkayo that straddles theborder between Puntland and Galmudug.It also broadcasts on FM in Bossasso and on Short Wave.Codka Nabada means “Voice of Peace” in Somali.The station offers a wide variety of content, including news, sports, songs,poems, gender and youth issues, human rights, health, religion, and items oneconomic development. It has drama shows and lively interactiveprogrammes and relays programmes of Radio Ergo.It claims to give ‘ordinary people’ a voice by featuring them in its broadcasts.It employs <strong>about</strong> 15 production staff, and has sound engineers. It has regularelectricity and a relatively good internet connection.According to the radio station’s website, it broadcasts on Short Wave on 9615Khz in the 31 metre band.48

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