media landscape guide about Somalia - Internews

media landscape guide about Somalia - Internews

media landscape guide about Somalia - Internews

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<strong>Internews</strong> www.internews.org<strong>Internews</strong> is a US-based <strong>media</strong> development organization, with a strong trackrecord of creating and supporting community radio stations in developingcountries.In 2011 it was heavily involved in initiatives to promote better communicationsbetween aid agencies and the half million plus Somali refugees in the Dadaabcomplex of refugee camps in Eastern Kenya.<strong>Internews</strong> conducted an information needs assessment in Dadaab and wasclosely involved with the Kenyan Somali-language radio station Star FM to setup a community radio station in Dadaab.Africa Regional Manager (based in Nairobi, Kenya) – Ian NobleEmail: inoble@internews.orgIREX www.irex.orgThe US-based <strong>media</strong> development organization IREX ran a US governmentfundedproject to support <strong>media</strong> and civil society in <strong>Somalia</strong> from 2008 to2011.The project has now closed.Tel: (USA) +1 202 628 8188Email: Irex@irex.orgAddress: 2121 K Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington DC, 20037, USANational Endowment for Democracy www.ned.orgThis US government funded organization makes grants to support humanrights and the development of a free <strong>media</strong> environment in <strong>Somalia</strong>.It has supported <strong>media</strong> outlets including Radio Shabelle and Radio Banadirin Mogadishu, Radio Daljir in Bossasso and news website Hiraan Online.Phone: (USA) +1 202 378-9700E-mail: info@ned.orgAddress: 1025 F Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20004, USA80

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