Part Of Speech Tagging and Chunking with HMM and CRF - LTRC

Part Of Speech Tagging and Chunking with HMM and CRF - LTRC

Part Of Speech Tagging and Chunking with HMM and CRF - LTRC


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Table 8: Changes in POS tagging F-score before<strong>and</strong> after the application of transformation rulesPOS tag Before After DifferenceJJ 48.52 51.23 2.71JVB 43.94 45.31 1.37NLOC 71.43 72.92 1.49NN 72.43 76.35 3.92NNC 40.34 18.99 -21.35NNP 39.9 41.13 1.23NVB 37.56 42.49 4.93PREP 95.47 95.67 0.20QFN 89.42 90.48 1.06RP 89.63 89.93 0.30SYM 98.71 98.8 0.09VAUX 88.11 88.82 0.71VFM 80.96 82.67 1.71VJJ 16 10.53 -5.47John Lafferty, Andrew McCallum, <strong>and</strong> Fern<strong>and</strong>oPereira. 2001. Conditional r<strong>and</strong>om fields: Probabilisticmodels for segmenting <strong>and</strong> labeling sequencedata. In Proceedings of the 18th InternationalConf. on Machine Learning, pages 282–289.Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA.L. R. Rabiner <strong>and</strong> B. H. Juang. 1986. An introductionto hidden markov models. IEEE ASSP Magazine,pages 4–16, January.Fei Sha <strong>and</strong> Fern<strong>and</strong>o C. N. Pereira. 2003. Shallowparsing <strong>with</strong> conditional r<strong>and</strong>om fields. In Proceedingsof HLT-NAACL.measures of all tags except for NNC <strong>and</strong> VJJ. A reductionin the F-measure could have been avoidedby selecting a richer set of transformation templatesthan those listed in Table 1 as the transformationbased learning process is highly sensitiveto the templates used.In general the chunking accuracy for the combinedtask is lesser than the chunking task alone<strong>with</strong> the reference tags. This is caused by thepropagation of errors introduced during the taggingprocess to the chunking stage.6 ConclusionWe have demonstrated the use of an off-the-shelfstatistical tagger combined <strong>with</strong> an error drivenlearning procedure for <strong>Part</strong> of <strong>Speech</strong> taggingHindi. The chunking task <strong>with</strong> Conditional R<strong>and</strong>omFields was also explored. We have reportedour results for each of these tasks separately <strong>and</strong>also the results for the joint task of POS tagging<strong>and</strong> chunking.ReferencesThorsten Brants. 2000. TnT–A statistical part-ofspeechtagger. In Proceedings of Association forNeuro-Linguistic Programming (ANLP), pages 224–231.Eric Brill. 1995. Transformation-based error-drivenlearning <strong>and</strong> natural language processing: A casestudy in part-of-speech tagging. Computational Linguistics,21(4):543–565.

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