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Research Poster Presentati<strong>on</strong>sP O S T E R 1Similarity Matching for AdverseEvents in Large Data SetsChristopher Savo and Dean KunjraviaFaculty Mentor: Dr. Deborah SturmDepartment of Computer ScienceWith the advent of mandatory and voluntary errorreporting and the formati<strong>on</strong> of Patient SafetyOrganizati<strong>on</strong>s, scalable methods are needed toanalyze the expanding database of near misses andadverse events. We explore the feasibility ofincorporating real-time similarity matching intomedical reporting systems using parallel processingand a small Linux cluster. Finding similar events hasbeen shown to identify patterns or clusters oferrors and can help prevent or mitigate futureoccurrences. Our prototype will run <strong>on</strong> the CUNYHigh Performance Computing Center clusters. Thecode is written in C++ using the Message PassingInterface (MPI).* This work is supported in part by a PSC-CUNY<strong>research</strong> grantP O S T E R 2The Effects of HypercapnicHypoxia <strong>on</strong> Naked Mole RatActivity Levels, Memory, andSocial Interacti<strong>on</strong>Rena Berkovits, Nicole Boffa, VanessaDeLucaFaculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel McCloskeyDepartment of PsychologyIn their natural envir<strong>on</strong>ment, naked mole ratsexperience low levels of O2 during rainy seas<strong>on</strong>sthat humans cannot handle. These c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s weremimicked in the naked mole rat laboratory col<strong>on</strong>yby increasing carb<strong>on</strong> dioxide levels and creating ahypercapnic hypoxic envir<strong>on</strong>ment. Levels ofactivity, memory, and social interacti<strong>on</strong> weremeasured under normoxia and hypercapnichypoxia. The hypothesis was that overallmovements would be decreased, memory wouldsuffer, and social interacti<strong>on</strong> would decrease. Withc<strong>on</strong>cerns over current climate changes, theincreasing effects of polluti<strong>on</strong> is crucial for futurelevels of O 2and CO 2in the air. If this change affectsnaked mole rats, who are predisposed to hypoxia,humans would likely be more severely affected. Thehypothesis was not supported, however, and thereverse was found. Overall movements actuallyincreased, memory maze trip times were reduced,and social interacti<strong>on</strong> increased.29

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