The Largest Dedicated Cosmetic laser Center In The World

The Largest Dedicated Cosmetic laser Center In The World

The Largest Dedicated Cosmetic laser Center In The World


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How did you find out about our treatments thathelp to reduce the appearance of scars?“I had gone to many doctors seeking any kind oftreatment that would help. All the doctors said theywould need to do another surgery to minimize thescars. However, I didn’t understand how doing anothersurgery would make a scar better. I was so depressedand disappointed. I thought I would forever look asawful as I felt.“<strong>The</strong>n one of my best friends, who is a patient atGateway Aesthetic <strong>In</strong>stitute, introduced me to <strong>In</strong>naProkopenko, R.N. She told me that <strong>In</strong>na was amazingand that she could help. It was the first time in over ayear I had a glimmer of hope again.”Talk about your results. Were they gradual?“It was amazing. Within a few days of each treatment,the bruises would fade and the scars would becomeless visible. <strong>The</strong> redness was also fading as the scartissue was starting to smooth. I was so excited forevery treatment because I couldn’t wait to see whatkind of changes would happen.”When you started to see results, how did youfeel?“Within about six months I noticed that I wasbecoming less sensitive about my looks. I was slowlygaining confidence again. <strong>The</strong> first day I felt ‘normal’was when <strong>In</strong>na took the post picture of my treatmentsand put it next to the pre picture. I started to cry. Iwas a normal person again. It was the best feeling.”It’s been about a year now. Is there anythingelse you’ve noticed?“My friends and family always tell me how beautiful Iam. For the first time in two years, I really do believethem.“I finally feel like myself again. I’m confident in mylooks and I don’t try to cover my face anymore. I wearmy scars now with pride instead of shame. It was abattle that I won and now I am a survivor instead ofa victim.“I love GatewayAesthetics. Ilove <strong>In</strong>na. <strong>The</strong>yhave donemore for methan I can everpossibly explain.I can’t imaginewhere I would betoday if I hadn’tfound them andthey hadn’t hadthe technology thathas helped me in somany ways. I am sograteful to themfor everything.” ©3

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