Competency-Based Interview Questions Health Sciences (non ...

Competency-Based Interview Questions Health Sciences (non ...

Competency-Based Interview Questions Health Sciences (non ...


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<strong>Competency</strong>-<strong>Based</strong> <strong>Interview</strong> <strong>Questions</strong><strong>Health</strong> <strong>Sciences</strong> (<strong>non</strong>-Hospital) Departmentshttps://www.hr.utah.edu/serviceTeams/comp-based-questions-general.phpTrust<strong>Competency</strong> Leading Question Follow up <strong>Questions</strong> Key Criteria1. Trusted by others andCan you give me anHow did you manage thisTrustworthinesskeeps confidences.example of when asituation of trust?Dependabilitycolleague confided inGood listeneryou about somethingReliablevery sensitive that wasNeeds-orientedsaid in totalconfidence?2.Direct and truthful.Tell us about a timeHow did you manage to conveyProfessionalismwhen you had athis information?Diplomacy skillsconcern about aHonest approachsupervisor or peer.What was the reaction?Cares about work/behaviorHow did you talk toWhat was the outcome?them about it?3. Dependable. Describe a situationwhen a colleague orsuperior relied on youto get somethingurgent done.How did you manage this role?How did you communicate tothe colleagues and supervisorsto build their confidence inyou?ProfessionalismTrustworthinessCommunicationGood listenerReliableNeeds-orientedPage 8 of 8

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