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BISHOP PHILIP EGANST JOHN'S CATHEDRAL24 SEPTEMBER 2012This was followed by a series of gestureswhich, step-by-step, one man toanother, symbolised the transfer fromthe old Bishop to the new. BishopCrispian anointed Bishop Philip withchrism, rubbing it over his scalp beforeplacing a pink skull cap on his head.This was followed by a ring, a Mitre andthe same silver crozier that had beenhanded to Bishop Crispian 24 yearsbefore.From then on, Bishop Philip was seated in the central Bishop’schair, already emblazoned with his coat of arms, with BishopCrispian to one side. He became the main celebrant, chanting alengthy preface with confidence. He is clearly keen on music, andin his written introduction in the order of service expressed thehope that we would all rediscover the ‘beautiful treasury’ ofplainchant.The new ’Te Deum‘ of thanksgiving was a fine piece, composed,printed and rehearsed in a few short weeks. The congregationeasily picked up the refrains and responded strongly. While it wasbeing sung the new bishop strode through the church lookingpeople in the eye with a friendly smile and blessing us all with avigorous sign of the cross.Finally he returned to his chair to address us. He spoke strongly,urging us with passion to take the true way:‘It's not a strategy, a philosophy or a package-deal. This Way hasa Name, because it's a Person, the only Person in human historywho really did rise from the dead, a Person alive here and now:Jesus of Nazareth, God the Son Incarnate.We must offer this message to a people, sorely in need of newhope and direction, disenfranchised by the desert of modernBritish politics, wearied by the cycle of work, shopping,entertainment, and betrayed by educational, legal, medical andsocial policy-makers who, in the relativistic world they're creating,however well-intentioned, are sowing the seeds of a stranglingcounterculture of death.’Then suddenly, with a big grin he was just a plain man among us.‘I must stop now,’ he said. ‘Or we'll be late for the do’ - a referenceto the reception that followed.Bishop Philip ended by asking for our prayers that he might be a‘humble and holy, orthodox, creative and courageous Bishop of<strong>Portsmouth</strong>.’He repeated the request when Icaught up with him outside andasked him how he thought it hadgone. Without pause and fixingme with bright blue eyes and abig smile he said:‘It has been a wonderful day, andthe Lord has been present withus. As I come to lay down my lifefor my flock, I would ask you allto pray for me, that I shall be agood bishop.’The Bishops’ addresses appear as online supplements to this <strong>issue</strong>. Ed.16 PEOPLE

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