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MOVERS ...MOVERS and SHAKERSWe pick up on the enthusiasm and achievement across our dioceseHAPPY BIRTHDAY!Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, former priest ofour diocese, celebrated his 80th birthday on Friday24 August. Reaching 80, the Cardinal ceases to bean active member of the Congregation for Bishopsand the Congregation for the Evangelisation of<strong>People</strong>s and all the other offices within the RomanCuria. He will no longer vote in any future PapalConclave but will remain a Cardinal and will holdthe titular church of the Basilica of Santa Mariasopra Minerva for life. Many happy returns!HIKE ‘N’ BIKE IT!Fr Mark Hogan, pictured, invites you toconsider pedalling and plodding yourprayers for vocations next year by joiningin the Big Biathlon for Vocations. Why notjoin the group of people to cycling (mostof) the perimeter of the Isle of Wight(about a mature 50 miles worth) and thensauntering from the east to west coast ofthe IoW (a more youthful 20-somethingmiles) on the same day? Or just come alongfor the cycle part or the walk part. The dateis almost certainly Sat 8 June 2013.Contact Fr Mark on 012 5632 3595 orvocations@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk[Maybe those coming from the mainland could make a whole day of it and justswim over and back. Ed.]CONGRATULATIONS!Congratulations to everyone at St JohnBosco in Woodley, the first parish inEngland and Wales to have received thelive simply Award which was presented by CAFOD’sDirector Chris Bain on 16 September during a specialCreation Mass. For more information about theaward visit livesimplyaward.org.ukFr Chris Wheelan and CAFOD’s Director Chris BainNO SMOKE BUT MIRRORSL to R: Outside St Laurence at 10am the firstvisitors, Jean Cook from All Saints, East Meon(strider) , Ann Johnstone, St Laurence welcomerand organiser, and the Lewis family from theUnited Reformed Church, Petersfield (riders).RIDE AND STRIDEThe 31st annual Ride and Stride,organised by the Hampshire and theIslands Historic Churches Trust, tookplace on Saturday 8 September withover 20 churches in the Petersfield andsurrounding area participating.Thousands of pounds are regularly raisedfor repairs and restoration to thechurches and chapels of Hampshire andthe Isle of Wight. St Laurence CatholicChurch has recently benefitted from a£4000 grant and a £4000 interest-freeloan for its new dome from the HIHCT. StLaurence rider Ann Saunders said: ‘I hada really fun time visiting 7 churchesfrom Buriton to West Liss and haveraised about £180 thanks to ourgenerous parish’. Further details fromHIHCT representative Sarah Trew t: 0172271 7473 or e: sarah@saratrew.co.ukThe Sanctuary Candle in a church is alwayslit, traditionally by a candle in a red glasscandle holder. What with the rising cost ofcandles, the potential fire risk and sootpollution, Fr Tom Grufferty (St Josephs,Havant) and Ian Corps wondered what couldbe done. The answer was a lamp made outof plastic, three small mirrors, a LED (LightEmitting Diode) and two rechargeablebatteries running 4-5 weeks at a time. Virtually maintenancefree, costing less than £20 to produce and paying for itself in lessthan three months, the invention saves over £100 per year incandles. Details from Ian Corps t: 023 9249 9554 or via Fr Tomt: 023 9248520 e: tom.grufferty@ntlworld.com24 PORTSMOUTH PEOPLE

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