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NEWS ...CHEEKBY JOWL:Parishioners crammed into theCathedral Centre on 9 Septemberafter evening Mass, BishopCrispian’s final Mass before hisretirement. Partying well-wishersjostled to have their souvenirphotos taken, a selection of whichis posted as an online supplementto this <strong>issue</strong> of PP.Bishop Crispian can now be contacted at Stable House, Fairview, Mells, FROME,Somerset BA11 3PP t: 01373 813284 e: crispian.hollis@sky.com2 BY 2: Noah’s Ark had to be large enough to house two of every animal on theplanet. By the looks of the mammoth wooden vessel being built on New York’sLong Island, film-makers may have achieved just that. Rather than a computergenerated ark for Darren Aronofsky's forthcoming epic Noah, a huge set has beenunder construction for the film to star Russel Crowe.ON A WING AND A PRAYER? Some birdslike the western scrub jay (See inset) appear to holdfunerals for their dead. When the jays encounter adead bird, they call out to one another and stopforaging. The jays then often fly down to the deadbody and maintain station around it. The revelationcomes from a study by Teresa Iglesias and colleaguesat the University of California, Davis, US.Western Scrub Jay ©Colin Talcroft, 2010SIGNPOST SLIP-UPIN SEVILLE (SPAIN):Probably better translatedas ‘The former/ancient HQof the cavalry’.SING ALONG A-MILFORD: The parish of St Francis of Assisi,Milford-on-Sea, needs more hymn books to bolster its existingstock. If any other parish has spare copies (up to 50) of TheComplete Celebration Hymnal (Ed. Stephen Dean) published byMayhew in 1984, please contact Anthony Kirke t: 015 9064 5521, e:a.kirke@talktalk.netBishop Kieran ConroyOREMUS: Catholics in England andWales are being invited to pause for amoment in prayer every first Friday ofthe month as an act of faith and publicwitness. The invitation comes from RtRev Kieran Conry, Bishop of Arundel andBrighton and Chair of the Bishops’Department for Evangelisation andCatechesis. The practice of pausing forprayer at 3pm on Friday has been alongstanding tradition Catholictradition.THE ROWANS HOSPICE SHOPOPENS IN WICKHAM: The RowansHospice opened the doors to its 13thshop on 3 September in Wickham. TheRowans Hospice shop is amongst thefirst premises in the Warwick Lanedevelopment to open to the publicthanks to thefantasticvolunteersupportreceived.HEAD FOR LITERARY HEIGHTS:John Cosgrove (pic left),head of Christ the KingCatholic Primary School(Reading), has had hissecond book published asan e-book. OrangeBlossom Spring is a lightheartedmemoir of the year that Johnand his wife Madeleine spent inValencia, Spain, just after they weremarried. ‘There are some interestingsidelights for Catholics. San VicenteFerrer’s recipe for a happy marriage, forexample, deserves to be better known, asdoes the Mass setting to the tune of‘Puff the Magic Dragon’!’ OrangeBlossom Spring is at present onlyavailable as an e-book for Kindle fromthe Amazon website atwww.amazon.co.uk[In 2000 Routledge-Falmer publishedJohn’s first book, Breakdown, exploringthe problem of stress in teaching. Ed.]20 PORTSMOUTH PEOPLE

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