bisag - Gujarat Informatics Limited

bisag - Gujarat Informatics Limited

bisag - Gujarat Informatics Limited


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- An e-Governance Bulletin from GUJARAT INFORMATICS LTD.Vol. 2 l No. 3February 2004(Bhaskaracharya Institute for SpaceApplications and Geo-informatics)PREFACE• Preface• Services• OrganizationSetup• SATCOM• Remote SensingFormerly known as “Remote Sensing and Communication Centre(RESECO)” is being newly named after the great IndianMathematician “Bhaskaracharya” of 12th century. BISAG is a Statelevel nodal agency to facilitate the use of spatial and geo-spatialtechnologies for the developmental and planning activities pertainingto Agriculture, Land and Water Resource Management, Wasteland /Watershed Development, Forestry, Disaster Management,Infrastructure and Education using Remote sensing and GeographicInformation System (GIS).and GIS• SoftwareDevelopment• Academy of Geo-<strong>Informatics</strong>• eGov NewsCourtesyShri T. P. Singh,Director (BISAG)Sashikant ASharma, Sr.Scientist.Editorial TeamNeeta ShahSumit GhoshInauguration Ceremony of BISAGPage 1 of 8

- An e-Governance Bulletin from GUJARAT INFORMATICS LTD.SATELLITECOMMUNICATIONWith a view to meet theemerging need of distantinteractive education,training and extension“<strong>Gujarat</strong> SATCOM Network”has been set up.The SATCOM facility comprisesof an uplink earth station,control room, TV studio, and anetwork of receiving classroomsdistributed across the State.Dedicated frequency on boardextended ‘C’ bandtransponder on INSAT 3B hasbeen allocated to <strong>Gujarat</strong> byway of Training andDevelopment CommunicationChannel (TDCC) provided byISRO.The receiving classroom facilitiesconsists of 3.66m perforated dishantenna, extended C-Band Digital Direct ReceptionSystem (DDRS), TV/ MultimediaProjector, STD Phone/Fax/E-mailand have been established byvarious user departments/organisations.SATCOM Earth StationPage 4 of 8

- An e-Governance Bulletin from GUJARAT INFORMATICS LTD.is being created by theStudioVisionMixerAudioMixerVideoConferencingFromSystemPSTNDigital Up-Link Earth StationReceiving ClassroomRESECO, GANDHINAGARTransmitChainReceiveChainDATASERVERISDN (384 Kbps)REMOTE SENSINGAND GISRemote sensing and GISapplications have providedimpetus to planning anddevelopmental activities atgrass root level as well asmonitoring andmanagement potential invarious disciplines.Through Remote sensing,meticulous information can bededuced by interpreting,analyzing and monitoring thespatial natural resources. Theinformation combined with the3.8 M3.66MINSAT - 3BvDigital Direct ReceptionSystem(DDRS)ACameraMicrophoneData ReceptionE-MailTo PSTNTVFaxspatial data in GIS environment canprove to be a versatile tool givingexhaustive information of aparticular area. BISAG hasdeveloped an integratedapproach towards enriching thedevelopmental planning processusing satellite remote sensing dataand Geo-informatics.The Institute is engaged ingeneration, creation, organizationand management of geo-spatialdatabases on natural resources,infrastructure,demography, socioeconomicaspects, etcA multipurposecommon geo-spatialdigital database for the entire stateInstitute. Efforts are beingmade towards datastandardization tofacilitate data exchangeamong organisation. TheInstitute has facilitatedthe use of geo-spatialtechnologies for thedevelopmental andplanning activitiespertaining to the fields ofRemote Sensing andGeo-<strong>Informatics</strong>Applications Areas :• Natural Resources• Watershed• Forestry• Environment• Infrastructure• Land InformationSystem• Geology and Mining• Health• Education• Regional Planning• Disasters• TrainingPage 5 of 8

- An e-Governance Bulletin from GUJARAT INFORMATICS LTD.ACADEMY OF GEO-INFORMATICSprovides education,research, training andtechnology transfer to largenumber of end users andcollaborators. It alsoparticipates & organizestheme based workshopsand awarenessprogrammes to promoteeducational uses of spacetechnology.BISAG conducts "on-the-job"training for various collaborators,government departments, userorganizations and institutes. Italso provides guidance tostudents from Engineering,Computer science, andPlanning disciplines.Some of the major PROJECTSexecuted by BISAG are:• National (Natural) ResourceInformation System (NRIS)• <strong>Gujarat</strong>GeographicInformation System (GGIS)• Crop Acreage and ProductionEstimation• Integrated Mission forSustainable Development• Watershed DevelopmentProgramme• Wasteland Mapping• Census-2001, <strong>Gujarat</strong>• Disaster ManagementInformation System• Flood Mapping• District Planning Atlas• Land use / Land CoverMapping• Action Plan for Waterharvesting• Command area Development• Geological InformationSystems• Gulf of Khambat developmentproject (Kalpasar)• Thematic mapping for ZoningAtlas• Coastal Zone ManagementInformation System• School Mapping• Selection of sites for IndustriesPage 7 of 8FACILITIESBISAG has a rich satellitedata archive, anexperienced multidisciplinaryteam and awell equipped Remotesensing,GIS and Imageprocessing laboratorywith state of the arttechnology.More Information aboutB I S A Gcan be obtained fromBhaskaracharya Institutefor Space Applications andGeo-<strong>Informatics</strong>,Nr. CH ‘0’ Circle,Indulal Yagnik Marg,Gandhinagar – 382 007,<strong>Gujarat</strong>, INDIAWeb:<strong>bisag</strong>.gujarat.gov.in

- An e-Governance Bulletin from GUJARAT INFORMATICS LTD.Web CornerThe <strong>Gujarat</strong> Bank of Wisdomhttp://www.gujaratbankofwisdom.comVibrant <strong>Gujarat</strong>http://www.vibrantgujarat.com<strong>Gujarat</strong> Sales Taxhttp://gujaratsalestax.gov.in/Please look out for this section forURLs of Government websitesFor electronic subscription to thebulletin, please email us with youremail address at:webmaster@gujaratinformatics.comor visit us at:www.gujaratinformatics.comContact Address:<strong>Gujarat</strong> <strong>Informatics</strong> Ltd.Block No. 1, 8 th Floor,Udyog Bhavan,Gandhinagar – 382017Phone: 079 – 3256022Fax: 079 – 3238925Page 8 of 8

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