PennDOT PUB 458 - PennDOT Driver and Vehicle Services

PennDOT PUB 458 - PennDOT Driver and Vehicle Services

PennDOT PUB 458 - PennDOT Driver and Vehicle Services


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Offense Offense Offense Offense(6) The registrant has submitted documents Until all Until all Until all Revocationto the Department which have beenuncollectible uncollectible uncollectibleaccompanied by uncollectible checks checks, checks, checks,drawn on the account of the registrant. protest fees, protest fees, protest fees,<strong>and</strong> collec- <strong>and</strong> collec- <strong>and</strong> collectioncharges tion charges tion chargesunder the under the under the<strong>Vehicle</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong>Code are Code are Code arepaid. paid, plus 1 paid, plus 6month. months.(7) The registrant has used or has Written 1 month 6 months Revocationallowed the use of a motor-driven cycle Warningor motorized pedalcycle dealer plate ona vehicle other than a motor-drivencycle or motorized pedalcycle.(8) The registrant has used or has Written 1 month 6 months Revocationallowed the use of a motorcycle dealer Warningplate on a vehicle other than a motorcycle,motor- driven cycle or motorized pedalcycle,except for purposes of demonstration.(9) The registrant has failed to allow 1 month 3 months Revocationinspection of the records prescribed in§53.4 (relating to use of plates) byauthorized Commonwealth employees.(10) The registrant has failed to properly Written 1 Month 3 Months 6 Monthsissue or maintain records of theWarningissuance of a dealer registration plate permit,as prescribed in §53.4 when loaning avehicle with a dealer plate.(11) The registrant has offered or paid 6 Months Revocationmoney, gifts or other rewards toCommonwealth employees.(12) The registrant has failed to deliver to Written 1 Month 6 Months Revocationa lawfully entitled transferee or to the WarningDepartment, when as required by law, aproperly assigned certificate of title.(13) The registrant has repeatedly 1 Month 6 Months Revocationviolated the <strong>Vehicle</strong> Code (75 Pa.C.S.§101-9909) or this chapter.4th <strong>and</strong>1st 2nd 3rd Subsequent14

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