TWelfTh nighT - Stratford Festival

TWelfTh nighT - Stratford Festival

TWelfTh nighT - Stratford Festival

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Debra Hanson20th season: Set designer of Camelot and designer of Twelfth Night.<strong>Stratford</strong>: Head of design, 1990 to 1994. Elsewhere: San Diego and St.Louis opera companies, NAC, Shaw <strong>Festival</strong>, CentreStage, MTC (residentdesigner), Theatre Plus, Toronto Free, Banff Centre, Theatre Calgary,Theatre New Brunswick (resident designer). She has taught at McGill,Queen’s and Bishop’s universities, John Abbott College, Humber Collegeand the University of Victoria. Film/TV: Chloe, Casino Jack, Adoration, Away from Her,Outlander, Childstar, In God’s Country, I Was a Rat, Verdict in Blood, A Killing Spring,Society’s Child, Love Come Down, What Katy Did, One Heart Broken into Song, Cra$h& Burn. Awards: Pauline McGibbon Award (1984), Dora Award for Translations, Doranomination for Saint Joan, Genie nominations for New Waterford Girl and The Gospel ofJohn, Gemini nomination for Stormy Weather, Gemini Awards for Roxana (2007) and Othello(2009).Suzy Jane Hunt<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Standby Viola in Twelfth Night and understudy in TheMerry Wives of Windsor. Theatre: Jane in The Good Book of Pedantry andWonder (Boston Court Theatre, Circle X), Martha in Battlehymn (Circle XTheatre Co., L.A.), Grigsby in Our House (Denver Center), understudy inSubUrbia (Second Stage, N.Y.C.), Lucy in Girl (Cherry Lane Theatre, N.Y.C.),Belly in We Are Not These Hands (German Theatre Abroad), Chorus inHecuba (The Pearl Theatre). TV: The Forgotten and As the World Turns, ABC. Training:University of Evansville; The Actors Center, N.Y.Sarah Kitz<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Appears in Twelfth Night and The Misanthrope. <strong>Stratford</strong>:Eliza in Pygmalion, Fool in King Lear (Birmingham Conservatory).Elsewhere: Portia in The Merchant of Venice, Celia in As You Like It (St.Lawrence Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>); Therese in Box and Window (HumberRiver Shakespeare Company); Hali in The Sicilian (Fringe); Mother/QueenJahan in The Veil (OneLight Theatre, Canadian/Iranian tours); One WomanFreakshow in Cheap Queers (Buddies in Bad Times); Hero in Much Ado About Nothing(Shakespeare in the Square); Helen in Problem Child (Alumnae Theatre); Sylvia in TwoGentlemen, Anne in Richard III, Hermia in Dream, Ariel in Tempest (Shakespeare by the Sea).Training: University of Windsor, Birmingham Conservatory. Directing: Oliver! (Leah PoslunsTheatre); Cabin Fever (Fringe); The Laramie Project (Working Productions). Et cetera: Cofounderof Here Is My Hand Theatre. “Love to my family.”Aaron Krohn<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Lenny in The Homecoming and appears in TwelfthNight. Broadway: The Farnsworth Invention, The Coast of Utopia, JuliusCaesar, Henry IV, The Invention of Love, Sam Mendes’s Bridge Project(years one and two): As You Like It, The Tempest, The Winter’s Tale, TheCherry Orchard. Off-Broadway: The Glass Cage, Echoes of the War (MintTheatre); Philoktetes, by John Jeserun (LaMaMa). Regional: Divine Rivalry(Hartford Stage); Beauty and the Beast (TUTS); Sheppey, Much Ado About Nothing (AlabamaShakespeare); The Hostage, As You Like It, Romeo and Juliet (Old Globe); In the Jungle ofCities, Macbeth, Cyrano de Bergerac (Alley Theatre); Ireland tour of The Complete Works ofWilliam Shakespeare (Abridged). Film/TV: Law & Order: SVU, Welcome to New York, manyvoices for anime films including Kaji (Neon Genesis Evangelion), Murakomo (Blue Seed), Go(Super Atragon). Training: MFA from The Old Globe Theatre, San Diego.Ian LakeFourth season: Second Officer in Twelfth Night and Joey in TheHomecoming. <strong>Stratford</strong>: Silvius in As You Like It, Florizel in The Winter’sTale, Demetrius in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Trouble-All in BartholomewFair, Berowne in Love’s Labour’s Lost, Sentinel in Caesar and Cleopatra.Elsewhere: For This Moment Alone (Theatre Aquarius); Twelfth Night,Macbeth, The Provoked Wife (BCCT); Buoyant Billions, Star Quality, LesDeux Aveugles (Theatre Lac Brome); Amadeus (Segal Theatre); Schoolhouse, Lost Heir (Blyth<strong>Festival</strong>); Oedipus Rex (Gravy Bath); Much Ado About Nothing (Resurgence Theatre). Film/TV: Flashpoint (CTV); Caesar and Cleopatra (Bravo!/CTV); SPIT, a short (Precip Productions);He Was Perfectly Fine (Sheridan Media Arts). Training: National Theatre School of Canada,Birmingham Conservatory for Classical Theatre. Awards: Proud recipient of the 2009Michael Mawson Award. Et cetera: “I’d like to dedicate this season to Michael and Peter:two great men and even greater mentors.”Roy Lewis10th season: Priest in Twelfth Night. <strong>Stratford</strong>: Credits include Hymen (AsYou Like It), The Winter’s Tale, Old Man (Macbeth), Bellerose/Renaudot/Bertrandou (Cyrano de Bergerac), Montague (Romeo and Juliet), Achillas(Caesar and Cleopatra), Reverend Sykes (To Kill a Mockingbird), Cyclops(The Odyssey). Elsewhere: Raoul Bhaneja’s Blues Project as Howlin’ Wolf.He has worked at the Shaw <strong>Festival</strong> and the National Arts Centre. Actingroles of note include Baron Van Swieten in Amadeus, the Stage Manager in Our Town,Prospero in The Tempest, Posthumus in Cymbeline, Lysander in A Midsummer Night’sDream, Lightbourne in Edward II, Norfolk in A Man for All Seasons and Mr. Visconti in Travelswith My Aunt. Directing credits include Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Tempest, Cymbelineand Waiting for Godot. He is a founding member of the Obsidian Theatre Company andShakespeare in the Rough.Des McAnuffFifth season: Fourth season as Artistic Director of the <strong>Stratford</strong>Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>. Director of Jesus Christ Superstar and Twelfth Night.Composer (with Michael Roth) for Twelfth Night. <strong>Stratford</strong>: Director of AsYou Like It, The Tempest starring Christopher Plummer (2010); Macbeth,A Funny Thing… (2009); Romeo and Juliet, Caesar and Cleopatra starringChristopher Plummer (2008); Macbeth (1983) with Nicholas Pennell andRoberta Maxwell. Elsewhere: Des McAnuff was part of Toronto’s burgeoning theatre scenein the 1970s. As Artistic Director of La Jolla Playhouse, he directed over 30 productionsof Shakespeare and other classics, new plays and musicals. Broadway: Guys and Dolls(2009), Aaron Sorkin’s The Farnsworth Invention (2007), Jersey Boys (2006, Tony and Olivierawards: best musical), Billy Crystal’s 700 Sundays (2004, Tony Award), How to Succeed…(1995), The Who’s Tommy (1993, director/co-author with Pete Townshend, Tony and Olivierawards: best director; Olivier: best musical), A Walk in the Woods (1988), Big River (1985,Tony Awards: best director and musical). Other New York: Crazy Locomotive, Mary Stuart,his play Leave It to Beaver is Dead. Australia: New musical Dr. Zhivago premièred in Sydney(February 2011). Opera: Faust (N.Y.’s Metropolitan Opera, 2011, and English National Opera,2010). Film: Cousin Bette and The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (director), IronGiant (producer) and Quills (executive producer). <strong>Stratford</strong>’s Caesar and Cleopatra and TheTempest were also filmed for wide Canadian theatrical release to sold-out houses acrossthe country. Training: Attended Ryerson University (honorary doctorate June 2011). OtherAwards: Two-time Tony, Olivier and Dora award-winning director and 2005/2006 recipient ofthe Drama League’s prestigious Julia Hansen Award for lifetime achievement.Chris McEwen<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Assistant lighting designer of The Merry Wives of Windsor,Camelot and Twelfth Night. Elsewhere: Touring head electrician, Scrap ArtsMusic (Canada, U.S.A., Guatemala, Spain, Scotland, Wales, Hong Kong,South Korea, Taiwan and Belgium), head electrician/technical director,Victoria Playhouse Petrolia. Installation and systems technician at HorizonSolutions. Training: Fanshawe College, ETC Certified Technician. Et cetera:Chris also works with various theatres including The Grand and the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare<strong>Festival</strong> doing electrical special effects and special projects. In his spare time Chris likessailing the waters around Bayfield with his wife on their boat, Tardis.Stephen Ouimette18th season: Sir Andrew Aguecheek in Twelfth Night and Sam in TheHomecoming. <strong>Stratford</strong>: Leading roles in The Importance of Being Earnest,All’s Well That Ends Well, The Tempest, King John, No Exit, Hamlet, RichardIII, Amadeus, Waiting for Godot, Julius Caesar. Director of Timon of Athens.Elsewhere: Theatres across Canada, including the Citadel, Tarragon,National Arts Centre, Soulpepper, Canadian Stage, Theatre Passe Muraille;The Alchemist, Endgame (Yale Repertory Theatre); Troilus and Cressida, The Taming ofthe Shrew (Chicago Shakespeare Theater); La Bête with Mark Rylance, David Hyde Pierceand Joanna Lumley (Broadway/London’s West End). Film/TV: Mentors, I Was a Rat, AfterAlice, Conspiracy of Silence, The Adjuster, Firing Squad. Awards: Gemini Award (Slingsand Arrows), Blizzard Award (Heater), Dora Awards (Danny and the Deep Blue Sea, SevenStories, B Movie: The Play), Ottawa Critics Circle Award (I Am My Own Wife), Sterling Award(La Bête).Margaret Palmer28th season: Production stage manager of the <strong>Festival</strong> Theatre. <strong>Stratford</strong>:Maggie has been production stage manager at the Avon and <strong>Festival</strong>theatres for 19 seasons. Stage-management credits include Will Power;Henry IV (parts 1 and 2); Iolanthe; The Imaginary Invalid; My Fair Lady;A Man for All Seasons; Kiss Me, Kate; Guys and Dolls; The GovernmentInspector; Coriolanus; The Mikado (national tour, London’s Old Vic); andTwelfth Night (U.S. tour). Elsewhere: Maggie apprenticed at Neptune Theatre (1966/67)and worked at the St. Lawrence Centre (Toronto Arts Productions), MTC and the GrandTheatre. She stage-managed Eugene Onegin (Manitoba Opera), the first Dream in HighPark and the first Dora Awards. She was publicity director for the NDWT Company, workedfor Fountainhead Theatre in London and toured Canada with the Charlottetown <strong>Festival</strong>.Training: Graduate of the National Theatre School, where she returned to coach last winter.14

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