AMSEC Employees 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan - Benefits Connect

AMSEC Employees 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan - Benefits Connect

AMSEC Employees 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan - Benefits Connect


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The specific terms of the <strong>Plan</strong> are set forth in the <strong>Plan</strong> document itself, which is the document thatgoverns the rights of Participants under the <strong>Plan</strong>. However, because it is not feasible to set forth in the<strong>Plan</strong> document all of the many details and procedures involved in administering the <strong>Plan</strong>, a committeeappointed by the Board of Directors of the Parent Company (referred to in this Summary <strong>Plan</strong>Description as the “Committee” or “<strong>Plan</strong> Administrator”) has been given the authority to establishprocedures for various <strong>Plan</strong> administrative functions and to interpret <strong>Plan</strong> provisions. The day-to-dayadministration of the <strong>Plan</strong> is carried out by <strong>AMSEC</strong>’s Director of Human Resources or designee.The examples in this document are for illustration purposes only and in no way guarantee or predictactual circumstances.II. ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATIONW hat I s the P lan’ s E ffective Date?The <strong>Plan</strong> was originally adopted by American System Engineering Corporation effective July 1, 1981.Additional amendments have been made since that date. This Summary <strong>Plan</strong> Description explains theamended and restated <strong>Plan</strong> in effect as of March 31, 2011, which is sponsored by the Parent CompanyAm I E ligible T o Par ticipate?Receipt of this document does not entitle you to automatically participate in the <strong>Plan</strong>. You are eligibleto participate in the <strong>Plan</strong> if you are an employee of <strong>AMSEC</strong>, as soon as you are hired, unless you fallinto one of the categories below:1. You are covered by a collective bargaining agreement that does not provide for coverage underthis <strong>Plan</strong>.2. You are in a group or classification of employees that was determined to be ineligible toparticipate in the <strong>Plan</strong>.3. You are a leased employee.4. You are a nonresident alien employee with no earnings from services in the United States.5. You are a consultant or independent contractor who is not treated as an employee on <strong>AMSEC</strong>’spayroll records during the applicable <strong>Plan</strong> Year or other relevant computation period,notwithstanding the fact that you are at some subsequent date determined to be an employee forpayroll purposes.W hen Do I B ecome E ligible T o J oin?Your eligibility to participate in the <strong>Plan</strong> begins as of the date you start working for <strong>AMSEC</strong> as aneligible employee or, if later, the date you become an eligible employee. (See Article II - “Am IEligible To Participate?”)March 2011 2 <strong>AMSEC</strong> SPD

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