(1983). Research Round-Up. Connections, 6 (2) - INSNA

(1983). Research Round-Up. Connections, 6 (2) - INSNA

(1983). Research Round-Up. Connections, 6 (2) - INSNA


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YAMAGUCHI, Kazuo (Columbia) . <strong>1983</strong> . "The structure of intergenerational occupational mobility : generalityand specificity in resources, channels, and barriers ." AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY 88 (4) : 718-745 .The structure of intergenerational occupational mobility is analyzed using a new structural model based onlog-linear analysis . This model differs from others in that it is derived from certain theoretical propositionsconcerning the roles of resources governing access to occupational positions . The model permits adecomposition of observed mobility structures into their two latent components : mobility mediated bygeneralized resources and mobility mediated by specific resources . This decomposition provides insightsinto generality and specificity in various structural characteristics of mobility such as channels ofmobility, social distances in mobility, and barriers to mobility .(NETWORK NOTEBOOK continued from page 6)(Grant Getting contd)Joseph GALASKIEWICZ (Minnesota), "Resource allocation and donative transfers ." $40,000 .J . Miller McPHERSON (South Carolina), "Sampling populations of organizations ." $76,000 .Jerome KARABEL and Michael USEEM (Huron Institute), "Higher education, class structure and labormarkets ." $54,000 .Carole SHAMMAS (Wisconsin-Milwaukee), "Inheritance law, family structures and capital formation ."$68,000 .Lynn SMITH-LOVIN (South Carolina), "Affect control theory : a cross-cultural replication ." $21,000 .Erik 0 . WRIGHT (Wisconsin), "Social structure and class consciousness in contemporary industrialsocieties ." $52,000 .Benjamin ZABLOCKI and Angela AIDALA (Rutgers), "The enduring effects of collective influence ." $58,000 .Scott BOORMAN (Yale), "Mathematical models of social networks : matching, efficiency and structure ."$63,000 .Edward LAUMANN (Chicago), "The social organization of national policy domains ." $67,000 .Harrison WHITE (Harvard), "Markets and organizations : applying mathematical models to socialstructures and processes ." $75,000 .Philip BONACICH and Oscar GRUSKY (UCLA), "The role of children in family coalition formation ."$5,000 .Naomi ROSENTHAL (SUNY-Westbury), "Social networks and social movements : a dynamic analysis ." $6,000 .National Institute of Mental Health :Erdman PALMORE (Duke), "Mental illness and social support among the very old ." $150,000 .David BELL (Houston), "Individual-group interface : focus on the family ." $105,000 .Robert HAUSER (Wisconsin), "Social and psychological factors in achievement ." $46,000 .Robert LAUFER (Center for Policy <strong>Research</strong>, NYC), "A study of veterans : impact of the Vietnam war ."$65,000 .Dean HARPER (Rochester), "Mental disorder and crime ." $48,000 .Nan LIN (SUNY-Albany), "A 3-wave study of stressors, social support and illness ." $160,000 .Alfred DEAN (Albany Medical College), "Stressful life events, social support and illness ." $455,000 .Rafaela ROBLES (Puerto Rico), "Social support, strains, well-being of divorced women ." $32,000 .Robert WEISS (Massachusetts-Boston), "Work setting and the processes of relational support ." $97,000 .Theresa ROGERS (Columbia), "Stress, confidants and depression : a replication ." $17,000 .Steven Segal (Cal-Berkeley), "Reintegrating the mentally ill in the local community ." $61,000 .(Network Notebook continued on page 54)

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