The Global Currency Investor A Quarterly Analysis of 50 World ...

The Global Currency Investor A Quarterly Analysis of 50 World ...

The Global Currency Investor A Quarterly Analysis of 50 World ...


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Jan 09Jul 09Jan 10Jul 10Jan 11Jul 11Jan 05Sep 05May 06Jan 07Sep 07May 08Jan 09Sep 09May 10Jan 11COUNTRY REPORT: ColombiaOutlook: NeutralS&P Moody's Rates Policy 3m 5y 10y[30-Sep-2011]Rating (LC) BBB+ Stable Baa3 Stable4.<strong>50</strong>% 4.68% 6.53% 7.53%Economy and Market Outlook<strong>The</strong> economic outlook in Colombia continues to look bright although the country will not be immunein the event <strong>of</strong> further global turmoil. Q2 GDP data showed the economy growing by 5.2% year onyear and retail sales data for July showed an 11.8% year on year rate <strong>of</strong> growth. Without the globalworries the central bank would undoubtedly be continuing to increase interest rates up to 5% andpossibly higher but, given the global backdrop they have now paused at 4.<strong>50</strong>% and are likely tomaintain this stance until they have more clarity. If the world does experience another downturn thekey transmission mechanism into the Colombian economy would be via commodity prices. Fiscalreform carried out in 2010 should provide the government with substantial flexibility in this scenarioto provide a stimulative fiscal boost. Inflation has proved to be stubbornly sticky above 3% and therisk that the central bank will take by holding interest rates is that if global growth doesn't moderatethe economy will start to build inflationary pressures once again given that it is already now at fullcapacity. <strong>The</strong> Peso has fallen back but is close to the governments 'equilibrium rate' <strong>of</strong> 1,900 to theUS dollar and as one <strong>of</strong> the best performing currencies in the region over the last few years we takea neutral stance on the currency even though we are optimistic about the economic outlook. Wewould look to purchase the currency on any under performance.2,600.02,400.02,200.02,000.01,800.01,600.0USD/COPJPY/COP35333129272523211917159. Inflation y/y %2010 2011 (f) 2012 (f)Real Growth (%) 4.3 4.9 4.5CPI (%)* 3.2 3.1 3.1Current account (% GDP) -3.1 -2.6 -2.5Fiscal balance (% GDP) -3.1 -3.0 -1.5Government Debt (% GDP) 28.1 29.2 28.4Daily volumesSpot FXUSD1bnPoliticsPresident: Juan Manuel SantosNext Election: 2014<strong>The</strong>re are no major policy changesexpected although potentially Colombia islooking at ways to follow the model <strong>of</strong> Chileand aggressively pay down governmentdebt in coming years. Corruption continuesto dog issues with Santos facing criticismover his shortlist choice for prosecutorgeneral.FX Reserves*End <strong>of</strong> Year29.75bnSource: IMF, S&P, Bloomberg51Confidential – not for redistribution. This material must be read in in conjunction with the “Important Information” statement provided on the last herein. page.

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