information. - Univelt

information. - Univelt

information. - Univelt

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AAS 12-043SMALL SATELLITE ATTITUDE CONTROLFOR TRACKING RESIDENT SPACE OBJECTSDylan Conway, * Richard Linares † and John L. Crassidis ‡This paper addresses the attitude determination and control problem for the Universityat Buffalo’s GLADOS mission. The main objective of the mission is to collectmulti-band photometric data of resident space objects to improve space situationalawareness. The team plans to use two optical payloads, a wide-field camera and a spectrometer,to achieve this goal. The attitude control system uses feedback from thewide-field camera in order to track targets and allow the collection of spectral data. Thedevelopment of this novel approach which is suitable for low-cost small satellites ispresented. A numerical simulation of a modeled mission including environmental disturbances,reaction wheel limitations, and sensor errors and delays is outlined. Resultsof this simulation are then presented. The ability of this approach to effectively tracktargets within the narrow field-of-view of the spectrometer is demonstrated.[View Full Paper]* Undergraduate Student, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University at Buffalo, StateUniversity of New York, Amherst, New York 14260-4400, U.S.A. Student Member AIAA. E-mail:dtconway@buffalo.edu.† Graduate Student, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University at Buffalo, State Universityof New York, Amherst, New York 14260-4400, U.S.A. E-mail: linares2@buffalo.edu, Student Member AASand AIAA.‡ Professor, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University at Buffalo, State University of NewYork, Amherst, New York 14260-4400, U.S.A. E-mail: johnc@buffalo.edu, Member AAS, Associate FellowAIAA.

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