information. - Univelt

information. - Univelt

information. - Univelt

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AAS 12-055EPOXI FINE GUIDANCE ARCHITECTURE AND OPERATIONDustin Putnam *The Deep Impact spacecraft was launched January 2005 and has subsequently executedclose flybys of two comets: 9P/Tempel and 103P/Hartley. The Deep Impactspacecraft is equipped with three science instruments: a high resolution visible imager(HRI), a medium resolution visible imager (MRI), and a high resolution infra-red spectrometer.This paper describes the software architecture being put in place to use theMRI to provide high accuracy stellar inertial reference measurements. Combining these“Fine Guidance” measurements with the Scalable Space Inertial Reference Unit(SSIRU) yields a pointing stability of 0.5 ìrad 1ó and a pointing accuracy of approximately5 ìrad 3ó. [View Full Paper]* Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation, 1600 Commerce Street, Boulder, Colorado 80301, U.S.A.26

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