OXEYE DAISY - Sturgeon County

OXEYE DAISY - Sturgeon County

OXEYE DAISY - Sturgeon County


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Weed Spraying: No Spray DeadlineDeadline is May 11WEEDWeek Five of the “Weed of the Week”campaign showcases Oxeye Daisy.We will continue to provide you withinformation about how to identify and controla specific weed each week.Information is posted on the <strong>County</strong> websiteat www.sturgeoncounty.ca.Educate • EliminateSource: “Oxeye Daisy” www.invasiveplants.ab.caSelective herbicide spraying will begin thisspring on roadsides in the west half of the<strong>County</strong> from Range Road 244 to the western<strong>County</strong> border. Spot herbicide applicationswill be carried out in the east half as required.<strong>Sturgeon</strong> <strong>County</strong> does not spray areas whichare:• within 100 metres of a residential dwelling;• within 30 metres of a body of water (exceptwhen in compliance with the EnvironmentalCode of Practice for Pesticides);• next to crops that are sensitive to thechemical being sprayed;• within 50 metres of a planted shelterbelt ora dugout;• adjacent to gardens, nurseries orgreenhouses;• posted with a <strong>Sturgeon</strong> <strong>County</strong> issued“Do Not Spray” sign.The property owner/resident shall beresponsible for weed control in the roadsideditch of the above mentioned areas.Meetings: May 8 - 158Regular Committee ofCouncil the WholeMeeting to follow9:00 a.m.14Community ServicesAdvisoryBoard7:00 p.m.OF THE WEEK<strong>OXEYE</strong> <strong>DAISY</strong>Oxeye Daisy is a perennial herb thatreproduces both by seed and shallowrootstocks. It has become a serious invaderof pastures and natural areas.Identify:This flower looks like a typical daisy withwhite petals and a yellow center. Stems aresmooth and can grow up to one metre tall.ControlOxeye Daisy grows in a wide range ofconditions, and flourishes in nutrientpoor soils. It is easily killed by intensivecultivation and repeated mowing preventsseed production, but also can stimulatere-sprouting of stems.Repeated management efforts are requiredto contain. Herbicides are effective atcontrolling Oxeye when applied to activelygrowing plants up to the flowering stage.Contact Agriculture Services for more info at780-939-8349.Landowners who do not want sprayingcarried out adjacent to their property require<strong>Sturgeon</strong> <strong>County</strong> issued “Do Not Spray”signs. Those interested in obtaining thesesigns must enter into a written agreementwith <strong>Sturgeon</strong> <strong>County</strong>, in which they takeresponsibility for weed control in the roadallowance adjacent to their property. ‘NoSpray Agreements’ are only valid for the yearthat they are issued and must be renewed onan annual basis. Organic growers are askedto provide us with a copy of your certificateat the time of signing the agreement.The deadline for agreements is May 11, 2012.Control work in “No Spray Areas” must becompleted by June 30, 2012.If it is not completed by this deadline, thenthe <strong>County</strong> will arrange for it to be done andthe costs will be recovered from the individualwho signed the agreement.For further information on “No SprayAgreements”, please contact the AgriculturalServices Department at 780-939-8349.915AgriculturalServiceBoard9:00 a.m.MunicipalPlanningCommission9:00 a.m.Subdivision/DevelopmentAppeal Board2:00 p.m.Scholarship DeadlineThe Dale MacMillan Memorial Scholarshipfor Community Leadership is funded bythe Calahoo-Villeneuve Gravel ExtractionCommunity Enhancement Fund.It publicly recognizes and commemoratesthe contributions and dedication of DaleMacMillan, who was instrumental in helpingachieve a balance between residents andgravel extraction operations in the Calahooand Villeneuve area.Criteria for Selection• Must be a resident of <strong>Sturgeon</strong> <strong>County</strong>.• Enrolment in a recognized postsecondaryinstitution.• Supporting materials of leadership andcommunity involvement.For an application form, visit our website atwww.sturgeoncounty.ca, or contact DianneJohnston at 780-939-4321 ext. 205, or viaemail djohnston@sturgeoncounty.caDid You KnowYou can report your concerns online?Please visit www.sturgeoncounty.ca and clickon ’Online Services’ to use the online formto submit questions or concerns to <strong>Sturgeon</strong><strong>County</strong>.Agriculture CornerFree Shelterbelt Planting Demonstration:May 14 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.Vertebrate Pests Free Workshop: May 17Enjoy Centre Tour: May 23 Cost: $20Includes transportation, tour and lunch.Pocket Gopher Trapping Demonstration:May 30Farmstead and Acreage BeautificationAwards Nomination Deadline: July 20ASB Tour and Awards Dinner: August 2Please call 780-939-8349 to register.@sturgeonfyi653 FollowersComposters will be readyfor pick up on Friday, May 25 from8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.at the <strong>Sturgeon</strong> <strong>County</strong>Agriculture Shop.

Emergency Preparedness WeekMay 8 - 15, 2012Contact UsPh: 780-939-4321Fax: 780-939-3003Toll Free: 1-866-939-9303<strong>County</strong> Centre9613 100 StreetMorinville, ABT8R 1L9<strong>Sturgeon</strong> South25228 Carbondale RoadEast of Highway 2 onTownship Road 552(Closed from noon - 1 p.m.)Community Services9610 100 StreetMorinville, ABT8R 1L9(Closed from noon - 1 p.m.)Infrastructure Building9902 90 AvenueMorinville, AB(Closed from noon - 1 p.m.)Quick Reference NumbersEmergency after hours:780-498-9847Utility Emergency after hours:780-498-9877Dog License:780-939-0616Transportation/Roads:780-939-8252Planning & Development:780-939-8275Roseridge Landfill:780-939-5678www.roseridge.ab.caEmergencies and disasters can happenanywhere, at any time. One of the best thingsyou can do to protect yourself and yourfamily is to be prepared: If you or your familyare caught in an emergency or disaster, areyou prepared? Do you have a 72-hour kit? Anemergency plan? Here are some tips:Know the risksAlthough the consequences of disasters canbe similar, the following risks are specificto our community and can help you betterprepare.• Wildfire• Severe weather• Tornado• Infectious disease outbreak• Power outageMake a plan and practice itVisit www.aema.alberta.ca to make anemergency plan, it will help you and yourfamily know what to do in a crisis.Get an emergency kitDuring an emergency, we will all needsome basic supplies. We may need to get bywithout power or tap water. Be prepared tobe self-sufficient for at least 72 hours in anemergency.• Flashlight (one for each family member)• Radio• Water (6 litres for each family member)• Non-perishable food and a manual canopener (include baby supplies if necessary)• First Aid Kit (include a 72-hour supply ofessential medications like insulin)• Pet supplies• Change of clothes• Battery operated radio• Toilet paper• Garbage bagsPlease visit www.getprepared.ca for moreinformation.Firefighter TrainingThe following is an excerpt from“Vehicle Extrication” by Mick Sahib.Recently, members of all the <strong>Sturgeon</strong><strong>County</strong> Fire Departments receivedspecialized training involving vehicleextrication hosted at the Gibbons FireHall. Vehicle extrication is the process bywhich firefighters remove victims if they aretrapped in a vehicle following an accident.Quite frequently, specialized tools, such asthe “Jaws of Life” must be used to performthese functions.A significant portion of firefighter callsinvolve motor vehicle collisions. Many motorvehicle collisions can potentially involvepeople being trapped in vehicles, in whichcase firefighters must use hydraulic rescuetools to cut off doors, push up dashboards,and remove windshields to get accessto victims. The continuous training of<strong>Sturgeon</strong> <strong>County</strong> firefighters ensures a safercommunity for all of our citizens. The value ofhaving highly trained firefighters is a definiteasset not only to individual departments butthe entire <strong>County</strong> as well.Alberta Emergency ALERT SystemDisasters can happen suddenly with little orno warning, leaving affected communitieswith limited preparation time. In situationswhere warnings are possible, the AlbertaEmergency ALERT system gives trainedusers the ability to broadcast an emergencywarning quickly and directly to radio andtelevision stations in the affected area.Northwest Region Community AwarenessEmergency Response (NRCAER)NRCAER is an automated call-out systemwhich is used to inform residents about moreserious industrial related incidents.You provide your contact information, whichis added to the regional contact list. If a moreserious incident happens in your immediatearea, you will receive a phone call withdetails.The call-out system is an additional methodof communicating information to residents inthe region.Calling 911, Know Your Rural AddressWhen large scale emergencies occur in<strong>Sturgeon</strong> <strong>County</strong>, visit the county website atwww.sturgeoncounty.ca and also follow uson twitter @sturgeonfyi for updates.When using your cell phone to call 9-1-1,please use the following procedures whenspeaking to the 9-1-1 operators:• Ask the 9-1-1 operator to connect youto the Parkland <strong>County</strong> EmergencyCommunications Centre.• Tell the Parkland operator that you arecalling from <strong>Sturgeon</strong> <strong>County</strong>.This important information will helpemergency responders reach you quickly,and with the appropriate resources.For more information, please call ProtectiveServices at 780-939-0624.<strong>Sturgeon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Protective Services wouldlike to thank Badger Auto Parts, MorinvilleTowing, and ShadowHAWK Inc. for theirsupport.To read the full article, please visitwww.sturgeoncounty.ca/fireservices

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