Use of Seal Guidelines - Rainforest Alliance

Use of Seal Guidelines - Rainforest Alliance

Use of Seal Guidelines - Rainforest Alliance

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april 2014Requirements and<strong>Guidelines</strong> for <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Trademarks

The <strong>Rainforest</strong> Section<strong>Alliance</strong> worksto conservebiodiversityand ensuresustainablelivelihoods bytransformingland-usepractices,businesspractices andconsumerbehavior.www.rainforestalliance.orgThis documentmay beoccasionallyupdated,replacingany versionspreviouslyissued. Thecurrent version<strong>of</strong> this documentis available at:www.rainforestalliance.org/marketingContentsIntroduction 31. Overview 42. Design Specifications 63. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Logo 104. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Verified Mark 125. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified <strong>Seal</strong> 166. Sourcing and Labeling Rules for<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified Farm Products 207. Labeling Rules for <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified Forest Products 32IntroductionThis document contains the comprehensiverules and guidelines that govern the use <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> trademarks. It describesall current permissions and limitations relatedto use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logo, the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Verified mark, and the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified seal.The purpose <strong>of</strong> this publication is to protect thevalue and integrity <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>trademarks, and to assist businesses and individualsin developing packaging and marketingmaterials that promote the sustainability aspects<strong>of</strong> their products, practices, or services.By supporting independent third-party certification,sourcing <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certifiedproducts, or being verified through our forestry,carbon or tourism initiatives you are helpingconsumers make informed choices about theproducts and services they purchase.We are working to support your efforts byallowing you to use the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>trademarks. More and more users are reportingthat inclusion <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certifiedseal or <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Verified mark is animportant component <strong>of</strong> their brand claims. Weare happy to provide this service to help youpromote your sustainably produced goods andservices.The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> works with producers,manufacturers and consumers who are committedto protecting biodiversity, conservingresources for the good <strong>of</strong> the planet and futuregenerations, and ensuring that workers, theirfamilies and communities are treated well.The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> has programs in forestry,agriculture, carbon and tourism. Each <strong>of</strong> theseprograms supports credible third-party certificationas a tool to ensure that the highest environmentaland social standards are followed. Ourprograms impact millions <strong>of</strong> people worldwide,and recognition <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> nameis growing on a global basis every day.To learn more about our programs, please visit:www.rainforest-alliance.org.Introduction23

Design Specsensure highest visibility. Scaling the size <strong>of</strong> eachmark to the size <strong>of</strong> the packaging or marketingmaterial is required. Refer to Section 6 for tieredsizing guidelines for agricultural products.Preferred placement <strong>of</strong> the statement is directlybelow or to the right <strong>of</strong> the mark. In somecircumstances alternative placement <strong>of</strong> thestatement may be approved.Design SpecsOn packaging and marketing materials with morethan one <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> mark in the layout,the initial or most prominent <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>mark must adhere to the sizing guidelines.Reduced sizing may be approved for secondary(additional) marks in the design, or for very smallproducts or materials where the recommendedsizes will not fit. Refer to Section 7 for further informationabout sizing ratios for forest products.Examples <strong>of</strong> acceptable placement <strong>of</strong> thequalifying statement or disclaimer text areprovided on the following page.2.6 BackgroundsBackground colors or patterns must not showthrough the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> marks.2. Design SpecificationsThe following specifications are particularlyrelevant to graphic designers, agencies andart directors who design materials that includethe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> marks, including the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logo, the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Verified (RAV) mark and the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified (RAC) seal. See Section 6 (for farmproducts) or Section 7 (for forest products) foradditional design requirements regarding use <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified seal on productsand retail packaging.2.1 File FormatsOnce necessary agreements are signed andreceived, the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> will furnishappropriate artwork files in EPS format. Artworkis also available in JPG and GIF file formats.EPS Best for printing. File retains proper transparencyfor maintaining border on direct stickersand on-product printing.JPG Good for websites or other low-resolutionapplications. File does not retain transparency.GIF Best for PowerPoint presentations and Worddocuments.applicable to the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>. The marksshould be placed prominently in order to maximizevisibility and recognition.To ensure the highest visual impact <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> marks, a minimum clear areamust be maintained. Clear space around eachmark should be approximately 20% <strong>of</strong> the width<strong>of</strong> the mark. No other elements should appear inthis space.2.4 Approved ColorThe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> marks are available ineither green and white for color applications,or black and white for grayscale applications.Whenever possible, the marks should appear inPantone® 625 green or the equivalent CMYK orRGB values below.For Print (CMYK)56 Cyan0 Magenta44 Yellow33 BlackFor Screen and Web (RGB)77 Red145 Green123 BluePANTONE®625In special cases only, where marks and text areprinted in white onto a color background, theymay be approved in a reverse white format.2.5 Placement <strong>of</strong> Qualifying Statementsand DisclaimersMany uses <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> marksinclude a qualifying statement or disclaimer toimprove consumer understanding and increaseawareness <strong>of</strong> the benefits <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>’swork.The RAC seal is set on a white interior background,with a thin white outline around the edgeto ensure it stands out from any background.The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logo and RAV markshould be set within a white or neutral box withan approved qualifying statement. The text <strong>of</strong> thestatement must be at least 50 percent <strong>of</strong> the size<strong>of</strong> the logo or mark and appear within the box.Examples <strong>of</strong> correct and incorrect use <strong>of</strong> themarks are shown on the following pages.2.7 Contact InformationAll proposed uses <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>marks must be submitted to the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> for prior written approval. Specialexceptions to these design specifications maybe considered and approved depending on thecircumstances.Please e-mail inquiries regarding these designspecifications to:trademarks@ra.org2.2 Placement2.3 Size <strong>Guidelines</strong>To ensure that the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> marksare never compromised, each mark should standalone so that it does not compete with existingtext, graphics or images, including other certificationmarks.The marks should never be displayed in a positionwhere they could be confused with a businessname, or a brand name <strong>of</strong> a product, or in anyway that implies endorsement <strong>of</strong> initiatives notFollowing minimum size guidelines ensures thatthe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> marks are legible in allapplications. To avoid the appearance <strong>of</strong> productsor services being produced or sold by the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, the marks should always besmaller or less dominant than the primary brandname, business name, or logos.On large marketing materials such as banners ordisplays, the size <strong>of</strong> the mark must be increasedproportionately to the size <strong>of</strong> the material to67

Design SpecsExamples <strong>of</strong> Acceptable Placement <strong>of</strong> the Qualifying Statement or Disclaimer TextExamples <strong>of</strong> Incorrect <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> MarksDesign SpecsA. B. C.Over 75%Certified Tea30% CertifiedOrange JuiceWith 30% certifiedc<strong>of</strong>fee now, we’reworking towardsbuying all our c<strong>of</strong>feefrom <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> Certified TMfarms by 2015!aCINCORRECTBDINCORRECTThe following are visual examples <strong>of</strong>some common incorrect uses <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> marks.Please do not:A. Change the color <strong>of</strong> the marks.B. Place the mark in a bordered boxor circle.C. Alter the design or content in anyway.Examples <strong>of</strong> Correct <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Marks with BackgroundsaBThe following visual examples showcorrect use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>marks.A. The RAC seal is shown properlyplaced on a solid color backgroundB. The RAC seal is shown properlyplaced on variegated backgroundEMY BRAND IDENTITYINCORRECTFINCORRECTD. Pull graphic elements, such as thefrog, out <strong>of</strong> the mark.E. Decrease the size below 3/4 inch(19 mm) wide.*Except in conjunction with the FSC mark.F. <strong>Use</strong> the previous <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> Certified seal, retired in2007.CDC. The black and white seal is for printingon black and white materials only.1/2 inch (12.5 mm)G. Allow background colors to showthrough.D. The reversed white seal may only beused where other text and graphicsare also being printed in white orknockouts over a darker background.GINCORRECT*INCORRECTEE. RAV mark is shown properly placedin a white box with a sample qualifyingstatement.F. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logo is shownproperly placed in a white box with asample qualifying statement.INCORRECTFProud supporter <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong>’s work to protectbiodiversity, conserve resourcesfor the good <strong>of</strong> the planet andfuture generations, and ensurethat workers, their families andcommunities are treated well.8 9

Logo3. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> LogoThe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logo is the organizationalbrand mark and should not be confusedwith the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified seal orthe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Verified mark.<strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the logo may be approved on a case-bycasebasis for general illustrative and promotionaluse, or to promote cause marketing relationships,SmartSource relationships, or other relationshipswith the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.Businesses and operations licensed to use the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified (RAC) seal or<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Verified (RAV) mark maynot use the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logo. The logomust never appear on product packaging orlabels, nor be used to directly promote products.Any and all use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logorequires prior written approval.In publications or websites that reference the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, the logo should appearwithin or in close proximity to the article or mention<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.Any use <strong>of</strong> the logo to promote a relationship orcollaboration with the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> mustappear with a pre-approved statement that accuratelydescribes the nature <strong>of</strong> the relationship.3.2 Cause Marketing RelationshipsCorporations are key collaborators in advancingour cause, particularly by bringing resources tobear through creative cause marketing relationshipsthat draw attention to issues <strong>of</strong> paramountimportance. Corporate sponsorship <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> may be tailored to allowlimited use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logo.with the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>. The statement mustinclude a URL linking to a web page with moreinformation.3.3 SmartSource and TOPSRelationshipsBusinesses that work with <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> toimprove sustainability practices, such as increasedsourcing <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certifiedproducts, may be permitted to use the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> logo in certain circumstances. The<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logo is limited to <strong>of</strong>f-productuse and may only be displayed on promotionalmaterials or websites.Through our SmartSource program, the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> helps forest-product businessesestablish more responsible purchasingpractices.SmartSource helps forestry businesses analyzetheir supply chain, better understand their sourcingrisks and develop solutions to address theirspecific challenges. Forestry businesses engagedin the SmartSource program may be permitted touse the logo.Tour operators that share our belief that sustainabletourism can help conserve nature andgenerate sustainable livelihoods may join the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>’s international group <strong>of</strong> TourOperators Promoting Sustainability (TOPS).Participants in the TOPS program may be grantedlimited use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logo.To be eligible to use the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logo,businesses must sign a contract or a memorandum<strong>of</strong> understanding that includes a license forlogo use.The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logo must never appearon product packaging. The logo must appearwith a pre-approved qualifying statement thataccurately describes the relationship with the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>. The statement must describeaccomplishments or on-going activities, not futureintentions, and should include a URL linkingto a web page with more information.3.4 Qualifying StatementsThe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logo and its accompanyingqualifying statement must not be usedin any way that could be misconstrued as anendorsement, certification or verification by the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.<strong>Use</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> the logo should work with the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> to develop a suitable qualifying statement.All statements must be pre-approved. SeeSection 2 for examples <strong>of</strong> how the statementshould appear with the logo.3.5 All <strong>Use</strong> Requires ApprovalUnauthorized use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logois strictly prohibited. Except for media pr<strong>of</strong>essionals,no one under any circumstances maycopy, reproduce or otherwise use the logo withoutreceiving prior approval from the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong>. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> reserves theright to take legal action against any party thatreproduces or copies the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> logowithout prior written authorization.3.6 Contact InformationE-mail questions and requests for logo use to:trademarks@ra.org.Logo3.1 General <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the LogoMedia pr<strong>of</strong>essionals and publishers may use thelogo for illustrative purposes. Organizations orindividuals, such as grantors, foundations orproject collaborators that wish to promote theirrelationship with the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, andthat have a written agreement for logo use mayalso be permitted to use the logo.Businesses with which the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>engages in a cause marketing relationship, andwhich have signed a written agreement thatincludes a license for logo use, may be approvedto display the logo on materials or websites.When used to promote a cause marketingrelationship, the logo must appear with a preapprovedstatement that describes the relationship<strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> LogoWho uses it:Media publications, collaborators.In some circumstancesbusinesses that are not eligible touse the other <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>marks may be granted specialpermission to use the logo.Where:Off-product only. May bedisplayed on marketing materials,websites, and some corporatematerials. Must never bedisplayed on product packagingor product marketing materials.How:Must be accompanied by a preapprovedqualifying statement ordescriptive text. Refer to Section2 for detailed design specificationsfor use <strong>of</strong> the logo.1011

RAV MarkExamples <strong>of</strong> Approved Qualifying Statements for <strong>Use</strong> with the RAV MarkRAV Mark4. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Verified MarkThe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Verified markencourages the responsible use <strong>of</strong> naturalresources and promotes a healthy market systemthat values sustainable production, sourcing andequitable trade.Businesses that display the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Verified (RAV) mark are taking measurablesteps to reduce their impacts on the planet andlocal communities, as verified by the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong>. <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the RAV mark is currentlyawarded to verified tourism businesses, carbonprojects, and certain forestry operations that meetcriteria developed or endorsed by the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong>.4.1 <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the RAV MarkThe RAV mark may only be used on <strong>of</strong>f-productmarketing and public information materials.Examples <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>f-product materials includeadvertisements, brochures, posters, calendars,newsletters, websites, multimedia presentationsand video productions.The RAV mark may not be used on productlabels. The mark must always be accompaniedby an approved statement that identifies the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> initiative or standard related<strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Verified MarkWho uses it:Forest carbon, tourism, andcertain forestry enterprises/projects that meet verificationcriteria developed or supportedby the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.Where:Off-product only. May be displayedon marketing materials,print and video advertisements,websites and corporate materials.Must never be displayed onproduct packaging.to its use. Any use <strong>of</strong> the RAV mark requires awritten agreement and prior approval.4.2 Verification InitiativesBusinesses, projects and operations that havereached appropriate milestones as set forth andverified by the following <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>initiatives may apply for use <strong>of</strong> the RAV mark:• SmartLogging• SmartStep Forestry verification• Verification <strong>of</strong> High Conservation Value Forest• Generic Chain <strong>of</strong> Custody forestry certificationor verification• Carbon project verification under third partystandards• Verification <strong>of</strong> sustainable tourism requirementsfor tourism businesses (hotels, etc.)4.3 Qualifying StatementsThe RAV mark must include a qualifyingstatement that clearly identifies the standard orrequirements related to its use. The statementmust appear in close proximity to the RAV mark.How:Must be accompanied by a preapprovedqualifying statement ordescription. Refer to Section 2for detailed design specificationsfor use <strong>of</strong> the verification mark.Forestry and Wood Products• Meets <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> requirements forSmartLogging• Meets <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> requirements forVerification <strong>of</strong> High Conservation Value Forests• Meets <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> requirements forGeneric Chain-<strong>of</strong>-Custody• Verified as meeting <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> minimumentry level requirements for SmartStepSee Section 2 for an example <strong>of</strong> the RAVmark with proper placement <strong>of</strong> the qualifyingstatement.The box above provides examples <strong>of</strong> approvedqualifying statements for use with the RAV mark.While statements may be customized and submittedfor approval, once the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>approves the statement, it must not be altered inany way without resubmitting for approval.4.4 All <strong>Use</strong> Requires ApprovalUnauthorized use <strong>of</strong> the RAV mark is strictlyprohibited. Except for media pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, noone under any circumstances may copy, reproduceor otherwise use the mark without receivingprior written approval from the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong>. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> reserves theright to take legal action against any party thatreproduces or copies the RAV mark without priorauthorization.4.5 Approval Procedures for Forestryand Carbon Initiatives1. Verification holder submits a draft <strong>of</strong> thepromotional item containing the RAV mark tothe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.2. The draft is reviewed according to the rulesand guidelines described in this document.a. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> makes everyeffort to review and respond to submissionwithin five days or sooner.b. If any required elements are missing orincorrect, the verification holder is notified bythe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Trademark Agent viae-mail (via fax or telephone if e-mail is notavailable).Carbon Projects• Project verified by the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> asmeeting the [initiative name] StandardTourism Operators• Verified as meeting <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>sustainable tourism requirementsc. The verification holder edits as necessaryand sends the revised material for a secondreview.3. Once the promotional piece is in compliancewith all <strong>of</strong> the elements required by the rulesand guidelines described in this document, the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Trademark Agent sendsformal approval to the verification holder witha copy <strong>of</strong> the approved use <strong>of</strong> the RAV mark.4. The verification holder must retain a copy <strong>of</strong>the documented approval and approved markuse in their files as it may be requested bythe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> at some time in thefuture.4.6 Approval Procedures for TourismInitiatives1. Verification holder e-mails a draft <strong>of</strong> the promotionalitem containing the RAV mark forreview to: sustainabletourismmark@ra.org.2. The draft is reviewed using the followingprocedure:a. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> makes everyeffort to review and respond to submissionwithin five days or sooner.b. If any required elements are missing orincorrect, the verification holder is notified bye-mail (via fax or telephone if e-mail is notavailable).c. The verification holder edits as necessaryand sends the revised material for a secondreview.d. The verification holder’s response time tothese edits will impact the turnaround timefor any submissions that are not in initialcompliance with the guidelines.1213

RAV Mark3. Once the use <strong>of</strong> the mark is in compliance,contact your regional RA-Cert representative.A list <strong>of</strong> regional <strong>of</strong>fices is available online:rainforest-alliance.org/about/racert/contactOr email trademarks@ra.org4. The verification holder must retain a copy <strong>of</strong>the documented approval and approved markuse in their files as it may be requested by the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> at some time in the future.4.7 Contact InformationPlease contact the appropriate initiative belowfor requests to use the RAV mark or with anyquestions regarding its use.Forestry and CarbonContact your <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> representative.A list <strong>of</strong> regional <strong>of</strong>fices is available online:www.rainforest-alliance.org/about/racert/contactTourismSend an e-mail to:sustainabletourismmark@ra.org14

RAC <strong>Seal</strong>5. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified <strong>Seal</strong>An increasingly recognized symbol, the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified seal assuresconsumers that products from farms and forestsare produced using environmentally and sociallyresponsible practices.The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified (RAC) seal isused to label and market products from farmsand forests certified by an accredited certificationbody as meeting the rigorous, third-partystandards <strong>of</strong> the Sustainable Agriculture Network(SAN) or the Forest Stewardship Council(FSC).The RAC seal can be found in retail outlets,university campuses, corporate <strong>of</strong>fices, hotelsand tourism destinations, restaurants, lumberyards, woodworking shops, catalogs, printedpublications and many other places throughoutthe world, especially in Europe, North America,Japan, Australia and Brazil.5.1 <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the RAC <strong>Seal</strong>The RAC seal may be used on products, product<strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified <strong>Seal</strong>Who uses it:Farm enterprises certifiedto Sustainable AgricultureNetwork standards. Forestproductsenterprises certifiedby the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> toForest Stewardship Councilstandards. Businesses with asigned written agreement thatsell products from these certifiedfarms or forests.Where:On products, and marketingmaterials that promote products,from <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certifiedforests or farms. On certifiedforest products and promotionalmaterials the certification sealaccompaies an approved ForestStewardship Council label.packaging and on marketing and public informationmaterials that promote products bearing theseal.Product packaging includes retail packages, productlabels, lumber tags, c<strong>of</strong>fee cups, fruit stickers,etc. Off-product materials include product-relatedwebsites, social media, advertisements, pressreleases, posters, and other promotional items.Businesses that source products and ingredientsfrom farms certified to the SAN standards mayuse the RAC seal to promote these products. Woodand paper products from operations certified asmeeting the standards for FSC Forest Managementcertification or FSC Chain-<strong>of</strong>-Custody certificationmay also be marketed with the RAC seal intandem with the FSC trademarks.The RAC seal should be placed prominentlyon the front <strong>of</strong> product packaging in order tomaximize visibility and consumer recognition.In many cases the RAC seal should be accompaniedby a qualifying statement or disclaimerHow:<strong>Use</strong>d alone or accompaniedby a pre-approved qualifyingstatement or disclaimer. Referto Section 2 for detailed designspecifications related to use <strong>of</strong>the certification seal.in accordance with product-specific sourcingand labeling requirements. <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the RAC sealrequires prior approval and a written agreementwith the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.5.2 Labeling and Marketing ProductsThe most common use <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal is onproduct labels and packaging. Businesses arestrongly encouraged to incorporate the RAC sealinto the design <strong>of</strong> retail product packaging. Fordetailed sourcing and labeling rules, and approvalprocedures for products bearing the RAC seal,refer to Section 6 (for farm products) or Section 7(for forest products).In some circumstances, stickers or stampsbearing the RAC seal may be approved for useon products. The seal may also be approved foruse on marketing materials to promote productsbearing the RAC seal.On-Product <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> Stickers and StampsWe recognize that some businesses may use thesame packaging or product labels for multipleproducts. Some products, such as lumber orc<strong>of</strong>fee bags used for multiple blends, may belabeled with a stamp or sticker. In these cases,the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> may allow use <strong>of</strong> a clearsticker or stamp bearing the RAC seal in accordancewith design specifications in Section 2.Businesses may also create stickers or stampsthat include a custom qualifying statement or adisclosure <strong>of</strong> certified content and submit themfor approval. For convenience, printed stickersand other promotional materials may be orderedonline:www.rainforest-alliance.org/marketing/promotional-materialsOff-Product Marketing MaterialsThe RAC seal may be used on marketing materialsto promote products bearing the RAC seal.Prior to the launch <strong>of</strong> an agricultural productbearing the RAC seal, marketing materials mayinclude the seal no more than six months beforethe product launch date, and only after approvalhas been granted for use on packaging and/or apublic announcement has been made. This optionis not available for certified forest products.The seal may also be approved for use on businessmaterials such as annual reports for businessesto communicate that they are sourcingagricultural ingredients from <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified farms or products from FSC certifiedforests. If applicable, such use must include aqualifying statement about the product(s) bearingthe RAC seal.Product WebsitesBusinesses with a written agreement to use theRAC seal are encouraged to incorporate the sealon their websites. When displayed on websites,the seal must be tied to the product it representsand/or the work <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>. Webpages that incorporate the seal or that refer to the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> must be submitted for reviewand approval.The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> takes measures to supportbusinesses that are promoting products indifferent geographical regions where English isnot the primary language spoken. We <strong>of</strong>fer informationthrough our website in French, German,Spanish, Swedish, and Japanese (e.g. www.rainforest-alliance.jp), as well as crop-specificinformation (such as www.rainforest-alliance.org/c<strong>of</strong>fee).When providing a link to the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>website, please use the complete URL:rainforest-alliance.org including the dash in themiddle and the .org at the end to maximize searchengine effectiveness.Product Videos and Television AdsThe RAC seal may appear in videos and televisionads that promote products from <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms or forests. Prior t<strong>of</strong>ilming, a script and/or storyboard must besubmitted to the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> so that anyrequired edits can be discussed and agreed to inthe pre-production stage. Before a video containingthe RAC seal is released, a review copy mustbe provided to the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> via e-mail,link or other electronic transmission for <strong>of</strong>ficialapproval.5.3 Non-Product-Related <strong>Use</strong>In some circumstances, the RAC seal may beused in ways not related to direct labeling orpromotion <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certifiedproducts. For example, the RAC seal may beused on non-product-specific materials such asmedia publications and corporate materials, oron paper products and packaging certified by the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> to FSC standards.Media PublicationsThe RAC seal may be used in publications or onmaterials that are not directly related to marketingcertified products. Such use includes:• Publications or media that describe <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> certification and/or the meaning <strong>of</strong>the RAC seal, i.e. magazine articles, books,pamphlets, websites, documentary films orother documents or media• Lists <strong>of</strong> consumer labeling or certificationsystemsRAC <strong>Seal</strong>1617

RAC <strong>Seal</strong>• Event or conference brochures and promotionalmaterials that list the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> as aparticipant, speaker, or sponsor, when the eventrelates to products that are or could be grownon <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms.For media publications and other non-marketinguse <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal, the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>requests the opportunity to review and approvematerials in advance. We understand that insome circumstances this may not be feasible ormay conflict with the autonomy <strong>of</strong> the media.Whenever possible, please ensure that use <strong>of</strong> theRAC seal follows these guidelines and notify usprior to publication.Corporate Materials<strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal on business identificationmaterials such as business cards or companypublications may be approved on a limited basis.Businesses and operations may use the seal onbusiness cards, farm or forest signs, brochuresand other materials for holdings that are certifiedto SAN or FSC standards by the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> or an accredited certification body.Businesses that handle products from <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms or forests may also usethe seal on business cards, wall plaques, or ine-mail signatures, annual reports, and other suchcorporate identity materials.On corporate materials the RAC seal mustclearly stand apart from the business brand orlogo, and must include a qualifying statementthat describes the related work <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong>. Following are examples <strong>of</strong> acceptablequalifying statements for business materials:1. We roast only <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certifiedc<strong>of</strong>fees2. Proud trader <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified cocoa3. Our farms are <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified4. FSC certified by the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>5.4 All <strong>Use</strong> Requires ApprovalUnauthorized use <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal is strictly prohibited.Except for media pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, no oneunder any circumstances may copy, reproduceor otherwise use the RAC seal without receivingprior written approval from the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong>. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> reserves theright to take legal action against any party thatreproduces or copies the RAC seal without priorwritten authorization.See Section 6 for detailed approval processes foruse <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal for farm products certifiedto SAN standards. See Section 7 for approvalprocesses for use <strong>of</strong> the seal for forest productscertified to FSC standards.5.5 Contact InformationAll proposed uses <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal must be submittedto the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> for prior writtenapproval. Please contact trademarks@ra.org forsuch requests, or with questions regarding theseguidelines.18

Farm Productsin order to bear the seal on product packaging.These products must include a qualifying statementthat discloses the percentage <strong>of</strong> certifiedcontent.applicable regulations governing environmentalmarketing claims.A “core” ingredient is:Farm Products206. Sourcing and LabelingRequirements for <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> Certified Farm ProductsThis section explains the requirements for sourcingsufficient volumes <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified farm products or ingredients, manufacturingthem into consumer goods, and ensuringtraceability and chain <strong>of</strong> custody throughout theprocess so that the final product will be eligible tobear the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified seal.6.1 <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> and theSustainable Agriculture NetworkThe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified (RAC) seal isfound in restaurants, supermarkets, airplanes,trains and hotels around the world. The sealassures consumers that products come fromfarms that are managed according to the rigorousstandards <strong>of</strong> the Sustainable Agriculture Network(SAN), where workers and their families enjoydignified, safe conditions, and where wildlife andhabitats are protected.Our comprehensive farm management standardsand traceability system ensure that certified ingredientsand products bearing the RAC seal can betraced back to well-managed farms or farm groupsthat protect workers, wildlife and communities.6.2 Percentage <strong>of</strong> Certified ContentThe percentage <strong>of</strong> certified content used in aproduct determines how the seal may be used. The<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> encourages businesses to use100% certified content, whenever possible, in anyproduct bearing the RAC seal.Only products that contain at least 90% <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> Certified content can bear the RAC sealon packaging without a qualifying statement.Products are only eligible to bear the RAC sealwhen the percentage <strong>of</strong> certified content reaches aminimum <strong>of</strong> 30%. The 30% certified content levelis considered a starting point, however.Businesses selling products bearing the RAC sealwith less than 90% <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certifiedcontent are required to scale up over time andachieve 100% <strong>of</strong> the ingredient sourced from<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms.6.3 Qualifying Statements and DisclaimersAll products bearing the RAC seal should includequalifying statements about the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> to improve consumer understanding andincrease awareness <strong>of</strong> the benefits <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> certification.Products that blend certified content with noncertifiedcontent may be eligible to use the RACseal, but require specific disclaimers on packagingand promotional materials to ensure transparencyand avoid misleading consumers into believing thatthe entire product comes from <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified farms.Any claims, statements or disclaimers about<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> certification must be submittedfor review and approval, including translationsmade from previously approved statements.6.4 Sourcing Single Ingredient ProductsThe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> encourages businessesselling single ingredient products to source 100%<strong>of</strong> these products from <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified farms. In order for a product to bearthe RAC seal without a disclaimer statement, theingredient must be sourced 100% from <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms, and no more than 10%unintentional or unforeseen mixing may occursuch that the final product sold to consumerscontains at least 90% certified content.Single ingredient products must contain a minimum<strong>of</strong> 30% <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified contentBusinesses requesting use <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal onsingle ingredient products with less than 90%certified content must also agree to scale up thepercentage <strong>of</strong> certified content over time withspecific benchmarks and timelines under one <strong>of</strong> thefollowing two options:1. Scale up by a minimum <strong>of</strong> 15% <strong>of</strong> the totalproduct volume annually. For example, aproduct that contains 30% <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified content would need to be at least 45%<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified within one yearand 60% within two years.2. Develop a scale-up plan with the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> (see Section 6.10). This option allowsmore flexibility for businesses to work withinthe realities <strong>of</strong> sourcing, but still ultimatelyrequires every agricultural product with theRAC seal to reach 100% <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified content over time.6.5 Labeling Single Ingredient ProductsSingle ingredient products that are sourced 100%from <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms may bearthe RAC seal without a disclaimer statement on thepackaging or in marketing materials.Packaging for any single ingredient product thatcontains between 30% and 90% certified content(e.g. a blend <strong>of</strong> c<strong>of</strong>fee from different origins) andbears the seal must include a qualifying statementthat communicates the percentage quantity <strong>of</strong>certified content. This statement must be placeddirectly below or beside the seal on the package,must be clearly legible, and should be written inthe local language to ensure consumer understanding.See examples in Section 2. Stickers with theseal alone (without a statement disclosing thepercentage <strong>of</strong> certified content) can be used only onsingle-ingredient products that contain at least 90%<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified content.For <strong>of</strong>f-product marketing materials that promoteproducts containing 30% to 90% certified content,the percentage must be disclosed somewhere in thetext near where the seal is used. This policy helpsensure that product labeling and promotion meetsapplicable regulations governing environmentalmarketing claims.6.6 Sourcing Multi-Ingredient ProductsThe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>’s policy on multi-ingredientproducts is designed to assure consumers thatin any product bearing the RAC seal, a significantamount <strong>of</strong> the core ingredient and/or a significantportion <strong>of</strong> the entire product is sourced from<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms. This policyis also designed to assist businesses in meeting• critical to the formulation <strong>of</strong> the product,and/or• included in the product name or described on thefront <strong>of</strong> the packaging.Examples <strong>of</strong> “core” ingredients include: cocoain a chocolate bar (including all cocoa-derivedingredients, such as cocoa mass or liquor, cocoabutter, cocoa powder), bananas in a fruit smoothie,macadamias in a macadamia nut cookie, tea leavesused to make ready-to-drink bottled tea beverages.Ingredients that would generally not be considered“core” include sweeteners (such as sugar, canejuice, stevia), flavorings (vanilla, cardamom), andoils (macadamia, soybean, palm) – unless includedin the product name or described on the front <strong>of</strong>packaging (such as vanilla ice cream) or if comprisinga significant percentage <strong>of</strong> a product.Products with non-core ingredients sourced 100%from RAC farms may not use the RAC seal, butthe certified ingredients may be indicated as suchin or near the list <strong>of</strong> ingredients on the package.6.7 Labeling Multi-Ingredient ProductsDepending upon the sourcing and manufacturingspecifications for the product there are threeoptions for using the RAC seal on composite ormulti-ingredient products.Option A: FULLY CERTIFIED CONTENT100% <strong>of</strong> the named core ingredient is sourced fromcertified farms, and the final product contains atleast 90% <strong>of</strong> that ingredient. This is the recommendedand most straightforward way to use theRAC seal on a composite product, and it requiresno special disclaimers on the package.The core ingredient must be identified under ornear the seal as well as in the list <strong>of</strong> ingredients.Businesses labeling products under Option Amay claim that the product “contains” or is “madefrom” [ingredient] from <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified farms.Although not required for products labeled underthis option, inclusion <strong>of</strong> an approved qualifyingstatement explaining the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified program somewhere on the packageis strongly encouraged to increase consumerunderstanding.Option B: MINIMUM CERTIFIED CONTENT WITHSCALE UP PLANAt least 30% <strong>of</strong> the identified core ingredient isfrom <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms, and thebusiness has a <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> approved plan21

Farm Productsfor scaling up supplies from certified farms <strong>of</strong> thenamed ingredient(s) to 100% content over time.With Option B, the core ingredient(s) must beidentified under or near the seal as well as inthe list <strong>of</strong> ingredients. For products with below90% certified content, the percentage <strong>of</strong> the coreingredient’s certified content must be disclosed onthe package.point <strong>of</strong> the consumer goods manufacturingfacility. In cocoa, components include beans,liquor, butter and powder.2. The combined amounts <strong>of</strong> certified core ingredientinput from each <strong>of</strong> the components mustadd up to 100% <strong>of</strong> the equivalent core ingredientoutput in the consumer product labeled withthe RAC seal.Examples <strong>of</strong> Labeling Options for Multi-Ingredient Products Bearing the RAC <strong>Seal</strong>Option AOption BFarm ProductsOption C: CONTROLLED BLENDINGThis option applies to businesses manufacturing ahigh-volume, mainstream consumer product in oneor more factories, where complete segregation andphysical traceability <strong>of</strong> the certified core ingredient(i.e. cocoa) from the factory gate to the finishedproduct is not currently possible.3. Certified inputs are delivered to the factorythroughout the year according to a scheduledsourcing plan and always in advance <strong>of</strong> the firstproduction <strong>of</strong> products labeled with the RACseal. Volume reconciliation (bean equivalentfor chocolate) is required on an annual basisand calculated on documented traceability atreal conversion ratios.This option will be considered in the context <strong>of</strong>a publicly communicated commitment to sourcingcore ingredients from <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified farms in enough quantities to incentivizefarmers to make the necessary improvements andinvestments. It requires written approval by the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> and may be adapted to accommodatedifferent factory layouts.100% <strong>of</strong> the core ingredient(s) must be fromcertified farms and physical traceability is requiredfrom the farms to the factory manufacturing theconsumer product. A qualifying statement isrequired on pack and other labeling restrictionsapply (see below).Where recipe matching and segregation for allvariations <strong>of</strong> the core ingredient are not initiallypossible, the business may request a phase-inplan allowing alternative recipe components assubstitutes (i.e. cocoa beans from different origins;powder solids accounting for cocoa butter solids;certified cocoa liquor when certified butter isunavailable, etc.). In such cases, the business willbe required to develop a written plan approved bythe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> and will be required toscale up to full recipe matching, normally within18 months.For Option C the following labeling requirementsapply:Option CAs <strong>of</strong> the publication date <strong>of</strong> this document,Option C is only available for cocoa. Other categoriesmay be considered in the future.For Option C the following manufacturingrequirements apply:1. Businesses must source and deliver into thefactory 100% <strong>of</strong> the core ingredient required tomake the product, including all variations onthe ingredient components used in the recipe(i.e. recipe matching). The core ingredient mustremain physically segregated and traceable(with its corresponding <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Transaction Certificates) up to the factory entryLabeling Options for Multi-Ingredient Products Bearing the RAC <strong>Seal</strong>Option A• 100% <strong>of</strong> core ingredientsourced from certified farms.• Core ingredient identified nearthe RAC seal.Option B• At least 30% <strong>of</strong> core ingredientfrom certified farms, must bescaled up over time.• The percentage <strong>of</strong> RACcontent <strong>of</strong> the core ingredientmust be disclosed on pack.• Core ingredient identified nearthe RAC seal.For multi-ingredient products bearing the RACseal labeled under Option C rules, the core ingredientmust be identified under or near the seal,and a statement and URL must be visibly placedelsewhere on the package. For example:• We buy cocoa from <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified farms, helping protect theenvironment and farming communities.www.brand.com/rainforestalliance• Advances the production <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> Certified sustainable cocoa.www.brand.com/rainforestallianceOption C• No percentage threshold forcore ingredient in product dueto high-volume manufacturingconstraints.• Qualifying statement required.• Core ingredient identified nearthe RAC seal.The URL must direct readers to a website witha full explanation <strong>of</strong> the supply chain for theingredients sourced from <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified farms, for example, “www.brand.com/rainforestalliance.”This site must provide sufficient informationabout the business’s sourcing policy and the limitsto traceability <strong>of</strong> the ingredients from certifiedfarms so that a consumer or any interested partyis fully and clearly informed that the product maynot contain ingredients from certified farms. Forexample:We ensure that all <strong>of</strong> the cocoa we purchasefor [brand name] and have delivered to ourfactories is traceable to <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified farms. This traceability ensuresthat the farmers making the improvements toearn certification benefit from their efforts.However, given the volumes <strong>of</strong> chocolateproduced for multiple brands at our factory/ies, we are unable to guarantee traceabilitythrough the final production phase – the individualchocolate product you buy in stores.We are committed to significantly increase thevolume <strong>of</strong> cocoa we purchase from <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms, and we will incorporatemore and more <strong>of</strong> this cocoa into each<strong>of</strong> our products produced at the [companymanufacturing facility/ies].The website should also contain information aboutthe company’s commitment to sustainable agriculture,the benefits <strong>of</strong> certification to farm communitiesand the environment, and details aboutrepresentative farms. Note that all website contentrelating to <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> certification mustbe pre-approved by the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.Businesses using the RAC seal under Option Cmay not claim that their finished products “contain”certified ingredients, but instead must focusclaims on the purchasing commitment, claiming“we source” or “we buy” the certified ingredients,highlighting traceability <strong>of</strong> the certified productsinto their factories and where possible, mentioningthe impact that the sourcing policy has at origin,i.e. “supporting cocoa-growing communities inWest Africa.”22 23

Farm Products6.8 TraceabilityAll businesses requesting approval to use theRAC seal on their products must provide traceabilitydocumentation to demonstrate that theseproducts contain crops grown on <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms (or that the certified cropsare delivered to the factory in the case <strong>of</strong> OptionC for multi-ingredient products). In most cases,documentation is in the form <strong>of</strong> a TransactionCertificate/s provided by the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> oran automated system. Transaction certificates mustbe requested at least quarterly for all purchases <strong>of</strong><strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified c<strong>of</strong>fee, cocoa andtea. In other crops, a copy <strong>of</strong> other appropriatedocumentation such as invoices, contracts or bills<strong>of</strong> lading will be required to confirm traceability.6.9 Chain <strong>of</strong> CustodyBusinesses wishing to use the RAC seal mustalso comply with the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> andSustainable Agriculture Network Chain <strong>of</strong>Custody Standard and Policy. Businesses mustdocument their processes for maintaining traceability<strong>of</strong> the certified products and productseparation to confirm the percentage <strong>of</strong> certifiedcontent in their products. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>may request an audit <strong>of</strong> this documentation orother form <strong>of</strong> verification as part <strong>of</strong> the Chain<strong>of</strong> Custody requirements. See www.rainforestalliance.org/agriculture/cocfor more information.6.10 Scale-Up PlanA scale-up plan is an agreement between abusiness sourcing agricultural products and the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, used either as a scale-up planto attain the 100% sourcing threshold for a sealbearingproduct or when businesses apply OptionC to achieve full recipe matching in a multiingredientproduct. Examples <strong>of</strong> scale-up plans areincluded on pages 30-31.6.11 Sustainable Sourcing <strong>of</strong> SecondaryIngredientsThe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> encourages businesses toadopt sustainable sourcing practices for all contentor ingredients in their products, and to sourcethese from <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farmswhenever possible. Some composite products thatqualify for using the seal, because the core ingredient(such as cocoa in chocolate) is from certifiedfarms, may also contain other ingredients fromproduction systems (such as non-certified palm oilin chocolate) associated with serious environmentalimpacts. In such cases, the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>will require a risk assessment for these ingredientsbefore the use <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal is granted on theseproducts.If the level <strong>of</strong> risk is considered to be high,manufacturers must develop a sustainable sourcingplan to acquire these ingredients from certified orresponsibly managed sources when they are availablein the needed quantities, qualities and forms.See the policy online at:www.rainforest-alliance.org/agriculture/documents/sustainable_sourcing_policy.pdf.6.12 Force MajeureSituations may arise that are genuinely outside<strong>of</strong> a business’ control, and despite the business’best efforts to prevent these situations, productsbearing the RAC seal are temporarily unable tomeet the 30% minimum certified content thresholddescribed in these guidelines, or fall below thepercentage <strong>of</strong> certified content declared on pack.The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> may grant temporaryauthorization for continued use <strong>of</strong> the seal aftera full analysis <strong>of</strong> each individual case and onlyif one <strong>of</strong> the following events has occurred atthe farm or supplier at origin, or at the factory orwarehouse where the certified products are storedor manufactured:• Natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, fires,floods, or similar)• War, insurrection, explosion or other proven acts<strong>of</strong> violence• Political, governmental or regulatorycircumstancesIf such authorization is granted by the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong>, the business must immediately correctthe declared percentage <strong>of</strong> certified content onthe packaging when possible. When this is notpossible, the business must post information onits website to disclose and explain the temporaryinterruption to consumers. If the disruptionbecomes permanent, the business must stop usingthe seal or find an alternative supplier. Unlesscaused by one <strong>of</strong> the events listed above, changesin crop prices, quality, or supply shortages will notbe deemed “force majeure” situations.6.13 Qualifying StatementsBusinesses using the RAC seal can increase aproduct’s consumer appeal by educating consumersabout the environmental, social and economicbenefits <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> certification.Please use one or more <strong>of</strong> the qualifying statementson the following page for on-productpackaging and <strong>of</strong>f-product marketing materialsbearing the RAC seal. All materials that includetext about the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, including theexamples above, must receive prior approval fromthe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.Additional marketing support tools and messagingguidelines are available atwww.rainforest-alliance.org/marketingApproved Qualifying Statements for <strong>Use</strong> with the RAC <strong>Seal</strong> for Farm Products1. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified seal meansthat farmers follow more sustainable agriculturalpractices that protect forests, rivers, soilsand wildlife, while being good communityneighbors. <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> certification alsoensures that workers have just wages andimproved access to dignified living conditions,health care and education for their children. Tolearn more about the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, visitwww.rainforest-alliance.org.2. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified seal on our[product] promotes environmental responsibility,social equity and economic viability forfarm communities.3. Buying [product] with the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified seal supports a healthier planetand an improved quality <strong>of</strong> life for farmingcommunities.4. Buying products with the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified seal helps support the rights andwell-being <strong>of</strong> farm workers, the conservation <strong>of</strong>natural resources and the protection <strong>of</strong> wildlifeand the environment.5. <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified – good forpeople and the planet.6. <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> certification helps farmersmanage their land sustainably/responsibly.7. <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> certification helps protectthe environment and ensure sustainablelivelihoods.8. Farmers who earn the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified seal protect waterways, soils,forests and sensitive ecosystems, helping tomaintain a clean water supply for their familiesand nearby communities, and preservinghabitats for local wildlife.9. <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms meetstandards that improve the quality <strong>of</strong> life forfarm families, protect wildlife and waterwaysand conserve forests.10. Environmentally and socially responsiblepractices are used on <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified farms.11. <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms benefitfrom improved efficiency, reduced costsand better management practices. Workersbenefit from a cleaner, safer workplace anddecent housing. Farmers have better accessto specialty buyers, contract stability, favorablecredit options, publicity, technical assistanceand premium markets.12. <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms meetcomprehensive standards for sustainableagriculture that protect wildlands, waterways,wildlife habitat and the rights and welfare <strong>of</strong>workers, their families and communities. Tolearn more about the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, visitwww.rainforest-alliance.org.13. <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms meetrigorous environmental, social and economicstandards developed by the SustainableAgriculture Network, a coalition <strong>of</strong> grassrootsgroups that promote productive agriculturalsystems, biodiversity conservation and humandevelopment.14. [insert crop name such as c<strong>of</strong>fee or tea] from<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms is grownin ways that benefit farm families, wildlifeand the environment. To learn more aboutthe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, visit www.rainforestalliance.org.15. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> is an internationalnonpr<strong>of</strong>it organization that works to conservebiodiversity and promote the rights and welfare<strong>of</strong> workers, their families and communities.Farms that meet comprehensive standardsfor sustainability earn the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified seal. These standards help ensurethat soils, waterways and wildlife habitat areprotected and that farm workers are paidjust wages, work in safe conditions and haveimproved access to decent housing, medicalcare and schools for their children. Farmowners [or Farmers] must commit to a process<strong>of</strong> continuous improvement, and their farmsare audited each year in order to maintaintheir certification. By shopping for productsbearing the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified seal,consumers can support a healthy environmentand help to improve the quality <strong>of</strong> life for farmfamilies. To learn more about the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong>, visit www.rainforest-alliance.org.Farm Products24 25

Farm Products6.14 All <strong>Use</strong> Requires ApprovalExcept for media pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, no one under anycircumstances may copy, reproduce or otherwiseuse the RAC seal without receiving prior writtenpermission from the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.In cases where packaging or materials bearingthe RAC seal must be printed before all sourcingand traceability can be confirmed, a ConditionalApproval may be granted. Once the pendingissues are resolved, <strong>of</strong>ficial approval can begranted, but until pending issues are resolved,the materials bearing the seal must not be madepublic.All packaging and materials that use the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> name or bear the RAC sealmust be submitted for review to the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong>. Refer to Section 2 for specific designspecifications and requirements. A checklist isprovided at the end <strong>of</strong> this section summarizingthe key points <strong>of</strong> the review. Artwork that meetsthe criteria in this list is more likely to be quicklyapproved.6.15 Approval ProceduresThe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> appreciates your choiceto promote products grown on certified farms.Any business or organization wishing to market<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified products mustfirst register with the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, sign alicense agreement, and ensure that all sourcing,manufacturing and traceability requirementshave been met.Please follow these steps to gain approval to usethe seal on all packaging and marketing materialsfor agricultural products from <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms:1. Register with the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>through the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified Marketplace online atwww.rainforest-alliance.org/farmproducts,and click on “Register Here.” Registrationtakes just a few minutes and earns you a listingin our online directory. Once registered,you may access the online system at any timeby signing in with your <strong>Use</strong>r ID and password.2. Begin sourcing products or ingredientsfrom certified farms, and ensure that yourpurchasing and production meet the sourcingand manufacturing requirements outlined inthese guidelines so that your products will beeligible to bear the RAC seal.3. Sign a license agreement by clicking on“Request Artwork” online under the “<strong>Use</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Seal</strong>” tab on the “<strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> <strong>Guidelines</strong>”page. You will be prompted to supply yourbusiness’s <strong>of</strong>ficial legal name and legaljurisdiction to generate a license agreementwhich will be signed and e-mailed to youwithin five (5) business days. Please allowtime for your own legal representativeto review it. Then sign and e-mail back ascanned copy <strong>of</strong> the signed agreement and theRAC seal artwork will be e-mailed to you inEPS format. RAC seal artwork files are alsoavailable to registered businesses in JPG andGIF formats as needed.4. Confirm traceability by requesting a transactioncertificate from the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>or your supplier <strong>of</strong> the RAC products. Thisensures that the product or ingredient you’vepurchased was actually produced by a<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farm.5. Submit materials for approval online underthe “<strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Seal</strong>” tab on the “SubmissionStatus” page, click on “New Submission.”You will be asked a few questions about theproposed use <strong>of</strong> the seal and will be promptedto upload files with the layouts requiringapproval. Files can be uploaded in almost anyformat, up to 4 files and 20MB per submission.If you like, you may also submit drafttext prior to developing layouts by uploadingthem into Marketplace or e-mailing them tous. We will review these and provide you withcomments to help ensure accuracy before thetext is rendered into final artwork.6. Expect a response with approval or commentswithin five business days. You will receive ane-mail announcing your approval or advisingthat there are necessary adjustments tobring the artwork into compliance with theseguidelines. Visit Marketplace under the “<strong>Use</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Seal</strong>” tab and select “Submission Status” tosee what changes are needed, or to check thestatus <strong>of</strong> your submission at any time. Finalartwork must be submitted to receive finalapproval.7. Within 12 months <strong>of</strong> your registration date,apply for Chain <strong>of</strong> Custody certification inorder to remain eligible to continue using theRAC seal. For more information about theChain <strong>of</strong> Custody Standard and Policy, visit:www.rainforest-alliance.org/agriculture/cocNOTE: In order to provide consistent support toall registered businesses around the world, the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> requests that businesses planto allow sufficient time for the review and approval<strong>of</strong> artwork. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> makesevery effort to approve submissions that meetthe requirements outlined in this manual withinfive business days. If there is a need for edits tobring the artwork into compliance, the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> will work toward giving final approvalwithin 10 days <strong>of</strong> the first date <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> theartwork, provided that businesses are able torespond to edits and resubmit artwork within thistimeframe. For materials that are not in English,Spanish or French, please submit artwork ina format that allows the text to be copied fortranslation or provide a translation to facilitatethe review and approval <strong>of</strong> your submission.To register or submit artwork bearing the seal forreview and approval, visit the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified Marketplace online at:www.rainforest-alliance.org/farmproducts6.16 Contact InformationAll proposed uses <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal must be submittedto the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> for prior writtenapproval. Please contact us for such requests, orwith questions regarding these guidelines.For use <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal for products grown onfarms certified to SAN standards, send an e-mail to:RAC@ra.orgRecommended Sizing Ratios <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Marks Relative to Materials or PackagingIf the shortest side <strong>of</strong> material is: Minimum height is: For Example:1.01 – 2.5 inch (26-63.5mm) Min. 3/4 inch (19mm) 200ml canned c<strong>of</strong>fee2.51 – 10 inch (64mm-25.5cm) Min. 1 inch (25mm) 1 lb. c<strong>of</strong>fee bag10.1 – 18 inch (26-45.5cm) Min. 1.5 inch (38mm) print ad19 – 24 inch (46-60cm) Min. 2 inch (50mm) posterover 24 inch (over 60cm) Min. 4 inch (100mm) bannerFSC Certified Paper & PackagingAs the world’s leading nonpr<strong>of</strong>it FSC certifier<strong>of</strong> forestlands, the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>encourages use <strong>of</strong> FSC certified paper forproduct packaging and corporate and promotionalmaterials.Printers and packaging businesses holdingFSC certificates from the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>are eligible to use the RAC seal in conjunctionwith the FSC label on the materialsproduced using FSC-certified paper.There are different types <strong>of</strong> FSC labelsdepending on the content <strong>of</strong> the paper/packagingmaterial. The FSC certified businesswill apply the necessary label and claimapplicable to its product.When using the RAC seal to indicate certifiedpaper or packaging content, the FSC certifiedmaterial (e.g. Paper, Wood, Packaging)must be listed below the RAC seal as in thefollowing example. See Section 2 for detaileddesign specifications for use <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal.To learn more about sourcing FSC certifiedpaper and packaging and using these trademarks,ask your vendors or visit:rainforest-alliance.org/forestry/certificationFarm Products26 27PACKAGING

Farm ProductsPre-Approval Checklist for <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified <strong>Seal</strong>Translation Guide for <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified <strong>Seal</strong>Farm ProductsThe following checklist can assist registered businesses in developing materials that meet the rules andguidelines for use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified (RAC) seal. If artwork meets all the followingcriteria, it most likely follows the guidelines and will be approved. Completion <strong>of</strong> this checklist is not asubstitute for approval. All use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> marks requires prior written approval.The following are approved translations <strong>of</strong> commonly used terms when referring to <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified products in marketing materials.“the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified seal”General use <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal:1. Do the marketing materials promote products from <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms?2. Is the seal used in high resolution Pantone 625 green, or in black?3. Does the seal show a white outline and an interior white background around the frog?4. Is the seal at least 3/4 inch (19mm) in diameter?SpanishItalianPortugueseFrenchGermanel sello <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certifiedil marchio <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certifiedo selo <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certifiedle label <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> CertifiedIn France only: le label <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Vérifié (In France, the word « vérifié »must be used instead <strong>of</strong> « certifié » due to French law).das Siegel <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified5. Is the seal free <strong>of</strong> interference and crowding from other images or text, not confined in a box orcircle, and not altered in any way?DutchSwedishhet <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified zegel<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> sigillet6. Is there a superscript “” after the word “Certified” the first time the phrase “<strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> Certified” appears, and is the “C” capitalized in the word “Certified” in this phrase?DanishFinnishseglet <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certifiedsinetti <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified7. Is <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> correctly spelled out, not abbreviated as “RA” or simply “<strong>Rainforest</strong>?”8. Is there any text to make consumers aware <strong>of</strong> the meaning <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certifiedseal? If space is limited, is it possible to at least add the URL: www.rainforest-alliance.org?9. Do any images and text about the seal accurately reflect the standards and the meaning <strong>of</strong> thecertification? Tips and recommendations:• Include text that describes the social and environmental benefits <strong>of</strong> certification and, if spacepermits, the economic advantages as well• <strong>Use</strong> words like “comprehensive,” “holistic” and “rigorous” when referring to the standardsNorwegianJapaneseSpanishItalianPortugueseFrenchforseglingen <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certifiedレインフォレスト・アライアンス 認 証 マーク“(c<strong>of</strong>fee/tea/cocoa) from <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms”(café/té/cacao) de fincas certificadas <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>(caffè/tè/cacao) da aziende agricole certificate <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>(café/chá/cacau) de fazendas certificadas <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>(café/thé/cacao) de fermes certifiées <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>In France only: (café/thé/cacao) de fermes vérifiées <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>• <strong>Use</strong> images <strong>of</strong> forested lands, wildlife, and workers and families benefitting from certification• Consider using pre-approved qualifying statementsGermanDutchSwedish(Kaffee/Tee/Kakao) von <strong>Rainforest</strong>-<strong>Alliance</strong>-zertifizierten Farmen(k<strong>of</strong>fie/thee/cacao) van <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> gecertificeerde boerderijen(kaffe/te/kakao) från <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> certifierade odlingar• Avoid terms that can be confused with other certification programs, e.g. “organic,” “fairlytraded,” “fair wages,” “food safety” etc.DanishFinnish(kaffe/te/kakao) fra <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>-certificerede farme(kahvia/teetä/kaakaota) varmennettujen maatiloilta <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>10. If packaging contains between 30% and 90% certified content, is there text clearly stating thispercentage near the seal?NorwegianJapanese(kaffe/te/kakao) fra <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> sertifiserte gårderレインフォレスト・アライアンス 認 証 農 園 産 (コーヒー/ 茶 /カカオ)11. If product contains multiple ingredients, is the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified product a coreingredient, and is there a statement and/or text declaring which ingredient is certified?Note: The word “Certified” should be capitalized and followed by a superscript “TM” symbol whenwritten in English, but these are not needed when the word “Certified” is translated to other languages.12. Have transaction certificates or other traceability documentation for the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified product(s) or ingredient(s) been provided?28 29

Farm ProductsAppendicesAppendix A.3: SmartSource Plan ExamplesSample C<strong>of</strong>fee Scale-up PlanSAMPLE COFFEE SMARTSOURCE PLANSustainable Agriculture <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> <strong>Guidelines</strong>AppendicesSample Cocoa Scale-up Plan - Option CSAMPLE COCOA SMARTSOURCE PLAN – Option CFarm ProductsThe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> applauds and recognizes the commitment that COMPANY X has made to sourcingsustainably-produced agricultural products and to working with the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> to increase its purchases <strong>of</strong><strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified products over time.Priority will be given to existing brands bearing the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified seal, scaling these up to sourcing100% certified c<strong>of</strong>fee in the near term. Then, new brands bearing the seal will be added over a period <strong>of</strong> severalyears.To achieve that outcome, the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> and COMPANY X agree to work together according to thefollowing milestones for percentages and product launches:Company Name:Company Representative:Contact Information:SmartSource Plan Effective Date:Product Line/s or Brand/s Subject to Scale-up SmartSource Plan: Plan:Crop to be sourced from <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified farms:SmartSource Plan Description:Percentage certified by: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Brand A

Forest Products7. Labeling Requirements for<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> CertifiedForest ProductsForest-product operations certified by the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> against the ForestStewardship Council Forest Managementor Chain-<strong>of</strong>-Custody standards may use the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified seal in tandem withapplicable FSC trademarks. Rediscovered Woodcertificate holders may also use the seal but maynot use the FSC trademarks.7.1 <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> and the ForestStewardship CouncilThe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> is one <strong>of</strong> the founders <strong>of</strong>the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the mostrespected forestry standard-setter in the world.The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> is an FSC-accreditedcertifier, and has certified the most hectares <strong>of</strong>forest and the greatest number <strong>of</strong> community andindigenous operations in the world.Forest-product operations that are certified tothe rigorous, third-party standards <strong>of</strong> the FSC bythe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> may use the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong> Certified (RAC) seal with applicableFSC trademarks to label and market the productsthey produce, and to promote their commitmentto responsible forestry practices. Please refer toFSC-STD-50-001 for complete requirements onuse <strong>of</strong> the FSC trademarks.displayed with the FSC trademarks, the RAC sealshould be reproduced in accordance with FSCrequirements and specifications.All packaging and materials that bear the RACseal or name, and/or the FSC label, must besubmitted to the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> for approval.7.3 On-Product LabelingOn products certified to FSC standards, the RACseal should be placed prominently on the front<strong>of</strong> the product packaging or label, along with theFSC label. Examples <strong>of</strong> on-product use includelumber, furniture, printed materials made withFSC-certified paper such as brochures, journalsand postcards, paper composite materials andproduct packaging.For product packaging and other on-productlabeling, the RAC seal should be reproduced inaccordance with FSC trademark requirements.The RAC seal should be scaled proportionally tothe FSC label (see examples on page 34). Whenthe FSC label contains multiple languages andincreases in height, the size <strong>of</strong> the seal shouldalso be increased.7.4 Off-Product Promotional <strong>Use</strong>Businesses may use the RAC seal in conjunctionwith the FSC logo on e-mail signatures,wall plaques, annual reports, and other businessmaterials. The RAC seal must stand apart fromother logos and be accompanied by a statementthat ties it to the work <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.For example: “We sell products which are FSCcertified by the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.”Certificate holders may use the RAC seal on businesscards in conjunction with the FSC on-productmini label only when printed on FSC certifiedpaper, per FSC-STD-50-001. FSC promotionalclaims are not permitted on business cards.7.5 Approved Qualifying StatementsBusinesses using the RAC seal with an FSC markmay increase a product’s consumer appeal byeducating consumers about the environmental, socialand economic benefits <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>certification.Businesses may propose custom statements or useone or more <strong>of</strong> the approved qualifying statementslisted on page 34.All language about the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> thatis used for on-product packaging and/or promotional(<strong>of</strong>f-product) materials must be reviewedand approved in writing by a <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Trademark Agent.7.6 Approval ProceduresNo one under any circumstances may copy,reproduce or otherwise use the RAC seal withoutreceiving prior written permission from the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.Anyone who wants to use the RAC seal to market<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified forest products mustfirst register with the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, sign awritten agreement, and ensure that all sourcing,manufacturing and traceability requirements havebeen met through award <strong>of</strong> an FSC certificate.1. Certificate holder submits a draft <strong>of</strong> theartwork containing the RAC seal as instructedby their designated <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Trademark Agent.2. The draft is reviewed according to the rulesand guidelines described in this document.a. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> makes every effortto review submissions that meet these guidelineswithin 24 hours.b. If any required elements are missing orincorrect, the certificate holder is notified bythe <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Trademark Agent viae-mail (via fax or telephone if e-mail is notavailable).c. The certificate holder edits as necessaryand sends the revised material to theTrademark Agent for a second review.d. The certificate holder’s response time tothese edits will impact the turnaround time forany submissions that are not in initial compliancewith the guidelines.3. Once the material is in compliance with all<strong>of</strong> the elements required by the rules andguidelines described in this document, the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Trademark Agent sendsformal approval to the certificate holder with acopy <strong>of</strong> the approved use <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal.4. The certificate holder must retain a copy <strong>of</strong>the documented approval and approved sealuse in their files as it may be requested by a<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> auditor at some time in thefuture.7.7 Contact InformationAll proposed uses <strong>of</strong> the RAC seal must be submittedto the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> for prior writtenapproval. Please contact us for such requests, orwith questions regarding these guidelines.Contact your regional RA-Cert representative.A list <strong>of</strong> regional <strong>of</strong>fices is available online:www.rainforest-alliance.org/about/racert/contactor email trademarks@ra.orgForest Products7.2 <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified <strong>Seal</strong> with FSC TrademarksThe RAC seal may be used in conjunction withapplicable FSC trademarks on products certifiedto the FSC standards and related promotionalmaterials, or <strong>of</strong>f-product for promotion <strong>of</strong> a business’sstatus as an FSC certificate holder. WhenOff-product use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>Certified seal may accompany the FSC promotionalpanel. Examples <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>f-product materialsinclude websites, advertising, press releases,brochures, catalogues, social media, posters andsome corporate materials.3233

Forest ProductsExamples <strong>of</strong> the RAC <strong>Seal</strong> Scaled to the FSC TrademarksOn-Product LabelingFor FSC portrait trademarks, the RACseal is no taller than the height <strong>of</strong> the FSCportrait label or portrait mini label.For FSC landscape trademarks, the textwithin the RAC seal is no taller thanthe height <strong>of</strong> the FSC landscape label orlandscape mini label.FSC TrademarkLicense CodeType <strong>of</strong> FSC LabelRAINFOREST ALLIANCE TRADEMARK REVIEW CHECKLIST*For use <strong>of</strong> the FSC trademarks as outlined in FSC-STD-50-001 (V1-2)FSC ON-PRODUCT LABEL USEIs the assigned FSC Trademark License Code inserted in the FSC label?Is the appropriate label used according to the approved FSC product group claim category?Forest ProductsTrademark SymbolFSC Label SizeHas the appropriate trademark symbol ( or ®) been chosen for the label?Does the FSC label meet one <strong>of</strong> the following sizes:Landscape – 12 mm tallPortrait – 17 mm wideMini Label Portrait – 11 mm wideMini Label Landscape – 8 mm tallFSC Label Color Is the FSC label in black, white, or Pantone 626c?Clear spaceProduct TypeIs there clear space around the FSC label equal to the height <strong>of</strong> the letters ‘FSC’ in the logo?If required, is the appropriate Product Type inserted in the FSC label?Off-Product Promotional <strong>Use</strong>RAC seal is no taller than the height <strong>of</strong> theFSC panel (minus the promotional statement)Additional textFSC TrademarkLicense CodeThere are no references to or marks <strong>of</strong> other forestry certification schemes (SFI, PEFC, etc.) relating tothe certification status <strong>of</strong> the product.FSC PROMOTIONAL USENote: all use <strong>of</strong> the FSC trademarks, including the acronym “FSC”, shall be approved under promotional requirementsTrademark SymbolIs the assigned FSC Trademark License Code inserted in the FSC Promotional Panel?Has the appropriate trademark symbol ( or ®) been chosen?Examples <strong>of</strong> Approved Qualifying Statements for <strong>Use</strong> with the RAC <strong>Seal</strong> for Forest Products1. We are FSC certified by the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.2. [Product] is FSC certified by the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong>.3. FSC certification by the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> benefitsthe environment and local communities.4. FSC certification by the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>supports a healthy environment.5. FSC certification by the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>supports the growth <strong>of</strong> responsible forestrypractices.6. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> works to conservebiodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoodsby transforming land-use practices, businesspractices and consumer behavior.7. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> is an internationalnonpr<strong>of</strong>it conservation organization that certifiesforestry operations, ensuring that they meetrigorous standards for the conservation <strong>of</strong>natural resources and the rights and welfare <strong>of</strong>workers and local communities.8. The <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> pioneered the concept<strong>of</strong> responsible forestry certification in 1989and has since certified to Forest StewardshipCouncil standards more than *51 million hectares(*126 million acres) in over *65 countriesaround the world. To learn more about the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, visit www.rainforest-alliance.org.9. [insert forest product such as wood] from ForestStewardship Council forests certified by the<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> is responsibly harvested tobenefit communities, wildlife and the environment.To learn more about the <strong>Rainforest</strong><strong>Alliance</strong>, visit www.rainforest-alliance.org.10. Forest Stewardship Council certified forestoperations certified by the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>meet comprehensive standards that protect theenvironment and the rights and welfare <strong>of</strong> workers,their families and communities. To learnmore about the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, visit www.rainforest-alliance.org.* Up-to-date figures available upon request.FSC PromotionalClaimProduct PromotionIs an appropriate FSC promotional statement placed beneath the FSC Promotional Panel?(1) The Mark <strong>of</strong> Responsible Forestry, or(2) Responsible Forest ManagementNotes: Alternative wording and/or extra information require approval from FSC via <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>.Alternative layouts may be reviewed and approved by your <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Trademark Agent.If an alternative layout is used, has the appropriate trademark symbol ( or ©) been chosen?(1) Placed with the FSC logo(2) Placed after the FSC initials before the license code(3) Placed after “FSC” and/or “Forest Stewardship Council” for the first use in any textProducts promoted as FSC certified are included in the approved Product Group Schedule and meetthe eligibility requirements for FSC labeling.Products, promotional Trademark materials, review and/or checklist organization’s January activities 2012 do not appear to be endorsed byFSC.34 35SizeDoes the FSC logo (checkmark-and-tree with FSC initials) meet the minimum 10 mm heightrequirement?Will the text elements be legible once printed?Color Is the FSC Promotional Panel in black, white, or Pantone 626c?Additional textClear spaceSizeThe FSC trademarks shall not be used together with the marks <strong>of</strong> other forest certification schemes in away which implies equivalence or in a way which is disadvantageous to the FSC trademarks in terms <strong>of</strong>size or placement.The FSC trademarks shall not be used in a way that could cause confusion, misinterpretation or loss <strong>of</strong>credibility to the FSC certification scheme.Is there clear space around the FSC logo equal to the height <strong>of</strong> the letters ‘FSC’ in the logo?<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified TM (RAC) <strong>Seal</strong>Note: <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the RAC <strong>Seal</strong> requires use <strong>of</strong> the FSC logo in the same itemFor on-product use, are the RAC seal and FSC trademarks sizing guidelines followed?RAC seal can be the same height as the FSC portrait label“<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified” text within the RAC seal can be the same height as the FSClandscape labelFor promotional use, are the RAC seal and FSC trademarks sizing guidelines followed?RAC seal can be the same height as the FSC panel (minus the promotional statement)

FSC.The FSC trademarks shall not be used in a way that could cause confusion, misinterpretation or loss <strong>of</strong>credibility to the FSC certification scheme.Forest ProductsClear spaceIs there clear space around the FSC logo equal to the height <strong>of</strong> the letters ‘FSC’ in the logo?Forest ProductsSize<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified TM (RAC) <strong>Seal</strong>Note: <strong>Use</strong> <strong>of</strong> the RAC <strong>Seal</strong> requires use <strong>of</strong> the FSC logo in the same itemFor on-product use, are the RAC seal and FSC trademarks sizing guidelines followed?RAC seal can be the same height as the FSC portrait label“<strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified” text within the RAC seal can be the same height as the FSClandscape labelFor promotional use, are the RAC seal and FSC trademarks sizing guidelines followed?RAC seal can be the same height as the FSC panel (minus the promotional statement)ColorIs the RAC <strong>Seal</strong> in Pantone 625 or black?White or other colors are not permittedNo background colors are permitted to show through the sealClear SpaceIs there clear space around the RAC <strong>Seal</strong> equal to 20% <strong>of</strong> the size <strong>of</strong> the RAC <strong>Seal</strong>?*Disclaimer: This checklist covers most <strong>of</strong> the key requirements but it is necessary for certificate holders to be familiarwith and follow all applicable trademark requirements per FSC-STD-50-001 (V1-2) and this manual.*Disclaimer: This checklist covers most <strong>of</strong> the key requirements but it is necessary for certificate holders to be familiar with and follow allapplicable trademark requirements per FSC-STD-50-001 (V1-2) and the <strong>Rainforest</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong> Certified <strong>Seal</strong> Labeling <strong>Guidelines</strong>; latestpublished versions.Trademark review checklist January 201236 37

233 Broadway, 28th FloorNew York, NY 10279-2899T: +1.212.677.1900F: +1.212.677.2187www.rainforest-alliance.org

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