44 th Edition - DH Scale Modeler's Club

44 th Edition - DH Scale Modeler's Club

44 th Edition - DH Scale Modeler's Club


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<strong>DH</strong> <strong>Scale</strong><strong>44</strong><strong>th</strong><strong>Edition</strong>Jan 2011Iain Fraser and Seven Years of <strong>th</strong>e de Havilland <strong>Scale</strong> ModellersHaving completed seven years at <strong>th</strong>e helm of <strong>th</strong>e de Havilland <strong>Scale</strong> Modellers in November2010, Iain Fraser has given in to <strong>th</strong>e seven year itch and stepped down as President andGrand Poobah, in order to pursue more family activities. Bruno Campoli has agreed to stepup from Vice-President to <strong>th</strong>e exalted position. The role of Vice-President has been awardedto Phil Tunbridge. Sandy McRorie has agreed to continue as Chancellor of <strong>th</strong>e Exchequer.The newly installed executive plan on maintaining <strong>th</strong>e same agenda as <strong>th</strong>e previous regime,possibly wi<strong>th</strong> <strong>th</strong>eir own twist.On his retirement, let us cast a glance back over <strong>th</strong>e accomplishments of <strong>th</strong>e club underIain’s stewardship. It is a stellar list.The club operates under <strong>th</strong>e aegis of <strong>th</strong>e de Havilland Employees Sports <strong>Club</strong>, and has about40 members at <strong>th</strong>e Downsview site. There are also a few international members, who arepart of <strong>th</strong>e Bombardier family. The club became a chapter wi<strong>th</strong>in IPMS Canada during itsfirst year. In our <strong>th</strong>ird year IPMS Canada published an issue of Random Thoughts (Vol.30No.2) – The De Havilland <strong>Scale</strong> Modellers Chapter Special Issue – wherein all <strong>th</strong>e articleswere by members of <strong>th</strong>e club, and illustrated <strong>th</strong>e wide range of subjects <strong>th</strong>ey modelled.The club holds 10 meetings per year, September <strong>th</strong>rough June, wi<strong>th</strong> a hiatus during <strong>th</strong>eDownsview summer plant shutdown. There is also a club contest each October, wi<strong>th</strong>members vying for <strong>th</strong>e Golden Beaver Award. The list of past winners is posted below.At <strong>th</strong>e mon<strong>th</strong>ly meetings <strong>th</strong>e members have brought in several hundred models over <strong>th</strong>e pastseven years. The quality of which is very high, as evidenced by <strong>th</strong>e number of awardsacquired by <strong>th</strong>e members at model contests <strong>th</strong>roughout sou<strong>th</strong>ern Ontario and <strong>th</strong>e UnitedStates. The club sponsors external contest awards, such as <strong>th</strong>e “Best Made In Canada”category at <strong>th</strong>e Ajax <strong>Scale</strong> Model Contest, and <strong>th</strong>e Aircraft Category at Heritagecon inHamilton.Iain, along wi<strong>th</strong> Wayne Bowman, Sandy McRorie and <strong>th</strong>e legendary Derek Pennington haverun clinics to pass along <strong>th</strong>eir techniques and encourage newcomers and returningmodellers to expand <strong>th</strong>eir capabilities.Iain, on behalf on <strong>th</strong>e club, <strong>th</strong>anks for your leadership. It’s amazing what has come out of<strong>th</strong>ose coffee-break discussions.In This Issue:On The Table: November and December meetingsFrom <strong>th</strong>e Field: Ajax 30 Model Contest1

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