4 th Edition - DH Scale Modeler's Club

4 th Edition - DH Scale Modeler's Club

4 th Edition - DH Scale Modeler's Club

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<strong>DH</strong> <strong>Scale</strong>Derek’s DiaryThis is <strong>th</strong>e first of a series of articles writtenby Derek Pennington, which chronicle eventsin his long career in aviation, as <strong>th</strong>ey relate tohis modelling subjects.Italeri Martin B-57B in 72nd scale.Article and Photos by Derek Pennington4 <strong>th</strong>EDITIONFeb, 2004Time: Spring, 1950Place: Royal Air Force station Kirkham, Lancashire, England.Winter, a welcome change - just <strong>th</strong>e day to do a little "square bashing"...foot drill to you non-militarytypes. We stood in open order, ramrod straight, a bunch of cou<strong>th</strong> you<strong>th</strong>s, all of sixteen years old,undergoing our weekly drill which got us RAF Boy Entrants out of <strong>th</strong>e classrooms for a few hours,which was somewhat satisfying.Overhead, a sleek blue shape slipped effortlessly in a graceful arc. Eyes popped skyward, headssurreptitiously turned. The Flight Sergeant in charge was flicking glances upward, so emboldenedby <strong>th</strong>is, I took a pace forward, pounding my feet in <strong>th</strong>e approved manner. The" Chiefy" looked atme expectantly, to which I said, "Permission to watch <strong>th</strong>e aircraft overhead, Flight Sergeant". Hegrinned and said, "I <strong>th</strong>ought you would never ask. O.K., stand at ease, stand easy". We cranedour necks watching <strong>th</strong>e Cerulean Blue English Electric Canberra prototype, marvelling at its shape,and as we did so, it was joined by <strong>th</strong>ree o<strong>th</strong>ers so as to form "one in <strong>th</strong>e box" formation. TheEnglish Electric plant at Warton was a few miles sou<strong>th</strong>.(cont’d on page 4)QUICK TIPWhen sanding resin parts, use “wet” gradesand paper and water. This way, <strong>th</strong>e resinsanding residue, which can be toxic, is lesslikely to become airborne and end up beinginhaled.Coming EventsMar 10/04 Next Meeting of <strong>Scale</strong>Modellers Chapter)Mar 14/03 WellCoME 8 model showGuelphApr 04/04 Buffcon 21 model showBuffalo N.Y.1

On The TableDespite showing <strong>th</strong>at it had a full charge on it when I signed it out, <strong>th</strong>ebatteries in <strong>th</strong>e camera packed it in after about a dozen pictures at <strong>th</strong>elast meeting. Still, we managed to put toge<strong>th</strong>er some shots of most ofwhat was on <strong>th</strong>e table for <strong>th</strong>e February meeting, and <strong>th</strong>ere was noshortage of great subjects.Derek Pennington brought in a 1/72 CRJ <strong>th</strong>at he waswell along into <strong>th</strong>e build of. Derek related <strong>th</strong>at it was amulti-media kit by Welsh Models <strong>th</strong>at he is building aspart of a review article. It certainly looked to be shapingup into ano<strong>th</strong>er beauty.Iain Fraser, demonstrated his diverse skills bybringing in not only his traditional small scaleaircraft offering, in <strong>th</strong>is case a Revell 1/136 P6MSeamaster, but also showing us a nifty little pieceof armour in <strong>th</strong>e way of a Fujimi 1/76 KV-1Aheavy tank. A lovely little target…oh, I meantank.Lorenzo Condotta brought in <strong>th</strong>e first diorama to beseen at our club meetings. This was a combined fa<strong>th</strong>erand son effort, portraying a typical WW I scene donefor a school project. Very deservingly, <strong>th</strong>e projectreceived an A+.In keeping wi<strong>th</strong> his pre-WW II French Air Force<strong>th</strong>eme, Joe Sheppard brought in a very niceAzur 1/72 Bloch 15 fighter. This wascomplimented wi<strong>th</strong> an equally lovely 1/72Hasagawa Tanker truck.2

On The Table cont’d:Terry Cooper brought us in some interesting, if notdown right esoteric subjects for our viewing pleasure.Seen here are a couple of his beautiful 25mm figures,<strong>th</strong>e first being a British Infantryman, circa 1812, while<strong>th</strong>e second was a ra<strong>th</strong>er voluptuous “Dragonlady” wi<strong>th</strong>her pet. Terry also brought in a “1/48ish” scale Weirdofighter done in a SEA scheme.I, myself (Wayne Bowman), wanting to give everyonea break from my Seafire perils, brought in a previouslycompleted Hasagawa 1/32 FW190-A7 done in <strong>th</strong>emarkings of German ace Heinz Bar. This model tookgold in its class at <strong>th</strong>e Noreastcon competition heldhere in Toronto a few years ago.Froilan Reyes showed us his Italeri 1/24 Jeep MB,which he has in <strong>th</strong>e works. Froilan scratch built anumber of detail components for <strong>th</strong>is, including newhandles and mounting fixtures for <strong>th</strong>e hand tools. We’llbe anxiously watching to see how <strong>th</strong>is projectprogresses.In <strong>th</strong>e realm of paper media, Bruno Campoli brought in acollection of his paper/card models, including <strong>th</strong>isastonishing 1/72 La 5. The La 5 model was designed byKancho Iliev and built by Bruno as a test-build for Kancho.Equally as impressive was Bruno’s Luft 46 project in<strong>th</strong>e form of a BV 212.3. Bruno not only built <strong>th</strong>is, bu<strong>th</strong>e also did all of <strong>th</strong>e design and pattern development.Now <strong>th</strong>at’s what you call “scratch building”. Bruno alsobrought in a self-designed 1/48 Convair XF-92 Dartand a 1/60 Ho229 from Fiddlersgreen.net Thanks alsoto Lino who took <strong>th</strong>e pictures of Bruno’s work.Sandy McRorie did a “drive- by” wi<strong>th</strong> his 1/35 Valentine. Unfortunately, we didn’t get a photoof <strong>th</strong>is owing to our battery problem, but we all saw <strong>th</strong>at much progress was made on <strong>th</strong>e buildsince we last saw it at January’s meeting. It’s definitely shaping up into a real gem.3

Derek’s Diary (cont’d from page 1)It was ano<strong>th</strong>er <strong>th</strong>ree years before I was to getmy hands on a Canberra, and by <strong>th</strong>at time, <strong>th</strong>eGlenn Martin Company in Maryland had beenchosen to Americanise <strong>th</strong>e design and build it for<strong>th</strong>e US Air Force. The B-57A was to all outwardappearances, quite similar to <strong>th</strong>e B.2 version in<strong>th</strong>e RAF, but it had Wright J-65 engines(Armstrong Whitwor<strong>th</strong> Sapphires built underlicence) instead of Rolls Royce Avons. Quicklynow, what o<strong>th</strong>er aircraft used <strong>th</strong>is J-65 engine? But <strong>th</strong>e best of <strong>th</strong>e breed by far, was <strong>th</strong>e B-57Bwhich incorporated a new nose where <strong>th</strong>e crew of two sat under a one piece tandem canopy, arotating, removable bomb door, onto which <strong>th</strong>e ordnance was loaded, and rear fuselage speedbrakes, or as <strong>th</strong>e aircrew called <strong>th</strong>em, "speed boards". This model was to be built in relativelylarge numbers, 400 in all, and remained in service until at least 1981, where one was seen at <strong>th</strong>eNor<strong>th</strong> Bay, Ontario Air Show. Numbered 0-2500, she was one of <strong>th</strong>e first of <strong>th</strong>e B models builtand must have served her time in Vietnam.It was Italeri night at <strong>th</strong>e Aerobuffs, a group dedicated to building 72nd models. Each Christmasmeeting we selected a Campaign and a kit manufacturer to build to on a specific mon<strong>th</strong>. Thechoice of <strong>th</strong>is Italian Company was a popular one, as <strong>th</strong>eir kits are, in <strong>th</strong>e main, inexpensive andaccurate. I had always wanted to build <strong>th</strong>e B-57B, all gloss black, and so I dug <strong>th</strong>e kit out frommy Polystyrene Pit, and started work.Like most of <strong>th</strong>e kits from <strong>th</strong>is manufacturer, <strong>th</strong>e Canberra is good. Raised panel lines show itsage, but a gentle rub down removed <strong>th</strong>em, and as all Canberras were smoo<strong>th</strong> and beautifullybuilt, I decided not to rescribe.The parts went toge<strong>th</strong>er wi<strong>th</strong> <strong>th</strong>e minimum of fuss, <strong>th</strong>e only areas needing a mild amount ofattention being <strong>th</strong>e rear fuselage air brakes, which are too <strong>th</strong>ick if you want to close <strong>th</strong>em, <strong>th</strong>eoptional wing leading edge gun fit (ei<strong>th</strong>er .50 cals or 20mm cannons), and <strong>th</strong>e engine air intakes.O<strong>th</strong>er <strong>th</strong>an <strong>th</strong>ese items, <strong>th</strong>e kit was a pleasure to build. I had put what I believed to be sufficientweight in <strong>th</strong>e nose, but it turned out to be not enough. I drilled a hole in <strong>th</strong>e underside of <strong>th</strong>enose, poured in lead shot, and now have a model <strong>th</strong>at sounds like a maraca every time I pick itup! I couldn't resist putting <strong>th</strong>e 750lb bombs under <strong>th</strong>e wings, since <strong>th</strong>is aircraft was usedextensively in Vietnam, where it sustained a sortie loss ratio of 9.7%. Pretty hairy!At The Next Meeting…(Wed Mar. 10/04)(cont’d on page 7)‣ Jay will give ano<strong>th</strong>er try at giving a seminar onresin casting.‣ We’ll gauge interest in a club expedition to <strong>th</strong>eBuffcon model show in Buffalo in April.195 Carlingview DriveChapter members receive a 10%discount on models & accessories4

From TheEditorStudying <strong>th</strong>e “Fling” EffectSolar, nuclear, fossil fuels, <strong>th</strong>ese sources have beentapped for years to meet <strong>th</strong>e ever-increasing demand forpower in <strong>th</strong>e industrialized world. Scientists andengineers have toiled for years to develop means tobetter harvest <strong>th</strong>ese sources of energy. Amidst all of <strong>th</strong>eirefforts <strong>th</strong>ough, lurking in <strong>th</strong>e dark corners of modellingworkshops and known only to <strong>th</strong>e small community ofplastic modellers, is a new and undeveloped source ofpower, which could spell <strong>th</strong>e end to OPEC. It is ofcourse <strong>th</strong>e vast amounts of energy tightly bridled insideplastic parts, which, when released, causes <strong>th</strong>ese partsto spring off of <strong>th</strong>e workbench and fly vast distances into<strong>th</strong>e ne<strong>th</strong>er reaches of <strong>th</strong>e room (a.k.a. <strong>th</strong>e “Fling” effect).This energy release, which may well be more powerful<strong>th</strong>an <strong>th</strong>e much sought after room temperature fusion,can be traced to <strong>th</strong>e lowly styrene molecule. As wi<strong>th</strong>uranium, <strong>th</strong>ese seemingly innocuous bits of styreneneed only an external initiator to set free <strong>th</strong>e fury ofenergy held wi<strong>th</strong>in. Carefully sculpted explosives wereused as <strong>th</strong>e initiator for <strong>th</strong>e first nuclear detonations, butfor <strong>th</strong>e styrene molecule it seams <strong>th</strong>at a simple pair oftweezers or an exacto knife is all <strong>th</strong>at is needed.Surf’s upHere are some modelling relatedweb pages for your enjoyment:http://www.72scale.com/- Specializing in 1/72 aircraftmodels- Has kit reviews and anawesome gallerywww.aeronautics.ru/- Great source for all kinds ofreference material, from WW IIcockpit photos to modernarmour- great selection of period photosof German WW II armour &aircraft also(<strong>th</strong>anks to Jack Grabowski for pointing out<strong>th</strong>is site)www.acme.com/licensemaker/- make your own customizedlicence plate for your model carhttp://www.ne.jp/asahi/paperm/yasu/2art_w/e_f1_list_1.htm- source for Formula 1 papermodelsAt first glimpse, <strong>th</strong>e amount of energy released by <strong>th</strong>e styrene molecule appears to berandom, but after studying <strong>th</strong>is phenomenon for years, I have developed a number of groundrules which can be used to accurately predict <strong>th</strong>e amount of energy released:1) Energy released is equal to distance of flight, which is in turn proportional to <strong>th</strong>e timespent building <strong>th</strong>e part (i.e. <strong>th</strong>e longer it took you to build <strong>th</strong>e part, <strong>th</strong>e far<strong>th</strong>er it flies).2) Distance of flight is inversely proportional to <strong>th</strong>e size of <strong>th</strong>e styrene part (i.e. <strong>th</strong>e smaller<strong>th</strong>e part, <strong>th</strong>e fur<strong>th</strong>er it flies).3) Where <strong>th</strong>e styrene part is large enough to be easily spotted on your laminate floor, <strong>th</strong>edistance of flight formula changes, and is equal to <strong>th</strong>e distance to <strong>th</strong>e nearest deep pilecarpet, plus 12 inches.Like Einstein and Hawking before us, I am convinced <strong>th</strong>at we modellers will one day beheralded as pioneers in uncovering <strong>th</strong>e secrets of <strong>th</strong>e styrene molecule. In <strong>th</strong>e mean time, Icontinue to search for <strong>th</strong>at little, white fitting <strong>th</strong>at flew from my tweezers last week.Till next mon<strong>th</strong>… WB5

Just a minute!!Here are <strong>th</strong>e minutes from <strong>th</strong>e last meeting:‣ Chapter members now receive a 10% discount off of models and modelling accessories atAviation World.‣ Our attempts to get sponsorship information from <strong>th</strong>e Buffcon show organizers have beengenerally unsuccessful so far but we’ll keep trying.‣ Derek informed us <strong>th</strong>at we had all of <strong>th</strong>e necessary documentation toge<strong>th</strong>er for our IPMScharter application, and it should be winging it’s way to Ottawa in <strong>th</strong>e very near future.‣ We may submit a collection of photos of <strong>th</strong>e members’ models to set up as a gallery on <strong>th</strong>eIPMS Canada website. Wayne asked everyone to email him a high quality image of one of<strong>th</strong>eir completed models to include in <strong>th</strong>is collection.‣ Wayne indicated <strong>th</strong>at he was trying to organize a meeting wi<strong>th</strong> <strong>th</strong>e IPMS Toronto SteeringCommittee to discuss possible cooperative ventures for <strong>th</strong>e upcoming year.‣ Derek told us about a seminar <strong>th</strong>at Tony Bell had run for IPMS Toronto on modelphotography. He indicated <strong>th</strong>at he’d approach Tony to see if he’d be willing to give <strong>th</strong>esame presentation to our club at a future meeting.‣ Iain broached <strong>th</strong>e idea of developing a club calendar for 2005. The idea was generallyaccepted, and Iain indicated <strong>th</strong>at he’d investigate printing costs, etc. associated wi<strong>th</strong> it.‣ Wayne apologized for getting Marcel Devlieger’s surname wrong in <strong>th</strong>e last <strong>DH</strong> <strong>Scale</strong>.Seen on <strong>th</strong>e ShelfThe following are some new releases<strong>th</strong>at have been spotted on <strong>th</strong>e shelf atlocal retailersSubject <strong>Scale</strong> Manufact’rXanavi NismoGT-R (R34)1/24 TamiyaBf 109K-4 1/32 HasagawaGlenn Martin167 "Maryland"1/48 FonderieMiniatureSpad XIII 1/72 EduardCrusader Mk I 1/35 ItaleriB57 Canberra 1/144 OzmodTools and TechniquesWea<strong>th</strong>eringUse a silver pencil crayon (e.g. Prismacolour) forreplicating paint chipping. It’s very controllable,and can be wiped off wi<strong>th</strong> water if you make amistake. These pencils are available at most artsupply stores (e.g. Loomis and Toles).ScratchBuildersCornerOne of <strong>th</strong>e mostuseful tools used in scratch building, is apunch and die set. It can be used for creatingprecision hole patterns for parts likeinstrument panels, and <strong>th</strong>e resultantdiscs/blanks can be used to replicate accesspanels, knobs, dials, etc.6

Slide ShowsGotta love <strong>th</strong>ose fine de Havilland productsThanks to Bill Buckley for putting toge<strong>th</strong>er<strong>th</strong>e slide show <strong>th</strong>at we presented at <strong>th</strong>elast meeting. The photos were taken byBill during his visit to <strong>th</strong>e EvergreenAviation museum in McMinnville Oregon.Thanks also to Mike Marino for <strong>th</strong>eimpromptu Formula 1 slide show, whichhe ran during <strong>th</strong>e later parts of <strong>th</strong>emeeting.Jacques Villenueve at 2003 F1 Grand Prix of ItalyCongratulations to Terry Cooper, winnerof <strong>th</strong>e February meeting’s prize draw.Terry walked away wi<strong>th</strong> a Bombardiertravel mug and $20 gift certificate forHornet Hobbies. (We’d also like to stress<strong>th</strong>at it’s purely coincidental <strong>th</strong>at <strong>th</strong>e <strong>Club</strong>Treasurer won <strong>th</strong>e draw…….really!!!!)Derek’s Diary (cont’d from page 4)Tamiya Gloss Enamel was used to paint <strong>th</strong>emodel. Wi<strong>th</strong> a gloss yellow rudder, yellow speedbird motif on <strong>th</strong>e tip tanks and red lettering,numbers and striping it all makes for a strikinglooking model. I wasn't too happy wi<strong>th</strong> Glossfinish; <strong>th</strong>e paint was ra<strong>th</strong>er old and had started tolump up. Moral of <strong>th</strong>e story is to strain <strong>th</strong>e paint<strong>th</strong>rough some form of filter or use a new bottleeach time.The Cartograph decals wi<strong>th</strong> <strong>th</strong>e kit are goodal<strong>th</strong>ough <strong>th</strong>ey need industrial streng<strong>th</strong> solvents tomake <strong>th</strong>em conform. There are o<strong>th</strong>er decaloptions available from Micro <strong>Scale</strong> and itsderivative, but none of <strong>th</strong>em suited my purpose. Ihave a War Eagle, nee Falcon, 48<strong>th</strong> Canberravacuform and it figures large in my modellingfuture.... <strong>th</strong>at is after <strong>th</strong>e Wyvern, Meteor 8, SeaVixen, Privateer conversion, and a LockheedVentura from Bill Koster. So many models, solittle time. Al<strong>th</strong>ough being retired, <strong>th</strong>ere really isno excuse.The Canberra, in British, French, German and USservice was modified extensively, so <strong>th</strong>at <strong>th</strong>eairframe carried all manner of weird lumps,bumps, appendages, and warts. It could result ina fascinating collection of aircraft. My favouritestory is <strong>th</strong>e one where Dutch F-16s attempted tointercept a Canberra P.R. 9, and as <strong>th</strong>ey closed in,saw <strong>th</strong>eir prey climb easily away from <strong>th</strong>em. Wi<strong>th</strong><strong>th</strong>e F-16s at max altitude, and on <strong>th</strong>e edge ofcompressibility stall, <strong>th</strong>ey had <strong>th</strong>e Canberra turnand intercept <strong>th</strong>em, even <strong>th</strong>ough <strong>th</strong>e airframe waslimited to only 2Gs!References:- If your interest is only on <strong>th</strong>e B-57 inservice, <strong>th</strong>en by far <strong>th</strong>e best reference is "B-57Canberra at War- 1964 to 1972", by Robert C.Mikesh, published in 1980 by Ian Allan. Theau<strong>th</strong>or flew over 2,000 hrs in <strong>th</strong>e beast, and knowsof what he speaks. There are many o<strong>th</strong>erreferences to <strong>th</strong>e Canberra, which would fill apage by <strong>th</strong>em selves.<strong>DH</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> is a mon<strong>th</strong>ly newsletter produced by <strong>th</strong>e de Havilland Employees Sports <strong>Club</strong>, <strong>Scale</strong>Modellers Chapter. For any questions please call: Wayne @ X3008 or email atwbowman@dehavilland.ca7

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